Croton Tiglium

Pustules thickly covering the whole scrotum and face; the pustules on the side of the scrotum were flattened and became suppurating ulcers; in other parts the pustules dried and desquamated. The whole abdomen, even where the oil had not been applied, was covered with numerous small elevated pustules, surrounded with bright-red areola, but without itching, and with no general symptoms (after two hours); violent itching began in the night, disturbing sleep and causing general discomfort; on the next morning the redness was less marked, and every pustule had a tip somewhat paler than the skin around it; pressure upon the eruption was not painful, but somewhat sensitive; gradually the pustules became pale, and disappeared, without crusts or desquamation; on the eighth day only a few pale-red spots remained, not larger than a grain of corn. Slight redness, soon followed by burning; on the next morning, while lying in bed on the left side, throbbing, tension, and frequent jerking in the left upper arm, extending to the fingers; this spasmodic jerking involuntarily contracted the fingers; they noticed a large number of large and small, isolated, red-pointed, and roundish pustules; the itching and burning were worse on touch or motion, especially on rubbing with the hand; the arm and shoulder felt heavy; the whole skin was slightly red; the place felt rough and uneven; the small pustules disappeared as whitish, shiny, small elevations; the whole skin became whitish; the large pustules remained red even after 5 days, when they gradually diminished, with only a very slight whitish desquamation, only noticed when rubbing with the hand, when a few small scales were found upon the hairs of the arm; an itching; which provoked scratching, remained for some 2 weeks, and also an alternating sensation of heaviness and tension in the upper arm. On the 2nd day there was some itching in the place where the oil had been rubbed but the surrounding skin even where the oil had not touched, was still more red; an eruption of very numerous, isolated large and small dark-red pustules; movement of the arm causes some itching and burning; touch, or uncovering the part even in the room, increased the painful burning and itching; the whole spot was elevated, uneven, and rough; the small pustules disappeared after a few days, leaving a slight elevation of the skin; the large ones remained for 5 days isolated and red. Herpetic eruption on the scrotum (from rubbing it into the abdomen).

Subjective. Itching after half an hour, followed by painful burning. Prickling in the 1st toes of the right foot. Crawling in the lumbar region as from beetles. Itching of the left upper lid.

Itching on the right lower lid. Itching on the scrotum. Itching on the left middle finger, and on the right ring finger. Frequent itching, or rather smarting, as from vermin, in the pubic region, and on the glans penis (2nd day). Very troublesome irritating itching on the scrotum (2nd day). Prickling itching and burning on the sole of the right foot. Corrosive itching on the scrotum, disturbing sleep, relieved by rubbing, which, however, caused erections (3rd day).

Corrosive itching on the scrotum, and a moist, offensive spot on the thigh; these places afterwards become dry and desquamate.

Sleep and Dreams.


Yawning, nearly the whole forenoon. Frequent yawning.

Sleepiness. Sleepiness and prostration. Sleepiness towards noon, so that he wished to lie down; after lying down after dinner inability to sleep with some palpitation of the heart. Great somnolence and weakness (from the effluvia). Almost irresistible desire to sleep.

Easy falling asleep, followed by chill, especially across the back.

Falling asleep from weariness, with numerous anxious dreams.

After the vomiting, fell into a deep sleep which lasted for hours.


Sleep uneasy. Sleep uneasy, with many dreams. Sleep very uneasy and full of dreams. Sleep light, disturbed by many dreams.

Sleep, with sudden waking, although he was unable to remember having a dream. Night restless; full of dreams. Sleeps lying on the backs, and sudden awaking after an emission.


Sleep, very dreamy. Sleep disturbed by many dreams.

Sleep with heavy dreams, till 1 o’clock at night, when she was suddenly awakened by violent headache. Night full of interrupted dreams, he could not remember even having passed such an anxious night before. Dreams about the occurrences of the day, during the afternoon nap.



Surface cold. Surface of the body cool. Skin cool, clammy.

Chilliness and shivering. Chilliness, especially in the abdomen.

In the afternoon chilliness obliged him to seek his bed, where he did not get warm for a long time. Very transient attacks of chilliness extending especially over the whole of the back.

Easily chilled. Coldness, especially of the lower extremities, so that she seemed covered with gooseflesh; she was obliged to lie in bed in order to keep warm. Sensation of coldness, weakness, and prostration, Shivering all over (in three hours and a half). Extremities cool.

Extremities cold. Coldness of the feet, extending as far up as the calves. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen. Sudden coldness and paleness of the hands, with fingers very much shrivelled.

Feet cold (after one hour and three-quarters). Feet and legs cold (after two hours and three-quarters). Extremities rather cold (after three quarters of an hour).


Increased temperature of the whole body, followed by prickling burning warm sensation. Warmth of body, especially of the face.

Warmth over the whole body, followed by feeling of coldness in the region of the abdominal vertebrae. Warmth of the surface of the body, especially of the hands, which are usually cold, with remarkably swollen and prominent veins. Generally increased warmth of the whole body, with slight sweat. Skin, at first cool, becomes warm, and afterwards always profuse transpiration.

Increased sensation of warmth through the whole body. Heat of the body. Heat and sensation of anxiety, so that she sought for a chair. Feeling of heat, with increased salivation. Flushes of heat. Hot and perspiring, with pulse as high as 190 (after five hours and a half). Febrile symptoms.

Feverish condition (with the eruption of pustules). Creeping warmth in the parietes of the abdomen. Itching warmth in the upper third of the right tibia. Heat of the face. Slight febrile excitement across the whole upper abdomen. Burning in the cheeks.


Sweat. Skin moist (one case), (after 18 hours). Sweat on the forehead. Sweat stood in drops on the forehead, and she thought she was unable to go to the house on account of the nausea.

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning), Immediately on rising, confusion of the head; on waking, head heavy, etc.; after rising, pain in abdomen, etc.; in bed, urging to stool; cough; on rising, weakness, etc.; on waking, weariness, etc.

(Forenoon), Pressure in stomach.

(Noon), Pains in head; pain in elbow; while sleeping, twitching of legs.

(Afternoon), Eructations; stitches through left chest; palpitation of heart; sticking in kidney region; chilliness.

(Evening), Lips dry, etc.; bilious eructations; sticking in spleen; colic below navel; passage of flatus; colic; mucus in larynx; cough etc.; oppression of chest; drawing above wrist; heaviness, etc.

(Midnight), Fullness, etc., at stomach. ( After midnight), On waking, heaviness in thighs.

(Open air), Confusion of head; vertigo, etc.; nausea, etc.

(Ascending stairs), Dyspnoea.

(Beer with bread), Pains in forehead, etc.

(Bending body), Pain within anus.

(After bread and butter), Sick feeling.

(On coughing), Soreness in abdomen.

(After dinner), Pains in head; heartburn, etc.; griping; especially when lying down, palpitation; discomfort.

(While eating), Tearing in abdomen.

(After eating), Symptoms always aggravated; colic.

(During expiration), Scraping in throat; burning in fauces.

(Walking), Sticking in forehead; pains in abdomen, etc.; colic; stitches in anus; pains in great toe.

(During inspiration), Sticking in chest.

(Deep inspiration), Pains in walls of abdomen.

(Looking up), Vertigo.

(Lying), Pain causing nausea.

(After milk), Nausea, etc.

(After moving about), Pain in anus.

(On going out), Twinging, etc., in umbilicus.

(Pressure), Pains in walls of abdomen.

(On rising and while rising), Rumbling in intestines, etc.

(In room), Vision vanishes, etc.

(While sitting), Desire to pass flatus; tension, etc., of abdomen; pains in upper abdomen; sticking on margin of foot; jerking in foot.

(Sitting with abdomen bent over), Pain in umbilical region.

(Before every stool), Griping in colon.

(After stool), scraping in anus.

(Touch), Griping in intestines.


(Eating gruel), Pains in abdomen.

(Inspiration), Burning in fauces.

(Rest), Pain in forehead; pain within anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.