
Ginseng homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names. Ginseng; (Chinese) Schinseng.


Panax quinquefolium, L.; (Aralia quinquefolia, Gray). American and Chinese species probably identical.

Natural order: Araliaceae. Preparation, Trituration and tincture of the root.


Emotional. Mood quiet and contented, with good courage (after two hours). Anxiety after dinner (first day). Mind generally calm; still there are impatient impulses and fear of accidents, with, at times, disposition to weep, or to be anxious about the future. Intellectual. Not inclined to thought or business (eleventh day. Difficulty in thinking. Forgetfulness. Memory weak; things that have just taken place are forgotten (eleventh day).


Confusion and Vertigo. Head confused, the whole day (first day). Confusion and heaviness of the head. Confusion of the head, especially in the frontal region, followed by sensations of vertigo, sleepiness, and heaviness in the upper lids, so that the eyes almost close, soon. Confusion in the forehead (second day). Vertigo soon (second day). Confusion in the forehead (second day). Vertigo soon (second day). Vertigo on going down winding stairs, so that he was obliged to go quite slowly (second day). Vertigo and obnubilation. Decided vertigo like reeling, with indistinct vision (first day). Transient vertigo, on going into the open air (second day). Dizziness at time (after three hours). Dizziness of the head, with unsteadiness in walking, which seems to start from the hips, so that the thighs seem to him to be pushed outwards (first day). Dizziness in the forehead, soon. Dizzy sensation in the head, with pains in the nape of the necks, and very large pupils (eleventh day). While standing, the ground seems to waver at times (after two hours). General Head. Reeling sensation in the occiput with gray spots before the eyes (eleventh day). Heaviness of the head (second day), (seventh day). Head heavy and dizzy (eleventh day). Heavy painful head, after dinner. Constant heaviness in the head and pressure in the forehead, rhythmical with the pulse, and at the same time the chest seems to have a tremulous motion rhythmical with the pulse (eleventh day). Heat of the head. Fullness of the head, after dinner (first day). The head seems at times enlarged and to sway to one side (third day). Pressure deep in the brain, changing about (seventh day). Pressure in the longitudinal sinuses (first day). Painfulness of the head. Forehead. Heaviness and pressure in the forehead (soon). Constant heaviness and pressure in the forehead (first day). Painful sensation in the forehead, with drawing transversely through it (after fifteen minutes). Drawing in the right side of the frontal bone (eleventh day). Pressure in the forehead (seventh and eleventh days). Pressure in the forehead, with heat (eleventh day). Pressure and drawing alternating in the forehead, right forearm, toes, tibiae, and calves (third day). Pressure in the left frontal eminence, soon. Pressive pains at times in the forehead (first day). Lancinating pain in the forehead. Lancinating pain in the right frontal eminence, extending above the orbit, with heaviness of the eyelid. Temples. Pressure in the temples (after one hour). Pressure in the right temple; in the left temple a feeling as though it were too thick (after one hour). Constant pressure in the temples and pulsation in them on exertion (first day). Pressive pain in the temples. Vertex. Pressure on the vertex (second day). Sides. Headache on the right side. Occiput. Sensation in the occiput as if the head were swaying towards one side, twice while sitting (eleventh day). Drawing in the occiput so that he involuntarily bends the head backward, in the forenoon, on exerting the mind (second day). Pressure in the occiput, with a sensation of impending vertigo (third day). Pressure as if in the sinuses of the cerebellum (first day). Sudden blow upon the occiput, followed by a severe bruised pain.


A bright light wearies the eye. Pressure on the eyes, from without inwards. Sticking in the eyes, with lachrymation, redness of the conjunctiva of the bulb, and inclination to close the eyes (seventh day). Sticking deep in the upper half of the eyes, followed by pressure, also repeated in the evening by the light (first day). Lids. Drooping of the upper lids, especially the right. Extreme difficulty in opening the lids, they are heavy and painful. Heaviness in the eyes, so that the lids almost close, with confusion of the forehead, soon. Distressing burning and biting in the margins of the lids of both eyes (after one hour). Sensation of constriction in the left upper eyelids (first day). Biting and itching in the lids (second day). Itching of the lids. Drawing stitches from the forehead to the inner canthus of the right eye (second day). Ball. Unpleasant sensation of coldness on the surface of the eyeball (seventh day). Pupil. Pupils large (first day). Pupils small (seventh day). Pupils contracted (after one hour). Pupils very much contracted, with a decided sensitiveness of the eyes to daylight in dim weather (fifth day). Pupils alternately large and small, but frequently enlarged (first day). Vision. Vision indistinct (eleventh day). At times objects were not clearly seen, though distinct. Day-light blinds the eyes (first day). He mistakes the words when reading, the letters run into one another. On looking, steadily at an object, it appears double. On going into the open air objects swim before the eyes, with unsteady gait, frequently (eleventh day). Large white spots before the eyes (third day). Somewhat irregular large white spots before the eyes (eleventh day). Small black points float before the vision (first day). Black tremulous points float before the eyes, he sees nothing distinctly, can scarcely read, all the letters run together (second day).


Objectives. Frequent sneezing (third day). Much sneezing (seventh and eleventh days). Nasal mucus thick, scanty, in the evening (eleventh day); thin and copious (twelfth day). Some bleeding from the right nostril (third day). Blowing of two teaspoonfuls of bright-red blood from the left nostril, at 9 A.M. (first day). Subjective. Nose dry (eleventh day). Nose dry and sensitive to the ordinary air, lasting several hours (first day). Nose dry and sensitive to the ordinary air of the room (seventh day). Nose constantly dry, with very free passage of air (first day). Nose very dry, with much sneezing (fifth day). Nose quite dry, inspiration not impeded (after two hours).


Face alternately red and pale. Cheeks. Pressure in the zygomata (eleventh day). Lips. Lips red and dry;they crack and bleed, particularly the lower. The lips are thick, rough and very dry, completely covered with small dry, rough scales (first day). Lips rough (after one hour). Lips dry, cracked, and rough (after two hours). The extremely distressing dryness of the lips, which are rough, of the mouth and fauces, is aggravated by the open air and by talking; at the same time there is a very scraping sore sensation in the fauces, aggravated by empty swallowing and by drawing the air in through the nose, which is dry (seventh day). China Drawing in the left side of the lower jaw (seventh day ). Drawing in the ascending ramus of the lower jaw, zygomata, and upper jaw of the right side (seventh day).


Tongue. The tongue becomes red and smarting, with thirst; then white in the middle. Tongue white, Completely dry, with large glistening papillae (first day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth and lips, with scraping and sore sensation in the fauces, worse in the open air, both relieved at dinner, but returning again (after three hours, third day). Dryness of the whole mouth, especially of the tongue, arch of the palate, whole fauces, with stale odor from the mouth (after two hours and a quarter). The whole mouth and throat rapidly became dry; the lips and teeth were very dry; all the parts stuck together; no collection of saliva was possible (eleventh day). All parts of the mouth stick together on account of dryness, so that he can speak only with difficulty (first day). The whole mouth, teeth, lips, tongue, and fauces are alike dry and rough, as if covered with sand, in the open air, or on a little physical exercise; with somewhat more rapid breathing (after three hours). Lips, mouth, and fauces very dry, voice rough, scraping in the throat; a little talking decidedly aggravated all these symptoms (seventh day). Constant, complete dryness of the whole mouth, lips and throat, as far as low down into the pharynx, with a feeling as though the lips were swollen, complete absence of saliva and a nauseous odor from the mouth (first day). Bread and butter could be swallowed only with difficulty on account of dryness in the mouth, and it remained stuck in the back part of the throat; with increased beating of the heart. A swallow of water moistens the mouth for only a moment, the dryness immediately returns (eleventh day). Dryness of the mouth alternates with increased flow of saliva (first and third days). At first dryness in the mouth, especially in the arch of the palate and tongue, followed by flow of saliva for an hour. The troubles in the mouth and throat are aggravated in the free open air and from talking, relieved at dinner (fifth day). The dryness of the mouth is relieved by eating, but returns less than usual an hour after. Dry sensation in the palate, together with much accumulation of saliva, which is swallowed without difficulty (after one hour). Dryness of the arch of the palate (after one minutes). Saliva. Accumulation of much saliva and some nausea (seventh day). Saliva scanty (after one hour). The saliva repeatedly had an almost grass green color, but later became clear without odor (second day). (* In this respect I was not deceived; my nasal mucus is never green; could it be that the color had come from blood that had been swallowed? I did not observe it subsequently. *) Taste. Taste of the root very nauseous, with much accumulation of saliva, eructations, and aversion (first day). Speech. Speech very difficult and indistinct, on account of the troublesome affection of the mouth (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.