Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Extremities in General

Heaviness in the limbs. Uneasiness in the limbs, at night, with trembling of them. Sick in all the limbs, as if he were getting a cold. A painful tension in the limbs, at night, which does not permit sleep. Drawing pain in the limbs, with paralytic sensation, especially in the thighs and legs. Drawing pain in the joints of the shoulders, hips, and especially the knees. Stitches in the joints, during rest and motion. Crawling pains in the limbs, which bend him quite up, mostly while walking and standing.

Superior Extremities

Some jerkings here and there in the left arm. Great weariness in both arms. The arm upon which he is leaning at night falls asleep. Bruised pain in both arms. Shoulder. The glands in the axillae suppurate. The shoulders pain on raising the arms. Drawing pain in the shoulders. Pain as of a weight upon the shoulders. Pain as from a sprain, in the shoulder. Fine tearings in the left shoulder. Arm. Drawing pain in the left upper arm.

Bruised pain in the bone of the upper arm. Elbow. Exceedingly violent pain in the bends of the elbows, on stretching out the arms. Pressive pain or feeling as if bruised in the tip of the elbow, only on moving, after violent walking, disappearing in the open air. Forearm. Painful drawing in the flexor tendons of the forearm. Drawing tearing in the extensor muscles of the forearms and fingers. Boring, pressive, sore pain on the inner side of the forearm and across the back of the hand, after midnight, aggravated by touch; less during the day. Bruised pain in a small spot on the forearm. Wrist. The wrist is painful. Hand. Swelling of the right hand. Unsteadiness of the hands and trembling of them when writing. Heat, redness, and swelling of one hand, with intolerable bruised pain extending up into the arm on moving it. Frequent burning in the hands. Fingers. Swelling of the fingers of both hands, with stiffness, when lying down. Swelling of all the fingers, with tension on moving them. Swelling of the finger-joints, with gouty pains. The fingers are easily put out of joint; they crack if pressed against when the hand is outspread. Stitches in one finger, as from needles. Crawling in the tips of the fingers.

Inferior Extremities

Great weariness in the legs, especially on ascending. Uneasiness in the legs at times, so that he cannot hold them still. Uneasiness in the lower limbs, so that she must move them back and forth, during the day while at rest. Cramp like pain in all the muscles of the leg, while walking, so that walking farther is immediately impossible. Hip. Pain in the hip-joint, while walking in the open air. Pain in the hip-joints, as if sprained, when walking in the open air. Tearing in the left hip (on undressing). Thigh. The nates and posterior portion of the thighs are painful on sitting. Sudden weary pain in the thigh, while walking, so that he is unable to walk farther. Cramp in the thigh, at night, extending to the foot. Cramp in the muscles of the thighs and pelvis if the thigh is drawn up. Tearing pain in the right thigh (immediately). Tearing in the thigh, while sitting, with a numb crawling sensation in it, almost as if asleep. Tearing pain in the thighs and legs, as from excessive weariness, even when at rest. Bruised pain transversely through the center of the thigh. Bruised pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs. Knee. Swelling of the knee. Trembling of the knees, with anxiety, heat over the whole body and burning in the soles, on walking in the open air. Tension in the hollow of the right knee, which makes walking difficult (first day). Cramp in the knee. Pain in the knee, as if broken. Pressive pain in the hollow of the knee, during motion. Sticking pain frequently during the day, in the right knee. Tearing in the outer side of the knee-joint, even when at rest, as after great exertion and weariness. Bruised pain in the knee. Leg. Uneasiness in the legs, he is obliged to keep them stretched out. The left leg falls asleep in the morning, in bed, with heaviness like lead. Tension on the back of the legs and in the hollows of the knees (seventh day). Cramp in the calves. Cramp in the calves, in the morning, in bed. Cramp in the calves, only on bending the knees. A cramp like drawing pain in the leg beneath the right knee, when walking. Tearing in the tibiae or in the malleoli, at night. Tearing in the tendo Achillis, while lying in bed; while walking, a stitch in it. Ankle. Cracking in the ankle. Feeling of stiffness in the ankle, with a sensation of numbness and deadness in it. Pain as if broken, in the right ankle, when walking. Pain as from a sprain, by paroxysms, in the ankle, when walking, so that for a moment he is unable to walk farther. Pain in the ankle as if suppurating. Feet. Swelling of the feet, about the malleolus, with difficult breathing. Chilblains on the feet which break out with so great sensitiveness after being healed that she cannot wear the shoe. Burning pain in the feet, especially on the backs, in the morning, in bed. Burning in the soles of the feet, in the morning, in bed; she must uncover them. Drawing, burning pain in the feet, extending to the malleoli, in the evening, in bed. Cramp in the feet. Cramp between the great toe and the heel. Cramp in the soles of the feet and in the toes. A hard pressure as from a small stone, on the heel, while walking. Stitches on the instep. Itching, violent stitches on the backs of the feet, at the base of the toes. Needle like stitches in both heels. Tearing pains in the feet, at night. Tearing and drawing in the soles of the feet. Pain as after a blow or bruise, causing loud cries, in the evening, after an uneasy sleep and turning in bed, on the outer side of the foot, upon which he had lain; the pain is only relieved by touching and stroking with the finger, not on motion. (* The last clause is corrected by Hering *) The soles of the feet are acutely sensitive to walking over uneven stones. Toes. Sharp stitches in the fleshy part of the right little toe. A violent stitch extending into the great toe. Piercing stitches in the hard places on the little toe. Tearing in the great toe, worse when walking than when standing. The nail of the great toe is excessively painful, almost suppurating, on slight pressure. A corn hitherto painless begins to burn and stick on slight pressure.

General Symptoms

Objective. Emaciation, with chilliness in the back, redness of the cheeks, sleeplessness, larynx very much affected, with a hoarse, weak voice, anxiety, apprehension, and extreme irritability, as in hectic fever. Inflammation of affected parts. Much stretching, every day. He remains longer than usual in bed in the morning, weary and slumbering. Weariness, in the morning, in bed, uneasiness of the legs and stoppage of the nose. Very weary and heavy in the body, in the morning on rising after a good sleep. Very weary and heavy in the morning after waking, so that she could scarcely rise from bed. Great weariness and palpitation, in the morning on waking. Weakness and a bruised feeling in all the limbs. Weakness, in the morning after rising from bed, so that she could scarcely stand upright, persisting with sleepiness the whole day. Weakness, on walking in the open air, after a meal, with stretching of the limbs as before a paroxysm of ague; on walking farther a cold sweat, and in the evening, in bed, a feeling of heat that only permits him to sleep about 2 o’clock. Great weakness in the evening, with exhaustion and palpitation. Great weakness after a meal. Extreme weakness, was unable to stand on his feet without being held up; could not turn in bed. General exhaustion (eighteenth day). Sudden great faintness towards evening, with slight pain. Uneasy tossing about at night, was unable to sleep (first day). Subjective. Extreme sensitiveness and irritability of the nerves in various parts of the body, as for example, in the septum of the nose. Great nervous irritability, every physical or mental impression excites the nervous system to a kind of inward trembling. Sensitiveness to the open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea. Great sensitiveness of the skin to touch and to the slightest cold (eighteenth day). Great heaviness of the body; he does not know what is the matter. Even slight wetting of the body caused painful throbbing here and there. Increase of the pains during the nightly fever, especially during the chill.


Objective. Yellow skin and yellow color of the face. Attack of jaundice, with blood-red urine and yellow whites of the eyes.

Unhealthy, suppurating skin; even slight injuries maturate and suppurate. Cracking of the skin and smarting of the hands and feet. Soreness in the fold between the scrotum and thigh.

Soreness and moisture in the fold between the scrotum and thigh.

Moist soreness, with smarting-biting pain in the fold between the scrotum and thigh. Eruptions Dry. Papulous eruption of the size of a pea here and there Red, itching elevation on the upper part of the left nates. Eruption in the corner of the mouth, with feeling of heat. A pimple above the anus, with a feeling as if the anus were swollen. Many pimples on the side of the forehead, which feel worse in the room and speedily become better in the open air. Many small, painless pimples in the nape of the neck and on both sides of the throat. Eruption of pimples upon the upper lids and beneath the eyes. Eruption of pimples, like hives, on the chin and also above and below the lips and on the throat, which are only sore when touched, but otherwise not at all. Papulous eruptions, like hives, upon the scalp and nape of the neck, which are painfully sore on touch, but not otherwise. Itching pimples on the chin (second day). Itching pimples about the knee. Violently itching pimple, larger than a pea, on the top of the left shoulder and beneath the left patella. A large scurfy eruption, without sensation, beneath the left corner of the mouth. Scabby eruption on the hands. Fine miliary eruption on the hands and wrists, with itching. Nettle- rash eruption on the face. Small vesicles, as from nettles, for example, on the wrist. Eruptions, Moist. Vesicles and ulcers on the right side of the chin, towards the lower lip, with a burning sensation. A corroding vesicle, without sensation, on the last phalanx of the thumb; only when pressed upon there is sticking in it. A red itching spot beneath the lower lip, which soon becomes covered with many yellow blisters, which change to a scurf. Erysipelas on the leg (which is diseased). Eruptions, Pustular. Two pimples, with pus at the tips and acute sore pain, externally on the sternum. Violent-itching pustule on the left elbow (second day). Two boils on the nates. The warts become inflamed, with sticking in them, as though they would suppurate. An ulcer in the corner of the mouth (cured by Belladonna). Ulcer similar to a chancre, externally on the prepuce. Sour-smelling matter from an ulcer. Bleeding of an ulcer, even on slight wiping. Subjective. Burning and throbbing in an ulcer at night. Violent stitches in an ulcer when laughing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.