

Hypochondria. Anxiety, tension, and constriction in the hypochondria. Pressure in the left hypochondrium. Constant stitches in the left hypochondrium, with sensation as though the parts thereabout were asleep. Pain, as if everything internally were torn, in one spot, beneath the third left false rib. Umbilical. Tearing pains about the umbilicus in the morning. Burrowing pressure and sticking in the abdomen, just above the umbilical region. Dull, almost pinching stitches in the right side, above the navel, while eating. Sharp stitches in the umbilicus Some sticking-tearing in the umbilical region while walking. General Abdomen. Unusual fullness of the abdomen (fourth day). Abdomen strongly contracted upon the intestines, and very hot, dry, and rough to the touch (third day). Abdomen felt hard (second day). Noises in the abdomen, without sensation of flatulence or emission of flatulence. Rumbling in the abdomen, without colic. Movings in the intestinal canal, with slight colic (after two hours); these pains afterwards extended to the lowest portion of the abdomen, into the pubic region, changing into a pressure and dragging, extending down through the pelvic cavity and into the testicles; after an hour these pains and dragging sensations had disappeared, but in their place occurred frequent urging to urinate, with itching irritation in the glans penis, lasting until into the afternoon (first day). Audible movings of flatulence about the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling and a feeling as if bubbles of air were moving along the colon. Flatulence and emission of flatus. Profuse emission of flatus the whole afternoon (fourth day). Intestinal pains (third day). Pain in abdomen. Very severe abdominal pains. Violent abdominal pains (very soon). Pain in the abdomen, most violent and continuous. Extreme pain in abdomen; (second morning). Acute pain in abdomen (fifth day). Many troubles from flatulence. Tension of the skin of the abdomen on becoming erect. Constriction of the abdomen (twenty-second day). Slight contractive pain in the abdomen, soon (first day). A pinching contraction in the abdomen, as from a violent cold, while sitting, not while walking (third and fourth days). Griping in the abdomen almost immediately. Griping in the abdomen, with some stitches, and at times attacks of nausea. Frequent griping pains in the bowels (fourth and fifth days). Boring and dragging downward in the forepart of the left side of the abdomen.

Dragging and pressure in the pelvis, extending into the testicles. A feeling in the left side of the abdomen as though something were forcing itself through. Cuttings in the whole upper and lower abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, with urging to stool (fourth day). Slight cutting pains in the bowels, almost causing nausea (fifth day). Some fine stitches in the left side of the abdomen during rest and motion, especially on expiration. Transient stitches, as from needles, in the whole abdomen. Fine stitches in the right side of the abdomen, during expiration, while standing and walking (after fifty hours). Pains in the abdomen, more tearing than sticking, in the morning, in bed, followed by diarrhoea and tenesmus. Some cutting-tearings in the abdomen in the evening, as after taking cold especially on rising up from sitting, with pressive headache in the vertex. Sensation of twisting in the bowels after each dose, and of much sinking at the pit of the stomach. (* Original corrected by Hughes. *) Colic. Colic-pains in the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling, for half an hour. Seized with very violent colicky pains, immediately followed by sudden evacuation of liquid stools towards evening (sixth day). Pressive colic in the upper abdomen, paroxysmal and cramp like. Colic more tearing than sticking precedes the diarrhoea-like stool in the;morning, in bed. Harassed with tormina after going to bed, which did not abate before three o’clock A.M. (fifth night). On moving, the abdomen is painful, as if ulcerating, though not on touch. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Movings about, gurglings, and pressure in the lower abdomen. Gripings in the lower abdomen, as from a purge.

Very violent cutting in the lower abdomen by jerks. Jerk like tearing from the mons veneris towards the left groin while leaning the body backward. Frequent gnawing, colicky pains in the lower part of the abdomen (from a half to one hour after taking Digitalis). Sore pain in the left abdominal ring, as if a hernia would protrude.

Rectum and Anus

Urging to stool.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; (after fourth day). Diarrhoea, consisting of faeces mixed with mucus, preceded by colic, at one time pressive, at another cutting, which always disappears on going to stool (after six and eight hours). Diarrhoea, preceded and followed by colic. Diarrhoea, followed by urging to stool in the rectum. Slight diarrhoea (fourth day). Violent diarrhoea. Almost incurable diarrhoea. (* See note to S. 278. *) Ash-colored diarrhoea (as in jaundice). Ash-colored, pasty diarrhoea, as in jaundice, follows four attacks of vomiting, with faintness thereafter. Painful diarrhoea for three or four days. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Bowels rather relaxed (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Several stools during the day. Several fluid stools (second day). Several bilious stools (third day). Two and three stools a day for several days. Bowels moved naturally in the morning and again at nine in the evening (second day). Thin stool two or three times a day, the next morning constipation (after twenty-four hours). Two thin discharges from the bowels at one and eleven P.M. Abundant stools (very soon). Copious stools. Intestinal evacuations were copious, and seemed to contain a good deal of bilious matter (sixteenth day). Gentle intestinal evacuations, which were bilious and mucous (nineteenth day). Involuntary stool. Soft, liquid, profuse stool (after seventh-two hours). Thin stool. Yellowish-white stool, without symptoms, follows retention for forty-eight hours. Slight fecal evacuation (second day). One scanty green evacuation from bowels (third day). Many thread worms with the stool in the evening. Constipation. Constipation (for several days). Constipation nearly the whole time. Bowels confined. Stool somewhat retained during all the provings, very usual, since the stools have always been free and healthy. Faeces scanty. Very hard, difficult, though rather copious stool at 11 P.M. (first day).

Urinary organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Function of kidneys completely suspended. Contractive pain in the bladder while urinating, with difficult discharge of urine. Dragging sensation in the bladder, as though it were distended; not relieved by frequent micturition (second day). Urethra. Pressing-burning in the middle of the urethra, as if it were too narrow, while urinating; it, however, disappears even while urinating. Urging to urinate. Urging to urinate, even to inflammation of the neck of the bladder. Urging to urinate, with much urine of a healthy color (after eight, nine, and ten hours). Urging to urinate, with copious micturition, lasting from 10 A.M. (two hours after second dose) till 3 P.M. of the next day. Frequent urging to urinate. (* Part of S. 460. *) Frequent urging to urinate, with only a dribbling discharge of reddish urine, with burning in the urethra and glans penis. Constant urging to urinate at night, and, on rising, in consequences, dizziness and vertigo. Incessant urging to urinate, and passage of only a few drops at a time; urine dark brown, hot, burning, while passing (ninth day). Incessant desire to urinate, without passing much at a time, though the aggregate amount was large (first and second days). The fits are often preceded by frequent ineffectual desire to urinate. Awakened about 3 o’clock at night by the necessity to pass urine, which, however, was passed in only a very small quantity (first night). Violent, fruitless efforts to urinate. Micturition. Urine increased. Quantity of urine increased (eighth and ninth days). Quantity of urine increased (fifth day). Increased secretion of urine (first and second days). Increased secretion of watery urine, which did not collect in large quantities in the bladder, but provoked constant micturition. Secretion of urine was unchanged for the first three days; on the second day it was remarkably increased, so that he passed a large amount of watery urine every hour; next day it returned to the normal (was not diminished in quantity); the next dose was followed by increased secretion of urine for the whole day (after three or four hours). Increased discharge of urine, with increased desire to urinate and inability to retain it. Increased discharge of urine; pale, light-colored urine, not scanty, was passed every hour from 3 to 6 P.M. (after six hours). Excessively increased discharge of urine day and night, for forty-eight hours, with great exhaustion (after two hours). Profuse discharge of urine. After profuse discharge of urine there follows retention and nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. (* A very unusual alternate action of Digitalis, and only from very large doses, Difficulty of micturition is usually the primary action of this drug, wherefore it is frequently used homoeopathically and very beneficially for enlargements accompanied by similar difficult micturition and by other symptoms, which are found to be like the pure primary action of Digitalis. The copious and often involuntary micturition or profuse secretion of urine that follows its use, is only the reaction of the organism from the supposed primary action.- HAHNEMANN. *) Urine was more abundant and deeper in color (sixteenth day). Urine much more abundant (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Quantity of urine excreted much greater than the quantity of fluid drank (first day); very abundant (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.