Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Smell extremely sensitive. Loss of smell.


Objective. Yellow color of the face and skin. The color of the face is yellow, with blue margins about the eyes. Great paleness of the face, if she becomes heated on moving about. Subjective.

Heat of the face, night and morning, on waking, at 7 P.M. Pain in the bones of the face, when touched. Cheeks. Redness of the cheeks, perceptible and visible the whole day, without thirst or shivering, lasting several days. Cheeks fiery red, in the morning. Cheeks fiery red, burning, in the evening. Swelling of the left cheek, for two days. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks, in the morning. Twitching and trembling of the left side of the upper lip. Lips. Great swelling of the upper lip, which is very painful to touch, but otherwise only tense; for three days. Lips cracked, with pimples in the red of the lower lip, with burning pain. Cracking of the lower lip in the middle. Smarting painful pimple in the red of the upper lip. Pain in the lips. Tension in the middle of the upper lip.


Teeth. Looseness of the teeth. Looseness of a hollow tooth, with pain when biting upon it. All his teeth feel loose, and the gums tender (after seven days). A hollow tooth is too long and painful. Toothache. Toothache, especially when eating. Toothache in all the teeth, immediately after drinking cold things, or opening the mouth. Drawing toothache in the evening, in a hollow tooth, as if too much blood pressed upon the nerves. Drawing toothache in a tooth which begins to be loose, worse in a warm room better in the open air, and only aggravated by biting the teeth together, which causes a jerking in a tooth, in the evening. Stitches in the teeth. Jerking toothache, extending into the ear. Gums. Inflammation and swelling of the gums, on the inner side of the front teeth. Swelling of the gums of the back teeth, with a pressing outward pain as if a new tooth would come through, worse when touched and when biting upon it. An ulcer on the gum. The gum bleeds easily. Jerking in the gum. Tongue. Burning pain in the tip of the tongue, which even wakes him at night. The tip of the tongue is very sensitive as if sore. General Mouth. Offensive odor from the mouth, as from a disordered stomach, which he himself notices. Foulness and taste of bad eggs in the mouth. White aphthous pustules on the inside of the lips and cheeks and on the tongue. Dryness of the mouth. Mouth painful to touch, aggravated by drink. Saliva. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Much mucus in the mouth. Drivelling from the right side of the mouth. Taste. Doughy taste in the mouth, in the morning (fifth day). Bitter taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, and also of the food. Bitter, slimy taste, in the morning. Bitterness in the back of the throat, with natural taste of the food. Earthy taste in the throat, with natural taste of the food. Metallic taste in the mouth. Sourish, metallic taste. Loss of taste.


Objective. Much mucus in the throat, causing hoarseness, for several days (second day). Much hawking of mucus from the throat, in the evening, after eating. What she hawks up is mixed with blood. Subjective. Constant sensation as though water rose up into the throat, after eating sour things. A feeling in the throat as of a plug of mucus or an internal swelling at the entrance of the throat, in the morning. Fear of constriction of the throat. Violent pressure in the throat, so that she believed that it was quite constricted, and she must suffocate, towards evening. Sticking pain and dryness in the throat, every morning, for a few hours. Sticking in the throat, on turning the head, extending into the ear. Sticking in the throat as from a splinter, on swallowing, and extending towards the ear on yawn- ing. Sticking in the throat, extending to the ear, on turning the head. Sticking in the throat, on deep breathing. Stitches in the throat and pain in the head, as if everything would come out at the forehead, during the cough. Sore throat, as if raw, painful on swallowing saliva (eighteenth day). Scraping in the throat, for three days. Scraping and roughness in the throat, as if caused by burnt lard, in the morning. Scraping in the throat, which is constantly so full of water that she is obliged to expectorate. Smarting, rawness, and scraping in the throat, worse when swallowing solid food. Tickling in the throat and suffocative cough. Feeling as of a plug in the pharynx (second day). Swallowing. Swallowing food very difficult, causing great exertion, without pain in the throat. A feeling in the throat when swallowing as if he had to swallow over a swelling. Pain in the throat, on swallowing, as from an internal swelling, with bruised pain in the muscles of the external throat. External Throat. Pinching near the right side of the thyroid cartilage. Some fine stitches in the throat, externally and behind the ears, like fleabites.


Appetite. Unusual hunger, in the forenoon. Appetite for only sour, highly flavored, pungent articles. Appetite for something at times, and when he gets it he does and like it. No appetite (eighteenth day). No appetite, with feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. Aversion to food. Disgust for everything, especially for fat. Thirst. Thirst; she, however, does not dare to drink much, because it distends her abdomen. More thirst than hunger. Unusual thirst from morning till evening. Great desire for vinegar. Excessive longing for wine, which could only for a short time be relieved by diluted wine. No thirst (eighteenth day). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations after eating, with uprisings of sourish fluid into the mouth. Eructations, with burning in the throat. Eructations and burning in the chest (first day). Frequent eructations without odor or taste. Frequent eructations tasting of the food. Constant empty eructations, with distension of the abdomen and stomach, during mental exertion. Hot eructations after eating. Hiccough. Hiccough, after eating. Heartburn (second day). Heartburn and eructations, as from an overloaded stomach, as from too fat meat (sixth day). Water brash, with flowing of watery saliva from the mouth; recurring on the next day at the same hour. Nausea and Vomiting. Qualmishness, with flowing of saliva from the mouth. Qualmish nausea. Nausea, frequently during the day. Nausea in frequent momentary attack. Nausea, in the morning, for several mornings, with qualmishness, while sitting and standing; passing off when lying. Nausea, in the morning, not amounting to vomiting, but like a foreboding of faintness. Nausea and vomiting, at night. Constant inclination to vomit, aggravated by every movement of the body. Vomiting, every morning. Spasmodic vomiting. Sour vomiting, in the afternoon. Vomiting of mucus, mixed with clotted blood. Vomiting of bile, in the morning, after long violent retching. Vomiting of mucus and bile; the slightest drink caused retching and vomiting. Green vomiting of acrid water and tenacious mucus, with constant nausea. (* With S. 701.-HUGHES. *) Stomach. Distension in the stomach, as from flatulence, with icy-cold hands. All the symptoms of gastric enteritis, lasting for more than a week. Uneasiness, heaviness, and a feeling of acidity in the pit of the stomach, during digestion. The stomach is painful when walking, as if it hung loose. Burning in the stomach, during the cough. Constant sensation of heartburn. Tension across the pit of the stomach; he is obliged to loosen his clothes, and then cannot tolerate sitting. Dull pain in the pit of the stomach, on blowing the nose. Drawing pain in the epigastric region and in the back. Pressure in the stomach, as if lead were lying in it. Pressure in the stomach, after eating a little. Hard pressure in the pit of the stomach, which rises up from the abdomen, and is only relieved by the emission of flatulence. Internal pressure in the pit of the stomach, every morning on waking. Gnawing in the stomach, as from acids, which also rises up into the throat.


Hypochondria. Painful rush of blood to both hypochondria; it hurts on every step. A feeling of congestion in both hypochondria, on every step when walking. Distension in the left hypochondrium, as from flatulence. Pressure in the right hypochondrium like a stone, for a quarter of an hour, with cramps in the stomach (third day). Cramp like pressure in the right hypochondrium, with nausea, followed by urging to stool without result (fourth day). Sticking in the right hypochondrium, in the morning (first day). Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen just beneath the ribs.

Sticking in the hepatic region, when walking. Sticking in the spleen, when walking. Umbilical. Clawing in the umbilical region, extending from both sides of the abdomen towards the middle, and sometimes up to the pit of the stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of the cheeks, by paroxysms; almost like the effects of taking cold, or the preliminaries of menstruation. Twisting sensation above the umbilicus. Sore pain above the navel. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, after the stool. Distension, with painful sensitiveness of the abdomen, worse when walking than when sitting (second day). Head distension of the abdomen, for three hours after dinner (third day). Abdomen distended, tense. Abdomen distended, thick, without flatulence. Fermentation in the abdomen above the umbilicus, with eructations of hot air. Noisy movements of flatulence in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Emission of flatulence at night. Emission of flatulence every morning, with an unpleasant sensation like a kind of colic about the abdomen, especially in the sides. Feeling of emptiness in the intestines. Feeling of heat in the abdomen, after eating. Tension of the abdomen the whole day. A spasmodic pinching tension in the abdomen, several times daily. Pain like a constriction in the abdomen, before eating. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Cramps in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen, with a soft stool, in the morning, for several mornings. Griping colic, as from taking cold. An unpleasant though quiet aching, almost as from a bruise in the abdomen, in the morning on waking, lasting for some time after rising, together with a similar pain in the forehead. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the upper abdomen, and at the same time across the small of the back (immediately). Pressure in the abdomen beneath the pit of the stomach, with a feeling as if everything in the abdomen were hard like a stone. Violent pressure, almost sticking, in the left side of the abdomen, when riding in a wagon. Pressure pain in the abdomen, near the hips and about them for fourteen days.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.