Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Cutting pains in the abdomen. Cutting colic, without diarrhoea, for several days, towards evening. Sticking pain in the abdomen. Colic; sticking, cutting, and griping here and there in the abdomen, as from flatulence, many hours after mealtime, more acute on every pulsation. Periodic colic, during the fever. Bruised pain in the intestines, when walking (after eighteen hours). Smarting pain in the left side of the abdomen. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Fullness in the lower abdomen, immediately after eating. Smarting aching in the lower abdomen. Suppuration of the inguinal glands, buboes. The inguinal glands become painful, especially when touched, with a feeling as though they were swollen.

Rectum and Anus

Protrusion of the hemorrhoids from the rectum. Rumbling in the rectum. Crawling in the rectum, as from threadworms. Burning in the anus. Feeling of soreness in the anus and discharge of moisture after the stool. Urging to stool very often, without being able to accomplish anything, with many eructations.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea and colic, with inclination to lie down, hot hands and cheeks. Diarrhoea of bloody mucus, with rumbling, as if behind in the back, without colic. Diarrhoea like stools three times, with a qualmish sensation in the abdomen, and rumbling in it. Slight diarrhoea-like stools twice a day, preceded by some griping, followed by flatulence before the stool, and some flatulence also afterwards. Frequent stools, even at night, though only very little is passed with pressure; tenesmus and weakness. Stool, every half hour, of a dark brownish liquid, with yellow lumps of greenish bloody mucus, of a very penetrating odor like bad eggs, preceded by violent colicky, cutting, and tearing pains in the whole abdomen, especially in the umbilical region, extending deep into the pelvis; these became worse before every stool; the stools were accompanied by rumbling and exceedingly urgent desire, so that they frequently passed in bed; tenesmus with the stools, but not afterwards. Thin stools, becoming more frequent during the night. Stool soft, yet passed with great exertion. Greenish stool. Clay-colored stool. Passage of blood with the stool. Blood from the rectum, with a soft stool. Constipation. Inactivity of the rectum; the stool is hard and unsatisfactory, with swelling of the anus. Urging to stool, but the large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action, and cannot expel the faeces, which are not hard; only a portion of which can be forced out by the aid of the abdominal muscles.

Very difficult passage of scanty, not hard, faeces, with much urging. Stool, consisting of hard pieces mixed with yellow moisture, after great exertion.

Urinary Organs

Urethra. The meatus urinarius is red and inflamed. Discharge of prostatic fluid at times during the stool. Burning of the urine during micturition. Cutting in the female urethra, during micturition. Several stitches in the urethra. Acute sore pain in the urethra, during micturition. Micturition. Frequent desire to urinate. Violent urging to urinate, in the morning on waking, with, however, difficult slow passage of the urine. Much micturition (after four days). Micturition impeded; he is obliged to wait a while before the urine passes, and then it flows slowly, for many days. He is never able to finish urinating; it seems as though some urine always remains behind in the bladder.

Weakness of the bladder; the urine drops vertically down, and he is obliged to wait awhile before any passes. Urine. Urine dark, scanty. Urine brownish-red. Urine blood-red. Urine dark yellow, burning during the discharge. Emission of much pale urine, with pressure on the bladder. A shimmering film upon the urine.

Peculiar fat upon the urine. Acrid, burning urine, making the inner surface of the prepuce sore and ulcerated. The last drops of the urine are bloody. The urine is acrid and bites the pudenda during its discharge. Urine milky, turbid, even while passing, with a white sediment. Emission of pale clear urine, which on standing becomes turbid and thick, and deposits a white sediment.

Sexual Organs

Male. Excitement of the genitals, even to emission of semen, without amorous fancies or desire for women. He frequently awoke at night, with erections and desire to urinate. Painful erections during caresses, with feeling of soreness and pinching pain in the whole penis, extending from the bladder. Genitals weakened, the testicles relaxed, the penis of unnatural hardness. Sticking pain in the prepuce. Itching of the glans penis. Itching in the region of the frenum praeputii. Diminished sexual desire. Female. Discharge of blood from the uterus, almost immediately, and again after ten or twelve days, following the distension of the abdomen. Great soreness on the pudenda and between the thighs. Much itching on the pudenda, during menstruation. Menstruation delayed for ten days, and the discharge diminished.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Pressure beneath the larynx, immediately after supper, as if something were sticking in the throat. She awoke about midnight with tickling in the larynx, which provoked cough and expectoration. Voice. Weakness of the organs of speech and of the chest, so that she cannot speak aloud. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, day and night. Cough, in the morning, which frequently wakes her from sleep. Cough torments her very much in the evening. Cough, evening and morning. Cough torments her very much in the evening. Cough, evening and morning.

Cough, almost uninterrupted, from tickling in the upper part of the left side of the throat, worse when talking and stooping, constantly getting worse till late in the evening, and then suddenly ceasing. Paroxysm of cough, as from taking cold, with excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system, as soon as only the slightest portion of the body becomes cold. Violent attacks of cough from time to time, as if to suffocation or vomiting. Cough, which provokes vomiting.

Suffocative cough, simply caused by tightness of breath. Forcible deep cough in a few paroxysms, which painfully shocks the larynx and causes retching. Hacking cough, immediately after eating. Scraping, rough cough. Tickling cough at 3 P.M. (third day). Dry cough (eighteenth day). Dry cough, with tightness of the chest and sore throat (after seven days). Dry cough, in the evening on going to sleep (fourth day). Paroxysms of dry cough, in the evening. Deep dry cough, from tightness of breath, on inspiration, with pain in the chest as if sore, on every paroxysm of cough. Short, dry, painless cough, from time to time. Cough, with expectoration. Cough, with much expectoration, in violent paroxysms every three or four hours, but not waking from sleep at night. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, the whole day, caused by scraping irritation in the larynx, but especially in the throat. Violent cough (with expectoration of mucus) from 11 to 12 at night in bed. Cough, with expectoration of bloody mucus, twice (tenth day). Bloody cough, preceded by a sensation in the pit of the stomach as of a hard body there; offensive perspiration after the cough, followed by weakness of the head. Expectoration of acid mucus at night, almost without cough. Bloody expectoration from the chest, with a peevish mood and weakness. The cough was so aggravated by deep breathing that it caused vomiting. The cough torments him most when walking. Respiration. Frequent deep breathing, as after running.



Objective. Tenacious mucus in the chest (fifth day). Suppuration on the last right rib, with sticking aching in it, and great painfulness when touched. Subjective. Heat in the left side of the chest above the heart. Feeling in the chest as if hot water were moving in it. Sensation as of drops of hot water in the left chest (after three days). Oppression and burning in the chest (second day). Sticking in the breast-bone, when breathing and walking. Pain in the side upon which he lies at night, gradually making him uncomfortable, so that he is obliged to turn over. Pain in the chest, a pressure in the left side of the chest. Sticking pain in the side of the chest, extending to the back. Painful sensitiveness of the flesh of the right side of the chest and beneath the right arm, on touching the breast or moving the arm. Itching of the left nipple.

Heart and Pulse

Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent palpitation, with tightness of the chest, and need of taking a deep breath, after dinner. Violent palpitation, with fine stitches in the heart and in the left side of the chest. Pulse rapid and hard.

Neck and Back

Neck. Bruised pain in the nape of the neck, on bending the head backwards. Bruised pain in the cervical muscles, with pain in the throat on swallowing, as from an internal swelling. The muscles of the nape of the neck, especially at the two sides beneath the ears, are very painful to touch (eighteenth day). Back. Great weakness of the whole spine. A tensive kind of backache, which becomes worse on turning the body at night. Drawing in the whole of the back and in the sacrum, in the morning, in bed; the whole back is painful after rising, so that she can scarcely move, with weakness of the limbs, aversion to eating or working, with shivering, chilliness, and loss of thirst. Stitches in the back and region of the left kidney. Stitches in the left side of the back. Some violent stitches in the back. Dorsal. Pain between the shoulder-blades. A sensation in the right scapula as if there were something flowing or running internally, during micturition. Stitches in the back between the shoulder-blades. Stitches in the right scapula, when blowing the nose, hawking, and on deep breathing. Lumbar. Pain as if sprained in the loins and ischia, on sitting and on turning the body, when walking. Stitches in the left side of the loins (fifth day). Pain in the small of the back, frequently repeated. Pain in the small of the back, worse when walking, extending downward and upward. Pain in the small of the back, as from fatigue, on stooping and leaning against anything when sitting. Violent pain in the small of the back, as if cut in two, during rest and motion, so that she can neither stand, walk, nor lie. Sticking in the small of the back, with cough (seventh day). Bruised pain in the small of the back, on walking (first day). Bruised and sharp pressive pain in the small of the back and lumbar vertebrae, especially at the articulations of the sacrum with the pelvis, extending down into the lower limbs, painful even while sitting, standing, and lying, and when walking causing a kind of limping.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.