Hura Brasiliensis


External. A sort of painful glandular swelling behind the masseter muscle below the right ear (seventeenth day). Pain behind and in the right ear (thirteenth day). Slight pain at first above the left ear, then passing into the left orbit (second day). Very acute pain behind the ears (twentieth day). Pain as from pressing hard on a sore place behind the right ear, and under the neck, at the larynx; pain when moving the head (fourth day). Internal. Pain in the right ear (tenth day). Sensation of stoppage in the ears; afterwards, as if air- bubbles were getting into the left ear; for two or three seconds (seventeenth day). Hearing. Whizzing in the ears (sixth day). Loud whizzing in the left ear (ninth day). Whistling in the ears, especially the right (first day). Whistling in the right ear (at 9 A.M)., (thirteenth day).


Objective. Redness on the left side of the nose (thirteenth day). Redness of the wing of the nose (fifth day). Sneezing and blowing the nose, as in incipient coryza (third day). Sneezing, and frequent blowing of the nose, as in incipient coryza, followed by involuntary discharge from the nose of a lemon- colored mucus, with tickling (second day). A succession of sneezes for two days (thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth days). Coryza (thirty-ninth day). Epistaxis in the morning (nineteenth day); when lying down (thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth days); at 7 A.M. (fifth day); at 8 and 10.30 A.M. (twelfth day); at 10 P.M. (eighth day). Constant or very frequent epistaxis, especially in the morning (fortieth day). Copious epistaxis from both nostrils (thirty-eighth day). Subjective. Dry nose, so that he cannot blow it, with itching of the inside, at 9.45 P.M. (second day). Constriction of the root of the nose (seventh and thirteenth days). Constriction at the root of the nose for a moment (fourth day). Throbbing at the root of the nose (seventh day). Smell. The sense of smell is very acute; he even smells persons at a distance (sixteenth day). The epistaxis is preceded by a smell of blood (thirty-eighth day).


Objective. He looks weary, as after a debauch, though he has slept well (first day). Weary-looking face, with rings around eyes (second day). Face dull and dark-looking, with paleness, and generally mottled with red (thirty-ninth day). Face scarlet and bloated on awaking (fifth day). Redness and heat rising to the face; the redness is mostly on the cheeks and forehead (sixth day). Red face, with little pimples between the skin and flesh (thirty-eighth day). She turns red, and her chest feels oppressed (twenty-third to twenty-eighth day). Blue spots on the face; at the beginning of the proving it became red, now it is sometimes pale (thirty-first day). Livid complexion at noon (fourth day). Paleness, cold hands and feet, with weakness all over while the pains last (twenty-eighth day). Pale, sickly face; rings around the eyes (fifty-fifth day). Pale face, with rings around the eyes, and redness of the margins of the eyelids (fifteenth day). Pale face, sunken eyes, with redness around the lids (nineteenth day). Sensation as if the skin of the face was extremely tense (thirty-eighth day). Short lancinations all over the face, with constriction of the head, beginning at the temples (fourth day). Throbbing in the whole left side of the face as far as the eye (thirtieth day). Cheeks. The left cheek is very red (fifth day). Large red spot on the lower part of the left cheek at noon (first day). Blue cheeks (fourth day). Swelling of the whole right cheek, without toothache (third day). Small swellings on the upper part of the right cheek, as high as the temples, like those she had on the face on her return from Brazil (at which time also a very extensive crusty herpes broke out in the same way), (fifth day). Pain in the left cheek and gums (tenth day). The cheeks are burning, from 1 to 4 P.M). eleventh day). Burning in the left cheek; heaviness of the eyes; lancinating pain in the ears (first day). The cheek seems about to swell (thirtieth day). Pain in one-half the jaw, and in the ear, followed by pricking in the ear (fifth day). Sensation as if a bar ran through the jaws, from ear to ear, with constriction of the head (seventh day). Lancination in the whole jaw (sixth day); at 7 A.M. (thirteenth day). Sensation behind the masseter muscle, as from a recent blow on the parotid gland; the spot becomes sensitive to touch, and there is a small swelling extending under the zygoma; at 8 P.M. (fifth day). Red lips (fifty-fifth day). Small pimples on the inside of the lower lip (fifth day). Pain under the lower lip, with swelling on the left side, having a large red pimple in the middle, at 6.30 o’clock (eighteenth day).


Teeth. Toothache on the left side (first and thirteenth days). Pain in the left teeth, felt also in the eyes, at 4 P.M. (sixth day). Slight lancinations in the two last, left, lower molars, at 11.30 A. M. (first day). The teeth and gums are painful on clenching the jaws; the pain extends to the nose (first day). The teeth are painful when chewing (seventh day). Swelling of the outside of the left lower gums of the large molars, with toothache on this side (twenty-ninth day). Gums. Pimple on right lower part (gum) of the lower jaw (sixth day). Numbness of the gums (ninth day). Pain in the gums (twentieth day); at 10 A.M. (fifteenth day); at 11 A.M. (twelfth day). Pains in the gums and right cheek, at noon (eleventh day). Pain in the gums corresponding to the left eye, with heat in the face, at 4.15 P.M. (first day). Pain in the gums, passing to the left eye, at 4.30 p. M. (nineteenth day). Pain in the gums of the left side (second and thirteenth days); at 10 P.M. (fourteenth day). Pain in the left gums, felt in the root of the nose (thirteenth day). Sharp pain in the left gums; the whole left side of the head numb (ninth day). Nervous pain shifting from the eye to the gums, with throbbing in the left temple (seventeenth day). Lancination in the gums, at 2.30 P.M. (first day). Lancination in the gums and left eye, at 11 A.M. (seventh day). Lancinations in the gums, painfully felt in the whole head (ninth day). Lancinations in the gums, with great heat in the face (seventh day). Lancinations in the gums on the right side (second day). Lancination in the left gums (sixth and seventeenth days); at 6.30 A. M. (thirteenth day). Lancination in the left gums, passing to the right ear, at 8 A.M. (sixth day). Pain in the left gums, passing to the eye and behind the ear (ninth day). Lancination in the left lower gums; soon after, in the upper (ninth day). Lancination in the left lower gums; constriction of the nose, felt also in the jaw (seventh day). Tongue. Tongue white, at 6 A.M. (second day). White spots on the tongue (first day). Pain in the tongue; small pimples on its left side (first day). Pain in the tip of the tongue, at 2 P.M. (fourteenth day). Contraction of the papillae of the tongue, immediately (first day). Pinching at the right side of the tongue (first day). Pricking on the left side of the tongue, causing a good deal of water to accumulate in her mouth, at 9.15 A.M. (fourth day). Throbbing on the left side of the tip of the tongue (seventh day). General Mouth. Fleshy excrescences on the inside of the lips (sixth day). Dry mouth in the morning (second day). Sense of warmth and scalding in mouth and throat. Taste. Clammy mouth, in the morning (eighteenth day); on waking (first day). Clammy mouth every morning, with sputa looking like milk- chocolate, and of a foul smell (twenty-ninth day). Clammy taste in mouth, with great drowsiness, in the morning, on waking (first day). Clammy mouth, at 6 A.M. (eleventh day). Coppery taste in the mouth (thirty-ninth day). Taste of blood in mouth during an embrace (thirty-fourth day). Taste of blood in the throat (first and eighteenth days); before breakfast (sixth and ninth days). Taste of blood in the throat (eighteenth day). Very decided taste of blood in mouth and throat, with scraping or tearing sensation when drawing breath (thirtieth day). Smoky taste of the water at breakfast (second day).


In the morning, spitting of blood, which seems to come from the bottom of the throat (twenty-ninth day). Constrictive sensation in the upper part of the throat (fifteenth day). Short- lasting oppression of the throat, as high up as the tonsils (twenty-third day). Irritation of the throat, with dryness, compelling him to cough (fifteenth day). She swallows her saliva (tenth day). External Throat. Deep redness and almost complete anaesthesia of the sides of the neck, over the sternocleidomastoid muscles; he stick pins into the part, and feels no pain until an hour after (third day). Marked feeling of heaviness extending from the parietal bone to the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid into the upper part of the sternum; the heaviness at times is felt on the forehead, with heat, at 2.30 P.M. (seventh day).


Appetite. Much appetite for the last two or three days (thirty- sixth day). Hunger, two hours after a full meal (thirty-eighth day). Hunger sometimes immediately after a meal (fourth day). Hunger, with pain in the stomach, at 11 A.M. (fourth day). Great hunger, which is satisfied immediately on eating (sixth day). Violent sensation of hunger, with tensive and pressive pain in the stomach; when lying down, the pain extends to the umbilical region; the pain continues during a walk, with pressure after eating, and painful sensation of hunger, without any real appetite (thirty-ninth day). Diminished appetite (third day). Has some appetite, but eats little (seventeenth day). Little appetite (tenth day). Hiccough. Hiccough, four hours after eating (twenty-third day). Nausea. Nausea, at 2 P.M. (first day). Nausea while riding in a carriage, though before breakfast (twenty-sixth day). Slight nausea (twenty-seventh day). Qualmishness after eating, at 1 P.M. (twentieth day). Sense of loathing, with nausea (fifteenth day). Desire to vomit; qualmishness (first day). Slight inclination to vomit, at 11 A.M. (second day). Stomach. Bad digestion; the stomach does not feel relieved even by night-time (twenty-ninth day). Difficult digestion after breakfast; she becomes pale in the afternoon (twenty-third to twenty-eighth days). Gastric disorder; breakfast seems very hard of digestion; yet he has a good appetite (since the twenty-fourth day), (thirtieth day). Disordered stomach from the noon meal till 4 P.M. (thirty- fifth day). He cannot remain long standing, without feeling a certain uneasiness in the stomach, which rises to the chest, with oppression (twenty-third day). Burning at the stomach (first day). Tightness of the stomach, in the evening (thirty-eighth day). Stomachache, oppression, sighing (sixth day). Stomachache, as from hunger (sixth day). Has a stomachache, as if quite hungry, at 10 A. m. usually she is not hungry until noon (fourth day). Stomachache, as from hunger, though she is not hungry; she has to alleviate her pain by eating (tenth day). Pressive pain in the stomach, before and after eating, at noon (thirty-ninth day). Compression at the epigastrium; she felt much troubled, as if some great misfortune was impending, at 2 P.M. (tenth day). Oppression of the stomach, at 8.30 P.M. (third day). Oppression and disorder of the stomach, when standing (fifteenth day). Oppression, with stomachache, as from hunger, at 8.30 P.M. (sixth day). Very sharp pain in the stomach, with constant hunger (thirty- ninth day). Colic in the stomach (sixth day). Beating in the pit of the stomach, felt all through the chest (ninth day). Colic (thirteenth day); at 3.30 P.M. (sixth day). Colic, with diarrhoea (eighth and thirteenth days); since the eighteenth day (twenty-second day). Colic, with diarrhoea and internal trembling, at 6 A.M. (sixth and seventh days). Colic; inclination to yawn (seventh day). Colic, with shivering, at 5.15 P.M. (fifth day). Colic and cold sweat, at 8.30 P.M. (twelfth day). Colic, with cold feet (fourth day). Slight colic and nausea; at 3 P.M. (tenth day). Very severe colic, with diarrhoea and shivering, at 7 A.M. (sixth day). Frightful colic, every morning, with diarrhoea, and pains in the middle of the back (twenty-third to twenty-eighth days). Twisting colic (third day); at 12.30 A.M. (third day). Twisting colic, with persistent diarrhoea, five times in the day (twenty-first day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Throbbing in the left side of the abdomen (ninth day). Pain in the groin; compressed feeling as during parturition (second day). Twisting sensation in the groin (thirty-fourth and thirty- fifth days). Twisting pain in the left side, or lancinating pain as from cuts with a bistoury all around the pelvis, with very painful shooting; the pain extorts cries, and darts very quickly; at 9 A.M. (eighth day). Painful stitch in the ileo-caecal region, recurring several times on movement, or when walking (twenty-seventh day). Bruised pain, at intervals, in the iliac bones (twentieth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.