

Objective. Violent inflammation of the eyes. Reddened eyes, with painfulness, especially in the evening, for five days. Eyes somewhat red, more sensitive than usual to the impression of light (second day). Eyes dim and weak (fourth to sixth day). Subjective. Burning in the eye followed by a small pustule, with a;small areola of inflamed vessels in the periphery of the cornea towards the inner canthus of the right eye (fourth day). Brow and Orbit. Intense fixed pain over right orbit (after six hours).

Burning pain in the right superciliary ridge, with dimness of sight, as form a veil. Pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge, extending towards the external canthus. Throbbing pain in the orbits. Lids. Inflammation of the meibomian glands. Swelling of the lower lid, which makes looking down difficult. Agglutination in the;morning, followed by weakness of the eyes. Heaviness in the lids, in the evening, with inability to bold them open. Smarting, burning in the external canthus. Painful scratching in the inner canthus as from coarse dust. Sore pain in the margins of the lids, on closing the eyes, in the evening, in bed. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, more in the room than in the open air; the eyes are dim, hot, full of red vessels, with pressive pain and hardened mucus in the canthi. Biting lachrymation. Watery discharge from the eyes. Conjunctiva. Inflamed conjunctiva. Conjunctiva of the eye red, and lids red. Ball. Inclination of both eyes to turn towards the left, with pain on turning them towards the right, when every thing seems to be doubled and tripled, with puffy face. Pain in the eyes; intolerable aching in the eyeball on touch. Pressure in the right eyeball, coming and going suddenly. Pressive in the eyeballs. Pupil. Pupil only slightly sensitive. Pupils dilated; (intox). (sixth day), etc. Pupils, especially the right, dilated (after three grains). Pupils dilated and;movable (second day). Pupils dilated and insensible, etc. Pupils slightly dilated. Greatly dilated pupils (after one hour). Pupils remarkably larger. Pupils appear smaller. Contracted pupils, continuing six days. Pupils strongly contracted (after half an hour). Frequent alternate contraction and dilatation of the pupil. Vision. With contracted pupil, the power of sight is stronger, clearer. Visual power diminished, sight dim (after every dose). Obscuration of vision. Slight obscuration of vision. Weak, indistinct vision. Indistinct vision, as though a cloud or fog passed before the eyes. Some considerable derangement of vision (after six hours). Dim vision; (intox). (sixth day), etc. Objects are only dimly visible. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Dim weak vision, for forty-eight hours. Slight impaired, so that she could not clearly distinguish objects before her (second day). Confused vision, amounting to blindness. Blindness. (* For a month after omitting the medicine, with throbbing pain and sense of fulness in the eyelids.-HUGHES. *) Blindness, amaurosis, for three days. Peculiar sensation in the eyes; at first they seemed to be suddenly blinded, as on going suddenly form the dark into a bright light; then it seemed as though sparks were floating about in the air; this was associated with vertigo, and lasted a quarter of an hour (fourth day). Unpleasant distortion of vision, with anxiety and pressure in the eyes, as if a finger were pressing upon them, in the afternoon (second day). Flickering before the eyes (after half an hour). Flickering before the eyes, with double vision (after half an hour). Flickering before the left eye first appeared (second morning); towards noon affected also the right, so that he was enabled to distinguish three varieties of figures in the field of vision; closing the eye and rubbing it slowly caused clouds of phosphorescence; the eye was very sensitive to light, pupils however not dilated (second day). The figures which the flickering formed in these experiments were called flickering roses, because the form of the rose was the type; in the first experiment there were round spots in the field of vision, the space circumscribed by four deep oval lines forming four large convex indentations, and the waves of light and shade surrounding this exhibited the same form only less indented; the flickering figures which appeared on the second day, and which reached their highest point on the third day, were surrounded by curved lines with five indentations, but more superficial, which were again surrounded by enlarging waves of light and shade with superficial indentations; during the latter days when the flickering decreased, there were noticed only fragments with the rose formation on the side, like the small segment of the larger and more superficially indentated circle. Flickering before the left eye, very slight, but therewith he was unable to recognize a distinct conformation in the division between light and shade; it seemed as though with every wink of the eye the crystalline lens trembled, and there by altered refraction, producing rapid commingling of the lights and shadows of objects (second day); on the next day the flickering was more noticeable, and not only on winking, but as often as he looked from the light portion go the field of vision (as for example the fireplace) to a dark portion; this caused the supposition that it was not a mechanical effect, as he was at first inclined to think, but was due to a sudden change from light to shade; he now directed the eye to the bright sky, and suddenly covered the head without closing the eye or moving it in the slightest, when the flickering was noticed quite as distinctly as before; on the succeeding day this was more noticed in the right eye; repeated observations, sharpened the vision, and he was able to distinguish a definite conformation; there seemed to be in the middle of the visual field an alternately disappearing and reappearing roundish spot of a mild light, and about this several concentric waves of light and shade in similar motion; this flickering continued during the use of Digitalis, for some days (7);at last it intermitted and appeared for only a short time on going into a room from the open air, after moderate exercise, also on walking or going up stairs. All kinds of forms float before the eyes. Muscae volitantes before his eyes on looking at distant objects. White spots and black rings waving before the eyes (lasting over an hour). More numerous spots, stripes, white surfaces, wavering before the eyes. Luminous objects seem to jump before his eyes, on covering them. (* The muscae volitantes of S. 212 become these when the eyes are covered and pressed upon.-HUGHES. *) Fiery appearances before the eyes. (* With S. 92. *) Fiery sparks like lightning before the right eye, about noon (second day). The flame of the light seems larger and whiter. The flame of a coal-fire appeared blue. All objects seemed covered with snow, in the morning, on waking. The faces of people standing in the room seem as pale as corpses. Appearances of colors before the eyes, red, green, yellow, like a shimmering light in the twilight. Objects, and even silver, seem yellow. Objects seem green or yellow. Hallucinations of vision. Conjunctiva anaemic. Dimness of vision.


Objective. The glands behind the ear are painfully swollen. External. Drawing pain beneath the right mastoid process, relieved by pressure. Some stitches behind the ear. Jerking in the outer and inner ear. Internal. Feeling of great fullness in the ears, as if they were suddenly stopped, attended with a flush of heat over the face, lasting two or three minutes, recurring frequently, especially after excitement (fourteenth day). Pain in the ear as if it were constricted internally; he hears the pulse in it. A tensive pressure in the left ear. Hearing. Sudden obstruction of the hearing, with ringing in the ear. Tinnitus aurium (after six hours and second day). Ringing in the ears; (soon). Hissing as from boiling water, in both ears. Noise in ears. (* Digitalis has not seldom cured dulness of hearing, with noises as of boiling water in the ears, in cases where it was in other respects homoeopathic.-HAHNEMANN. *).


Objective. Much sneezing, without coryza (first days). Awakened three times during the night from a quiet sleep, by violent sneezing, which seemed to start from the stomach and rise up as a slight nauseous sensation until it affected the nerves of sneezing (first night). Coryza in the morning, with stoppage of the nose. (Constant, very violent coryza, mostly with loss of smell, with catarrh of the larynx and trachea, and expectoration of greenish mucus, without cough, during the whole proving). Stopped coryza in the evening and night, fluent during the day (twentieth day). Fluent coryza with much sneezing, followed by stoppage of the nose. Epistaxis of bright blood form both nostrils (after one hour). Subjective. Pain across the root of the nose. (* With vertigo.-HUGHES. *).


Objective. Expression of extreme prostration. Expression of the face remarkably sickly (second day). Face pale; (soon), etc. Paleness of the face. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Face pale, with a greenish, livid tinge (second day). Face remarkably pale (after four days). Face livid (seventh day). Convulsions of the left side of the face. Subjective. Remarkable heart and redness in the face, lasting half an hour. Cheeks. Swelling of the cheek from the ear to the corner of the mouth, painful to touch, and with eruption upon it. Cramp beneath the right zygoma, on moving the lower jaw, which, on biting, became spasmodically drawn upward. Paralytic drawing beneath the left zygoma, in front of ear. Cramplike drawing pain in the zygoma, disappearing on pressure. Lips. Swelling of the lips. Swelling on the inside of the lower lip, without pain. China Stitches in the lower jaw.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.