

Edema of the lungs. Weary sensations across the chest to the left side (two hours and a half after first dose, second day). Cough is difficult on account of pain in the chest. Great heat of the chest externally, as if he stood uncovered by a warm stove, soon followed by coolness over the chest. Tension in the chest and pressure in the pit of the stomach, which frequently obliged him to take a deep breath. Suffocative, painful constriction of the chest, as if the internal parts were grown together, especially in the morning on waking; he is obliged to quickly sit upright. Pressive drawing in the chest on coughing. Pressure and boring in the pectoral muscles above on the left side. Pain in the chest; a pressure on the lower portion of the chest, while sitting bent over, with shortness of breath. Dull, disagreeable pressure in the chest and epigastrium, relieved by beating on the chest, lasting three hours, towards evening (eighth day). Feeling of rawness in the chest, with stitches. Front. Contractive pain in the sternum, aggravated by bending forward the head and upper portion of the body. Drawing pain in the middle of the sternum while walking. On violent motion of the arm, he is immediately attacked by cutting pressure in the opposite side of the chest, externally, in front, in the region of the third rib. In the evening, a bruised feeling over the sternum and epigastrium, so very distressing as to prevent any mental employment (fifteenth day). Sides. Tension in the left side of the chest, on becoming erect, as if the parts were contracted. Violent drawing-pressive pain in the lower portion of the right side of the chest, in the evening, preventing sleep (sixth day). Dull pinching stitches under the ribs beneath the right axilla. Sharp stitches in the chest, on the right side, above the pit of the stomach. Fine stitches, corrosive, itching, sticking, rhythmical with the pulse, in the left side, on a line with the pit of the stomach. Very perceptible throbbing, as of violent pulsations, in the right side of the chest. Violent pulsating pain in the right side of the chest, in the region of the nipple, lasting several minutes, while walking slowly; although not excessively severe, it caused an anxious sensation of oppression of breathing (seventh day). Unpleasant pulsating pain in the lower portion of the left side of the chest, not in the heart itself, but more as if in the walls of the chest; unaffected by respiration, in the afternoon (half an hour after 30 drops, third day). Mamme. Throughout the day experienced uneasiness in the mammary regions, especially the left, and extending to the left shoulder and upper part of the arm (fourth day).

Heart and Pulse

Precordium. Uneasiness in the heart all day (sixth day). Uneasiness at the heart in the afternoon (fifth day). Throughout the day frequent uneasiness amounting sometimes to pain, in the region of the heart (fourteenth day). Slight uneasiness in the region of the heart (sixth day). Continued to suffer much from uneasiness in the heart and disorder of the stomach (nineteenth day). Dull uneasiness in various parts of the region of the heart, with a sensation of weakness in the forearm, all the evening (second day). Feeling of slight confusion of the heart, especially on moving, with painful sensation of weakness in the wrists and forearms (half hour after second day). Dull, disagreeable sensation in the region of the heart (after second dose, second day). A sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anxiety, attack lasting about half a minute, not returning; pulse and heart not affected, at 9 P.M. (after 10 drops in the morning). Sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anxiety and necessity for holding the breath, after dinner (sixth day). Peculiar sensation in the chest, as of the heart standing still; single, violent, slow heart-beats, with sudden violent heat in the occiput, and transient unconsciousness, the whole lasting only a moment. Pain in the heart, with which I had been troubled, was more severe than ever this morning, and from the ensiform cartilage upward my breast was sore to touch (fifth day). Slight pain, apparently in the heart, and in half an hour the pulse was softer, smaller, but more rapid than natural (second day). Felt uncommonly well, except that I thought I sometimes felt shifting pains in the heart, for the first three days. Oppression of the heart (second day). Oppression sensation in the heart, and need to inspire deeper. Attack of the so-called heart-worm (“herzwurm”), with intermitting pulse and congestion of the head, especially in the occiput, somewhat to the left side, and inclination to vomit (after twelve hours). Heart’s Action. Action of the heart stronger than usual (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Beating of the heart stronger than usual (thirteenth day). Movements of the heart a little more forcible,;and it appeared to act with difficulty (twenty-first day); less labored, and its contractions;more brisk (twenty-second day). Force of the action of the heart nearly natural, but its contractions were more brisk and rapid (eighteenth day). The action of the heart was irregular, and appeared to have increased in force a short time after taking Digitalis, but soon after it approached nearer its natural state (sixteenth day). Action of the heart strong and energetic; this increased action extended over entire left side; first sound dull and prolonged, the second clear; beats intermittent and irregular (second day). Action of the heart was strong and more violent (second day). Contractions of the heart strong and violent, accompanied with pulsations when I walked in my room (second day). Action of the heart was more violent, and was more easily felt internally, and could be seen externally (first day). Action of the heart remarkably violent (ninth day); action stronger than in a natural state (twelfth day); action very violent, the general strength was very inconsiderable, without however being much diminished. The force of the heart’s action and arteries gradually increased to such an extent and caused such great orgasm of blood, with palpitation, that he was obliged to rise from bed in the night, for three or four days, walk about the room and open the window; pulse was strong, accelerated (100). Congestion of the head, and roaring and ringing in the ears, lasting several days. Violent beating of the heart, almost audible, with anxiety and contractive pain beneath the sternum. Single, violent, slow heart-beats, when sitting. Action of the heart more feeble and constantly accompanied by palpitations (third day). The heart’s action has lost its force; its beats are more frequent and intermittent, and sometimes irregular (fifth day). Beating of the heart much weaker and softer than usual (second day). Scarcely perceptible beating of the heart. Movements of the heart more rapid, especially the systole; this organ appeared to dilate but slowly, and it experienced palpitations at each movement of the body. I felt again at this organ slight uneasiness, and at times cold sweats (nineteenth and twentieth days). Palpitation (soon). Palpitation of the heart returned with less severity several times the next night, and caused him to start up from commencing sleep. Palpitation and uneasy feeling at heart, readily excited by even moderate exercise (after first dose, sixteenth day). Palpitation easily excited on going up even a slight ascent, which in health would produce no effect (fourth day). Oppressive, pressing contractive beat of the heart, with anxiety and spasmodic pain in the sternum and beneath the ribs. The heart-beats are accompanied be a gentle “bruit de souffle”. Pulse. Acceleration of the pulse (after half an hour);after the larger doses the pulse was at first more rapid, afterwards smaller and slower. Small, rapid, hard pulse. Pulse rapid, soft and without vigor, the arteries also dilated, more or less irregular (sixth day). Pulse small, weak, and more rapid than usual (fourth day). Pulse decidedly small and weak, but not slower than usual, on the contrary, sometimes more rapid (fourth and fifth day). During the flow of urine and diarrhoea, the pulse is small and rapid, with cold hands and feet. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Pulse 90, strong and full (after 120 drops); 100, strong and full (after 180 drops), (first day). 120, strong and full (after 240 drops); 125, strong and wiry (after 300 drops), (second day). 150, strong, hard and wiry (after 420 drops), (third day). Pulse never less frequent than in the natural state. 60, small and feeble, but regular (fifth day). Rapid pulse, 100 before death. (* Subsequent to S. 763.-HUGHES. *) Pulse 68 before taking; 68 (after five minutes); 72 (after ten minutes); 74 (after fifteen and twenty minutes); 70 (after twenty-five minutes); 68 (after thirty minutes); after which no farther change was observed, although attention was paid to it for some time longer. It was not only excited in frequency by the stimulating power of the pill, but also considerably in force. Pulse 80 after gentle exercise (fifth day); 80 when at rest, but rose to 85 or 90 when I had walked for a few minutes (eighth day); 85 whether lying or sitting, 90 to 95 when I had walked a little (thirteenth day); 100 full and strong (fourteenth day); 85 while I remained quiet, although it 100 after gentle exercise (sixteenth day); 80 (seventeenth day); 80 full and strong (eighteenth day);;85, rather weak and irregular, especially after having taken exercise (nineteenth day); 70, softer and fuller (twenty-first day); softer and fuller, 60 but rose to 75 upon slight exercise (twenty-second day); 50 to 65, when I remained quiet, but rose to nearly its natural number when I used much exertion; still it was full, although soft and easily depressed (twenty-third day); it never fell below the degree just indicated, and nearly a week after it had resumed its natural rhythm. Pulse before taking, 56 while sitting, at 10 A.M., ten minutes after dose no change; after twenty-eight minutes, 55 or 56; but on standing, it immediately rose to 72; at 6 P.M. 54 to 56 sitting, 68 standing; at 11 P.M. 69 sitting, 88 standing (first day); at 10 A.M. 61 sitting, 69 standing (second day); at 11 P.M. 82 sitting, 90 standing, small, weak, and somewhat irregular, the beat of the heart is stronger and more distinctly felt than usual (fourth day). In the morning, 57 sitting; at 7 P.M. 74 sitting, 86 the first minute, 94 the second, on standing, without perceptible irregularity, it remains for a few minutes at this rate and then becomes slower (fifth day); at 9 A.M. 52 sitting, 60 standing; at 11 A.M. 50 sitting, very full, strong, and regular (sixth day); at 9 A.M. 59 sitting, 72 standing (seventh day). Pulse in the morning before exercise was uniformly 60, feeble; at night after sitting for about two hours 56, feeble, before taking, 70 in the morning; 66 in the evening (first three days). Pulse before breakfast 76, strong; in the evening 70 (fifth and sixth days). 80 in the morning, 90 in the evening (seventh and eighth days), continuing nearly 70 the same for three days, 78, pretty full (tenth day). Returned to its natural standard (seventeenth day). Pulse averaged in the forenoon 68, and in the evening 75, before taking; 68 after sitting quietly for an hour; 68 sitting quietly (after half an hour), (first day); 66 (twenty minutes after first dose); 76, of natural strength, after walking four or five times up and down the room; 83 (two hours and a half after first dose), 75 (five hours and a half after first dose), 80 (half an hour after second dose), 76, counted several times it gave the first half minute 36, the second 40, and 3 beats failed to be felt (one hour after second dose), 80 (nine hours after second dose), 78, weak, beating strong from twelve to twenty times, and then very weak for four or five times (ten hours after second dose), (second day); 62, small and weak in the morning, 72, in the evening (third day); 80, full and regular before taking; 90, weak, three or four pulsations in a minute hardly felt (after three-quarters of an hour); 82, nearly natural in strength, not steadily so (after twelve hours), (fourth day); 76 before taking, 84 (after half an hour); 76, rather weak in the evening (fifth day); 72 before taking, 88 irregular (after one hour), 84 less irregular (after two hours), 72 regular (after four hours and a half), (seventh day); 72 regular (eighth day); 73 in the morning (ninth day); 78 at 6.30 P.M. (tenth day); 73, natural, before taking, 80 (one hour and a half after first dose), 76 (three hours after first dose), 62 (five hours after first dose), (fourteenth day); 72 in the morning (fifteenth day); 75, a little irregular after walking before taking, 84 (one hour after first dose), 86, slightly irregular (one hour and a half after first dose), 100, irregular, but full in the evening (after second dose), (sixteenth day); natural, but very readily excited (nineteenth day). Pulse before taking 72; 84 (after half an hour); 74 (after one hour). Pulse previous to taking 58, 59 while sitting, 61 standing; in the afternoon three hours after dinner, 73 while sitting, 78 standing; at 11 P.M., 82 sitting, 94 standing (first day). In the morning in bed 59; at 9.30, 72 sitting, 79 standing; at 10.15, 66 sitting, 85 standing; while sitting it was strong, full, and regular, while standing, small, weak, irregular, in both rate and strength; at noon, 65 sitting, 81 standing; at 11 P.M., 68 sitting, 84 standing, irregular as before (second day); at 11 A.M., 60 sitting, 74 standing ( the slightest motion made it immediately more rapid); noting the pulse while leaning backward in a reclining chair and then raising myself to slowly sitting upright, the pulse became in a moment jerky and very much smaller and weaker (third day). At 10 A.M., 61 sitting, 65 standing (fourth day). Pulse previously 61 to 62, while sitting, 68 standing, not changed in first half four after taking; at 6 P.M., 68 sitting, 85 standing, rapid and weaker than usual (first day); 9 A.M., 69 sitting, 75 standing; at 7 P.M., 67 sitting, 74 standing (second day). Pulse 68 before taking; 68 (after five, ten, and fifteen minutes); 74 (after twenty minutes);70 (after thirty minutes); 64 (after thirty-five minutes); 66 (after forty minutes); 68 (after fifty and sixty minutes); pulse was increased in force. Pulse before taking 56 to 57 while sitting, 54 (after half an hour); 51 (after one hour); 66 in the evening (first day); 59 in the morning while sitting, 58 in the evening while sitting (second day); 58 at 11 A.M.; 68 while sitting, 81 while standing, 62 while lying, at 10 A.M. (seventh day). Slow pulse. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Pulse slow during the first forty-eight hours; but afterwards quicker and proportionately weaker. (* Original revised by Hughes. *) (* This symptom (the most frequent and important of Digitalis), that after the primary slowness (primary action), the reaction of the organism after some days makes the pulse lastingly more rapid and smaller, shows how much the physicians of the old school err when they endeavor to make the pulse permanently slow by Digitalis, and thus frequently kill their patients.-HAHNEMANN. *) Slow but strong pulse. Pulse slow, full and large, soon afterwards small and more frequent. Pulse somewhat slower and fuller (second day). Thready, slow, and intermittent pulse. Pulse very slow (after four days). Slowing of the pulse almost one half. Slowing of the pulse about one half, lasting several days. Pulse slow (falls 30 beats). Pulse slow, falling to 50 and then 35. Pulse slow, 40. Pulse 41 or 42 (fourth day). Pulse one beat slower (in five to fifteen minutes after each dose of 15 drops of tinct., twice in one day). Slowing of the pulse form 82 to 39, with weakness and lassitude of the body. Slowing of the pulse from 100 to 40. Pulse averaged 68 for three weeks before taking, 65 while taking, 60 for ten days after taking, 63 from the tenth a to the thirty-fifth day after taking; the minimum pulse was 53, on the seventh day after the last dose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.