Hura Brasiliensis

General Symptoms

Objective. General emaciation (thirty-fourth day). Considerable emaciation (fifty-fifth day). Nervous excitement, impatience, at 12.30 P.M. (sixth day). Starting at the least thing (thirty-fifth day). The least thing disturbs her; she starts at the noise of moving a chair (twenty-third to twenty-eighth days). Starting when in bed (twenty-ninth day). During the faintness, nervous spasms, convulsions, cramps in the calves and toes (sixteenth day). So much weariness that she cannot walk; especially in the left leg (third day). She is afraid of falling down, whenever she walks (thirty- first day). Restlessness in bed (thirteenth day). Subjective. Comfortable feeling in the morning, on getting up (twenty- ninth day). Lazy feeling; general weariness (thirty-seventh day). General sensation of weariness (first day). Feeling of weariness, painful prostration, on waking (third day). Sensation as if she were falling to the ground (twenty-ninth day). Feels as if she were falling into a ditch (eighteenth day). Sensation, while falling asleep, as if she were hanging three feet from the ground (eighteenth day). She feels as if suspended in the heavens (twenty-ninth day). The painful spot feels as if dogs had bitten it (thirty- first day). Internal trembling (fifth and twentieth days).


Objective. Nervous contraction of the skin of the forehead (thirty- third day). Eruptions, Dry. Large pimples, measuring about four lines, and much swollen like mosquito bites, itching very much, and becoming raw as soon as touched; in the evening (thirty-first and thirty third days). Red blotch, with itching, on the right forearm, at 6.30 A.M. (sixth day). Red spot, like a fleabite, on the back of the left hand, at 8.15 A.M. (sixth day). Appearance of a small red circle, with a small deep- red pimple in the middle, followed by excoriation (eleventh day). Pimple on the forehead (nineteenth day). Pimple on the left side of the forehead, at noon (eighth day). Large pimples on the legs, like mosquito bites (thirty- fourth and thirty-fifth days). Large pimples on the legs around the root of each hair (thirty-first day). Small pimples on the forehead (second day). Small pimples on the face, at 6 A.M. (twelfth day). Small pimples on the left cheek, above the nose, and near the lower lip; they are red, with a small white point in the middle; at 12.30 P. M. (first day). Small pimples on the chin, itching a good deal, at 8 P.M. (twelfth day). Small pimples on the back, with itching (twelfth day). Small pimple, causing a smart itching on the inside of the right elbow (second day). Small pimples on the right knee, causing a feeling as from a tetter, with very painful itching when touched; these pimples discharge a little fluid on pressure. Itching on the tibiae (twenty-ninth day). Red pimples on the sides of the hips, with smarting (fifteenth day). Bright-red pimple, itching a good deal, on the middle of the left cheek, and another on the left side of the neck (third day). Large red pimples on the shoulders, with stinging when touched (thirteenth day). Large red pimple on the right shoulder, at 10.30 P.M. (fifth day). Small red pimples on the right cheek-bone, with smarting on the right cheek; the eruption made its appearance at 7 A.M. (ninth day). Red itching pimples on the shoulders (fourteenth day). Pimples painful to touch on the left cheek and eyebrows (thirty-fourth day). Miliary eruption on the face, at 9.30 P.M. (ninth day). Miliary eruption on the joints (first day). Miliary eruption on the shoulders, with itching, in the evening (ninth day). Clusters of miliary pimples on the back, arms, legs, and chest (first day). Clusters of small miliary pimples at the bend of the elbow, with redness around them after scratching; they are not vesicular like the previous ones; they also break out on the instep (thirteenth day). The pimples increase as the temperature rises, and leave large red blotches around the loins and above the hips (thirty- seventh day). Eruptions, Moist. Considerable eruption of small vesicular pimples all over, with red blotches, as if the skin had been rubbed (thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth days). Red vesicular pimples, the vesicles break on pressure, and water spurts out with great force (ninth day). Small miliary vesicles on the right cheek-bone, middle of the forehead, and left cheek (fourth day). There are fewer pimples on the arm, and the small pimples remaining contain a little water, which spurts out on pressure (twentieth day). Small pimple on the right wrist, red at the base, and containing water (seventh day). Small vesicular pimples on the lower lip, itching a good deal (sixth day). Small vesicular pimples, with itching, on the ribs, the arms, and all the projecting of the bones (fourth day). In the morning the pimples on the arms and hands have nearly disappeared, and there is only a little itching on the sternum (fifth day). Red vesicular pimples o n the back (twelfth day). Small vesicular pimple on the right wrist (seventh day). Small vesicular pimple on the back of the left hand, lasting four hours; at 2 o’clock (fourth day). A cluster of pimples on the wrist, on the outer and lower surface of the radius; they are vesicular (like those he had on his return from Brazil), (nineteenth day). Subjective. Sensation as from an incipient tetter over the supinator radii longus (fifth day). Burning sensation in the right index finger, with a red spot extending from the nail to the second phalanx; numbness, almost amounting to insensibility (third day). Smarting sensation in the beard, as if there were a pimple at each hair; at 9 o’clock (tenth day). Sensation of burning smarting, like an incipient tetter, in the beard on the left side of the chin; at 7.30 P.M. (fifth day). Pricking and formication on the soles of the feet, at 10.30 P.M. (fifth day). Formication in the soles of the feet, at 1 P.M. (sixth day). Itching on the forehead (second day). Itching at the edges of the left eyelids (sixth day). Itching of the right lower eyelid, as if a pimple would appear (seventh day). Itching in the beard, with small pimples forming a scab under the chin (twelfth day). Itching of the right flank and left calf (second day). Itching over the ribs and sternum, on the biceps, and posterior portion of right arm (after one hour).

Itching on the back, legs, and arms at 10.30 P.M. (fifth day). Itching under the arms, on the legs, and on the external portion of the tibiae (first day). Itching of the right arm, at the lower and inner portion of the humerus, caused by a small pimple which is forming (first day). Itching on the left arm, with small vesicular pimples (twelfth day). Itching at night on the anterior surface of the tibia, with smarting sensation as from a tetter (eleventh day). Slight itching of the chin, at 2 P.M. under the lower lip, changing to an acute pain when rubbed, and lasting all day (seventeenth day). Much itching at the right external malleolus (sixth day). Great itching of the index finger; the whole left arm is painful, especially the wrist (thirteenth day). Sleep disturbed by a violent itching caused by little pimples on the shoulders (twenty-fourth day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Yawns all the evening (thirty-fifth day). Constant yawning (thirty-seventh day). Drowsiness (ninth day); at noon and 2 P.M. (sixth day); at 8.30 P.M. (tenth day); Drowsiness; heaviness of the head (twenty- first day). Drowsiness, with nausea (twentieth day). Great drowsiness, at 1 P.M. (thirty- ninth day); at 2 P.M. (seventeenth day). Long quiet sleep (nineteenth day). In spite of the pains, he slept quite well during the fifteenth night. Sleeplessness. Restless sleep (sixth day); (eleventh day); (twenty-fourth day). Sleep restless and broken (twenty-seventh day). Sleep somewhat restless (twenty- sixth day). Restless night (twenty-second and twenty-eighth days); (thirty-first day). Restless night; starting during sleep (thirtieth day). Restless night, with frequent waking (third day). Restless night; great heat, with sweat all night (twenty- third day). Nocturnal restlessness; dreams about a sea- voyage (thirteenth day). Frequent waking at night (eighteenth day). Sleep at night disturbed by frequent waking, and feverish agitation (third day). He wakes earlier than usual (eighteenth day). Since the first day she wakes earlier than before; her sleep used to be heavy, and she could not open her eyes; but now she opens them easily and her thoughts come to her at once (fourth day). Sleeplessness (twenty-second day). Entire sleeplessness (eighth and twenty-ninth days). No sleep all night (eighth day). Sleepless at night, with drowsiness in the daytime (fourth day). Dreams. Pleasant dream about making purchases (seventeenth day). Dreams about a feast; about houses being built (first day). Dreams about travelling and pleasure parties (thirty-ninth day). Dreams about swimming in a river whose waters were warm and dark-green; then of being on a plantation in Brazil where some men were drawing up water from a yellow-looking marsh (second day). Dream about children and the release of prisoners (nineteenth day). Lascivious dream, with emission (twenty-second day). Dream about work; business operations on a large scale (twenty-third day). Sleep rather restless; dreams about work, and wild beasts devouring butcher’s meat in a public market (twenty-eighth day). Dream about a revolution, with gunshots, and the demolition of a public building; he walked among the ruins (twenty-ninth day). Dream about a churchyard; she placed tapers on the tombs (fifth day). She dreams about death and burial (first day). Dreams about corpses, assassins, putrid oxen, and yellow water (fortieth day). Dream about mutilated bodies, corpses with their arms cut off (eighteenth day). Restless night; dreams about crimes, dead bodies, and children lying with their heads half cut off, while others were being decapitated (twenty- first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.