Hura Brasiliensis

Hura Brasiliensis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common name: (Brazilian), Assacu (name given to the milky juice of the tree).


Hura Brasiliensis, Willd. Natural order: Euphorbiaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the milky juice.


Emotional. Much excited and oppressed, as if by some great misfortune (seventh day). Nervous laughter, which makes her shudder, at 7 A.M. (sixth day). Every paroxysm of pain excites a nervous laugh, with moaning like those of a sick child (thirty- first day). She weeps every little while, and especially for two days past, fancies she sees the dead person before her eyes (forty- fifth day). Causeless weeping, followed by nervous laughter (nineteenth day). The affections are very active (fifteenth day). During and after the fainting spell, disposed to love everybody, especially those about him; he often thinks of death, but does not fear it; he even feels as though he could die without regret. He reproaches himself for all his bad actions, even the merest trifles (sixteenth day). Great cheerfulness, with inclination to laugh, followed by chills in the head and legs, at 8 A.M. (seventh day). Sadness; inclination to weep, at 7 P.M. (eighth day). Sadness, melancholy; she thinks despondently of the future (nineteenth day). Sad thoughts; vexation (twenty-eighth day). Flow of sad thoughts; she fancies she is about to lose a dear friend (forty-fifth day). Depression; wants to do nothing; nothing pleases her (first day). Dejection; indolence (second day). Hypochondria, sadness, despair; he fancies he is repudiated and deserted by his relations; at 11 A.M. (eleventh day). She fancies she is left alone in the world and is lost (nineteenth day). Feelings much affected, and she sighs a good deal; at 9.30 A.M. (first day). Inclination to weep (twenty- eighth day). Inclination to weep; chest constricted, as from emotion, at 7.30 A.M. the tearful mood continues, the least thing disturbs her and makes her sad; she starts when a door is opened suddenly; at 8.30 A.M. (ninth day). Unusual inclination to weep, even when singing, followed by a suffocative feeling, at 9.30 A.M.; she weeps (ninth day). Great inclination to weep, at 10.30 P.M. (third day). Anxiety; sometimes she is taken with weeping in the streets (thirty-eighth day). Anxiety about his salvation, during the nervous attack (sixteenth day). Irritable; the least thing puts him out (thirty-fifth day). Irritated by the least opposition (first day). Since taking the drug, the least thing irritates her, and then she feels oppressed, with desire to weep; she reddens and sighs a good deal, several times a day (third day). Impatience; she wants to break everything (nineteenth day). Impatience, anger; she bites her hands, and gets into a passion because her ideas come too slowly (fifty-eighth day). Sulky, perverse disposition (thirty- seventh day). Listlessness; she does everything mechanically (fourth day). In general she is careless of the future; ennui and weeping; thinks about death without fearing it (thirty-first day). Intellectual. Indisposed for work (thirty-seventh day). Absence of mind (thirty-seventh day). Absence of mind when at work (nineteenth day). Great absence of mind; he makes many blunders; mistakes one month for another, as, e. q. g., July for September; for several successive days (thirty-ninth day). He twice takes the wrong street (thirty-ninth day).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head in front (seventeenth day). The head is still a little confused above the eyebrows (eighteenth day). Dizziness; (second day); (thirty-eighth day). Dizziness; waves before the eyes; the sight becomes dim when writing; at 2 P.M. (twenty-third day). General Head. Rush of blood to the head (eighth day). Rush of blood to the head; she turns very red (twentieth day). Dulness of the head in the morning on rising (tenth day). Heaviness of the head (first day); (twenty-second day). Heaviness in the whole head (ninth day). Heaviness of the head, with weight in the orbits, at 8.15 A.M. (sixth day). Heavy head; the least motion is felt in the eyes and over the orbits (seventh day). Heavy head; considerable epistaxis on rising (thirteenth day). Head heavy and confused, with weakness of the legs (tenth day). Numbness of the head (fifth day). Torpid feeling in the head, with numbness of the upper gums and the muscles of the eye (tenth day). Heat of the head (twenty-seventh day). Horrid pain in the whole head and face, beginning at the vertex (fifth day). Headache (fifteenth day), (thirty-eighth day). Headache when walking (twentieth day). Partial headaches (thirty-second day). Pressive pain in the skull (eighth day). Pain in the head, as from a weight on the skull, and extending to the mastoid processes (fifteenth day). Lancinating pain in the head (nineteenth day). Painful lancinations all through the head, extending to the left ear, and teeth, and then shifting to the upper part of the orbit (sixth day). Forehead. Redness of the forehead (fourth day). The skin of the forehead is exceedingly tense (nineteenth day). Frontal headache at 9.30 P.M. (first day), (twenty-third day). The least thing hurts her, causing horrible pains in the forehead and temples, and under the chin (twentieth day). Nervous pain passing quickly from the orbits to the forehead, and disappearing at once (fourth day). Very severe headache, as if a ring was revolving quickly over the forehead (thirty-eighth day). Pressure on the forehead (twenty-fifth day). Pressive sensation on the forehead, with coldness and moisture of the hands and feet (twenty-third day). Slight pressive pain on the forehead and vertex (twenty- sixth day). Sense of oppression in the forehead (seventeenth day). Weight in the forehead (twenty-seventh day). Headache, slight beating on the forehead, most of the night; the headache continues, with a heaviness on the forehead, in the morning (eleventh day); all day (thirteenth day). Temples. Severe pressure on the left temple (sixth day). Lancinations in the temples (second day). Throbbing in the right temple (seventeenth day). Throbbing in the left temple (twenty-first day). Violent throbbing at the left temple (ninth day). Vertex. Headache, as from a nail in the vertex, with violent toothache, and swelling of the gums, at 2 o’clock, after a walk; throbbing in the whole left side of the face as far as the eye (thirtieth day). Lancinating pain at the top of the head (second day). Parietals. She feels as if one-half her head was swollen (fifty- eighth day). Violent headache on the left side (thirty-second day). Violent headache in whole left parietal region (thirty- second day). Pain as if the head were compressed above the ears, with numbness of the jaw (ninth day). Lancination in the left side of the head, extending to the eye, the temples, above the ear, and into the lower jaw (sixth day). Painful sensitiveness of the whole right half of the head, especially when touched (fifty-eighth day). Throbbing in the left side of the head at 3 P.M. (twenty- first day). Pains in the head, like a beating, in the sides and vertex; felt also in the mastoid processes, and extending into the sternomastoid muscles (fifteenth day). Hemicrania; pains all through the head (twentieth day). Occiput. Constriction of the back of the head (fifth and twentieth days). Pain behind the head and in the neck, extending to the left gums (fourteenth day). Headache, from the occiput to the vertex, with throbbing and sharp pains (fifteenth day). External Head. Stiffness in the trapezius muscle, about its attachment to the occiput (fourth day). Itching and small scabby pimples on the scalp (twelfth day). Itching of the scalp, especially behind the ears and mastoid process, as from a tetter (eleventh day).


Objective. Eyes red, with weak sight; he reads with difficulty (thirteen day). Red eyes, with rings around them; face pale, wan, and yellow (twenty-third day). Sclerotica red and inflamed, and the capillaries injected (twenty-third day). Sclerotica reddened, with rings around eyes, red eyelids, and red face (fifteenth day). The eyes are swollen and look smaller (thirty-fourth day). Swollen eyes, with rings around them (thirteenth day). Inflammation of the right eye (thirty-ninth day). Subjective. Eyes fatigued; sight weak (fourteenth day). The eyes feel tired, with pressure on the upper orbits (fifteenth day). Sensation as of dust in the left eye at 3 P.M. (seventh day). Sensation as from dust or foreign bodies in the eye (thirteenth day). Sensation as of sand in the left eye at 10 P.M. (second day). Feeling as of bread crumbs in the eyes (fifteenth day). Bloated feeling in the eyes (nineteenth day). Sensation of weight on the eyes, as if they were very tired (seventh day). Heaviness of the eyes, with drowsiness, at 12.45 P.M. (ninth day). Pricking in the eyes (nineteenth day). Pricking sensation in the eyes all day, with redness and smarting on the very borders of the lids (thirteenth day). Pricking in the right eye (second day). Pricking in the left eye, as from dust (tenth day). Pricking in the left eye, with intolerable itching and nervous excitement, which extends to the heart, but is very transient (ninth day). The right eye is more sensitive than the left (thirteenth day). Brow and Orbit. Heaviness over the eyes and in the head (seventh day). Pricking around the eyes, especially the right eye (first day). The headache extends to the eyebrows and eyes (twenty-third day). Pain over the orbits and in the forehead at 3 P.M. (nineteenth day). Pain over the right orbit (seventeenth day). Pain in the orbits, as from a violent headache, or from looking too long at one thing (second day). Pressure on the orbits, as from a violent headache (first day). Weight on the orbits, as from great drowsiness, at 11 A.M. (sixth and seventh days). Weight on the left orbit (seventeenth day). Throbbing in the right orbit, afterwards in both sides, at 8.30 P.M. (seventh day). Throbbing over the right orbit, and sometimes the left, at 4 P.M. (eighth day). Nervous throbbing over the left orbit (nineteenth day). Lids. Red eyelids (thirty-seventh day). The upper and lower eyelids are inflamed and bluish (first day). Swelling of the lower eyelids at noon (thirteenth day). Involuntary closing of the eyelids (twentieth day). Nervous twitching of the left lower eyelid (forty- third day). Sensation as if small pimples were beginning to form on the inside of the eyelids (first day). Heaviness of the upper lids (twenty-third day). Heaviness of the eyes; he cannot read long (nineteenth day). Very severe pain near the inner canthus of the left eye (thirteenth day). Burning sensation at the inner canthus of the right eye at 9.30 P.M. (tenth day). Sensation on closing the eyes as if the lids were cold (fifteenth day). Pricking in the borders of the eyelids in the daytime (second day). Pricking, as from dust, on the border of the right lower eyelid (fifth day). Nervous beating in the eyelids (first day). Itching of the edges of the eyelids (sixteenth day). Itching of the left eyelids at 9 P.M. (fourth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Inflammation of the puncta lachrymalis (tenth day). Inflammation of the left punctum lachrymale (eleventh day). Smarting and itching of the left punctum lachrymale and lower lid at 10 P.M. (sixth day). Vision. Dimness of vision, with pricking in the eyelids (fifty-fifth day). Blindness (from touching the eye with the milk). Weariness and weakness of sight (twelfth day). Sparks and zigzags before the eyes when walking or sitting (twenty-third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.