
Sticking in the bend of the thigh, while walking. Sharp stitches in the thigh just above the left knee, towards the left side. Painful itching throbbing in the flesh of the thigh. Knee. Jerking of the muscles below the hollow of the left knee, rhythmical with the pulse, disappearing on touch. Painless stiffness of the external condyles of the knee-joints, as from internal swelling, with sensation of coldness. Sensation of great fatigue;in the knees, on ascending steps. Tension in the hollow of the knees, so that she cannot straighten them Pressure in the left knee and bones of the foot. Leg. Lassitude in the legs and knees. Heaviness in the left leg, as if in the tibia, impeding walking. Pain in the calves (fourth day). Pain, as from weariness, in the tibiae and knees, as after a long walk, while walking. Burning in the right calf, on resting one leg over the other. Drawing in the left tibia, as if a portion were torn out. Sharp stitches on the outer side of the tibiae;below the knee, during rest and motion. Smarting pain in the left leg, as if it were crushed, while standing. Ankle. The ankle is painful, as if sprained, on stretching it out. Lasting pressure in the left ankle. Foot. Sharp stitches in the sole of the right foot, so acute that the whole leg, jerks, in the evening. Toes. Drawing in the toes several times. Violent drawing in the toes.

General Symptoms

Objective. Tense white swelling of the whole body, with great painfulness to every touch, after several weeks subsiding, becoming soft, and changing to anasarca. Bending forward of the body is attended with violent tearing pain in the abdomen, for six days. Wasting of the body in proportion to the recuperation of the mind. Fatal apoplexy. (* The reporter writes he was suddenly and unexpectedly carried off with all the dreadful distress and jactitation which an overdose of Digitalis sometimes produces. His death was pretty generally ascribed to apoplexy, and was, indeed, truly apoplectic.-HUGHES. *) Universal and partial trembling, for six days. Convulsions, etc. Convulsions and great disquietude. Convulsions of the most violent kind. Epileptic attacks. Stiffening of the body, for six days. The trunk and limbs, especially the thighs, are painfully stiff (tenth day). Relaxation of all the muscles, with sensation as though he had not slept enough. Sinking of vitality. Lassitude. General lassitude, exhaustion, and weariness of body and mind (fourth and fifth days). The listless state of the body and depression of the mind had increased; the latter was a kind of stupidity (eighteenth day). Extremely listless and weak (nineteenth and twentieth days). Weakness, sinking of the strength. General weakness. General weakness, as if all portions of the;body were weary (after two hours). Frequent weakness; she was obliged to lie in bed because sitting up fatigued her. Great weakness. Extreme weakness. Sudden extreme weakness, as if he would lose his consciousness, with general heat and sweat, without thirst, after dinner. Weakness, as if to death. Weak and tired (seventeenth day). My strength was extremely weakened (fourth day). Sudden sinking of strength, with general sweat, and after some hours cough. Could not for several days bear the upright position. He lay supine, very cold, pale, and covered with copious perspiration (second morning). Lay on back, and seemed completely prostrated, being scarcely able to move a limb (second day). Exhaustion (fourth day). Exhaustion of vitality, with inclination to faint. Great exhaustion (fourth day). Before they had proceeded one hundred yards the poison had taken such effect that one of the sufferers had fallen twice from exhaustion, and on entering their hotel another of them fall senseless. Extreme prostration (after four days). Two weeks elapsed before it was possible for me to leave my bed, and nearly two months before health was re-established. Faintness. Faintness between the attacks of nausea. Occasional faintness, which on moving was attended with nausea (third day). Excessively faint and weak (soon after). Syncope (soon); (after eight hours). Restlessness. At night, he leaves his bed every;moment and cannot sleep, but converses with persons not present. Great uneasiness (soon). Subjective. Nervous symptoms of all sorts, and great weakness. Indolence and wariness, in the morning on rising form bed. Awoke feeling great lassitude and depression; on getting up depression and languor increased (third morning). Somnolent weariness, slumber. Feeling of weakness and trembling of the muscles; he was to inclined to leave the bed (second day). Feeling of great debility (after six hours). Considerable degree of languor, with vertigo and intermitting pulse. Much languor and sense of faintness; the patient thinks he cannot endure, but must die. Extreme languor. Inclination to faint. Constant inclination to faint. Great inclination to faint. Feeling of great lightness of the body. Heaviness after first dose. General malaise (after five hours). Tearing burning and some itching needle-like stitches in various parts of the body. Cramps. General soreness of the whole body. Bruised feeling.


Objective. General paleness of the skin. (Jaundice), (* This occurred in several of Withering’s patients, but always in a natural sequence of there maladies, and never was traceable to Digitalis.-HUGHES. *) Desquamation of the skin of the whole body. Eruptions, Dry. Eruption on the upper lip. Itching eruption on the cheeks and chin, which desquamates and leaves behind red spots. Papular eruption on the back. Rash on the back of the hands, without sensation. A large pimple, with biting pain, beneath the left nostril. A red pimple, with burning-biting pain, aggravated by touch, on the middle of the forehead. Eruptions, Moist. A cluster of vesicles developed on the chin in the morning, such as I had formerly had only on the lips (fourth day). Eruptions, Pustular. Black comedones in the skin of the face, which suppurate and ulcerate. A small, very painful furuncle on the nape of the neck (seventh day). Subjective. Corrosive itching, that becomes constantly worse when he does not scratch, and at last increases to an intolerance burning, needle- like stitching, which at one time disappears, at another returns worse than ever. Biting and itching on the cheek and chin, worse at night. Tickling of the affected parts of the body. Itching of the back of the hand, mostly at night. Itching on the back of the right foot, mostly at night. Voluptuous itching in the axillae. Corrosive itching in various parts of the body, returning soon after scratching. Corrosive itching in the left region of the loins, obliging him to scratch. Corrosive itching in the upper and anterior portion of the thigh. Corrosive itching on the leg, above the external malleolus.

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Frequent yawning and stretching, with chilliness. Drowsy and incapable of study till evening (eighth day). Sleepiness early in the evening, with indolence and dulness of mind for several days. Frequent sleepiness. Great sleepiness after eating, with frequent yawning after dinner, for several days. Frequent great; sleepiness. Sleep. Deep sleep. (* Curative effect.-HUGHES. *) Fell into a deep sleep. Deep sleep from noon till midnight. A long, sound slumber (first cupful), (immediately). Lethargic sleep, lasting several hours. Coma.

Coma, followed by death (after twenty-two hours). Coma, interrupted by violent convulsive attacks of vomiting. Sleeplessness. Difficult falling asleep (sixth and seventh days). It was with difficulty that I could sleep, although I was at times in a state of stupor (nineteenth and twentieth days). Sleep disturbed and uneasy (fifth day). Uneasy sleep; he lies only upon the back. Sleep uneasy and unrefreshing (second day). Uneasy sleep, at night on account of constant urging to urinate. Uneasy sleep, with tossing about the bed and voluptuous dream. Very uneasy sleep, with frequent waking, and burning heat of the face, subjective as well as objective (first night). Frequent waking, as form anxiety, and as if it were time to rise. Frequent waking at night in fright, by dreams of falling from a height or into water. But little sleep, disturbed by dreams (sixteenth night). slept but little during the night, and my mind had somewhat of that restless activity which I have experienced after taking too much wine, but particularly after taking Tinct. Opii (sixth night). Very drowsy when I went to bed, but did not sleep soundly (seventh night). Restless sleep, with tossing about and waking with semi-consciousness. Tossing about at night, with frequent waking, always lying upon the back, with emissions. At night, only slumbering instead of falling asleep; complete consciousness without being able to sleep. Inability to sleep; night very restless, violent palpitation, with an almost jerking pulse at one o’clock at night (seventh night). Restless night, starting often in my sleep (second night). Very restless night, with frequent waking (second night). Night very restless. The gentle sleep which I had several times was troubled by dreams which were remarkable for excessive imagination (first night). Night generally very restless, sleep frequently interrupted by waking, and full of dreams (third night). Sleepless night, which, however, had not produced any moral depression (fourteenth night). Night was sleepless, and I felt in no way disposed to sleep. This state resembled that into which I had been brought under the influence of Mercury in other experiments (fifteenth night). Passed a wakeful night, suffering from palpitation of the heart and uneasiness, especially when lying on the left side, together with pulsations in the ears, especially the left (fifteenth night), No sleep for five nights. Dreams. Many dreams, not unpleasant. Many confused, vivid dreams. Anxious confused dreams. Unpleasant dreams, full of unsuccessful projects, disturb the sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.