Croton Tiglium

Swelling of the palate for several days. Some vesicles in the mouth on the hard palate. Some pustules in mouth (with return of burning in mouth and throat), (one case), (after 18 hours).

Dryness of the mouth.

Dryness of the mouth, without thirst (in half an hour).

Dryness in the mouth, with scraping sensation in the throat.

Complains of his mouth being parched. Burning in mouth and throat (after one hour).

Burning sensation in mouth and pharynx. Mouth feels as if burnt.

Burning scraping in the mouth and throat, extending low down into the oesophagus, not relieved as formerly by cold water, lasting over two hours (soon).

Saliva. Increased secretion of saliva. (after one hour); (after 4 hours). Profuse salivation, soon. Profuse secretion of saliva and mucus. Collection of water in the mouth.


Taste at first agreeable, like chocolate; but soon followed by the peculiar burning (effects of the roasted seed). Taste at first sweetish, afterwards extremely bitter and burning; the scraping-burning taste was coincident with increased warmth and accumulation of saliva. Acrid burning taste in mouth and throat (1 or 2 drops). Taste sometimes burning, sometimes scraping (from a drop of the oil). Taste flat. Nauseous, flat taste. Taste pasty. Bad taste (immediately). (2nd day). Sharp sour taste rising up from the stomach. The burning sensation has risen above the entrance of oesophagus, and is accompanied by a remarkably acrid taste in the back of the mouth, like pimento (after one hour). Somewhat bitter taste in the mouth (immediately). Taste as after almonds. Water tastes flat and nauseous, and causes a felling of emptiness; he drinks very little on account of a severe burning in the throat.



Redness and smarting of the throat (3rd day). Throat red and sore (2nd day). Hawking of mucus, which has a sour taste, like vinegar.


Dryness in the throat, with sense of increased irritation of the pharynx, during inspiration, almost like a slight pharyngeal angina (in 24 hours). Throat dry. Sensation as though a morsel were in the throat, which he was unable to swallow. Pain in the throat (soon). Burning in the throat,; (immediately). Burning in the throat and stomach. Burning in the throat, as if he had eaten pepper. Burning and contraction of the throat and tongue.

Constant burning and contraction of the throat. Sensitive burning and scraping in the throat. Burning pain in the throat. Intense burning sensation in the throat, and all down the oesophagus (after half an hour).

Feeling of warmth in the throat, and along the oesophagus, sometimes extending to the pit of the stomach and lasting several minutes (immediately). Complaints that his throat was swelling.

Scraping in the throat. Scraping in the throat, lasting six hours. Scraping in the throat, causing frequent hawking. Scraping at the throat, worse during an expiration. Scraping in the throat, followed by burning in the chest. Slight scraping in the throat, with sensation of warmth in the back of the mouth, lasting half an hour, disappearing after cold water (soon).

Burning scraping in the throat and fauces. Rawness in the throat.

Intolerably acrid sensation in the throat and all down the oesophagus. Jerking and shooting through the throat. Scraping tingling in the throat. Tickling followed by scraping and then burning, at the point where the hard and soft palates unite (soon).

Uvula and Tonsils.

Redness and elongation of the uvula. Swelling of the tonsils, painful to external pressure. Titillation in the right tonsil (in a quarter of an hour).

Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus.

Increased warmth in the fauces.

Burning in the fauces; relieved on inspiration; aggravated by expiration. Scraping in the fauces, followed by burning, and afterwards tickling in the larynx. Feeling of warmth along the pharynx and oesophagus, extending to the pit of the stomach, lasting several minutes (soon). Burning in the pharynx and bowels (from the effluvia).

Burning in the pharynx (again on the 2nd day), allayed a little by drinking water. Acrid sensation in pharynx. Severe pain in the oesophagus (soon). Burning extending up the oesophagus,; (after three-quarters of an hour). Prickling at the entrance of the oesophagus (while swallowing the dose). Frequent inclination to swallow, which always causes pain on the left side of the oesophagus, as though a small ball were being pressed through its wall. Constant irresistible inclination to swallow saliva, with a sensitive pain deep in the oesophagus, as if a small ball were being pressed out of the left side, lasting half an hour, relieved after cold water.

Swallowing. Difficult swallowing.

External Throat.

Swelling of the submaxillary glands, painful to touch.



Very great appetite, after the pains had entirely ceased.

Hunger, without appetite. Unnatural hunger, with emptiness of the stomach. Appetite diminished. Appetite and thirst very slight.

Loss of appetite. Loss of all appetite. Little appetite at lunch, with feeling of repletion after eating very little (after six hours). Loathing of his usual breakfast, soup a l’eau (in 11 hours).

Although without appetite, and even with a feeling of fulness, he eats his usual allowance at lunch time (after 5 hours).

Thirst. Considerable thirst (2nd day). Thirst intense,; (after one hour). Aversion to beer.

Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations,; (after one, two, and four hours). Eructations of water in her mouth. Eructations, nausea, and weakness. Constant eructations of water from the stomach.

Empty eructations. Empty eructations, especially in the afternoon. Empty eructations followed by nausea. Acrid and burning eructations. Watery eructations. Bilious eructations, in the evening. Hiccough, yawning.

Heartburn, with some nausea; after dinner.

Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea,; (after one hour), etc. Nausea and vertigo, increased in the open air. Nausea with collection of sour water in the mouth. Nausea and eructations. Nausea and eructations after every drink. Nausea and desire to vomit (after half an hour).

Nausea, with inclination to vomit, after taking some milk.

Nausea and vomiting (larger doses). At times nausea, seldom vomiting; the latter especially in women. Constant nausea, with accumulation of water and saliva in the mouth, with slight chilliness. Unusual nausea.

Sleep sound until midnight, after which it was disturbed by much nausea, followed by sudden vomiting of a sour, exceedingly strong smelling fluid in rather large quantity; after the vomiting, diarrhoea, with a feeling as though a fluid were swashing about in the abdomen. Great nausea. Great nausea, as if to vomit.

Insufferable nausea, with inflation of the bowels and borborygmi in the epigastric region (in three hours and a half). Continual inclination to vomit, which he tries to restrain (in half an hour). Retching, with vomiting of food and some water. Frequent retching, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Violent retching and vomiting, with rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhoea. Violent retching with very difficult vomiting of yellowish water, of an oily smell, and sweetish bitter, oily taste (after one hour and a half). He was obliged to lean against the washstand with all possible force in order to resist the spasmodic retching. Vomiting (one case). Vomiting followed by diarrhoea.

Vomiting, borborygmi, and diarrhoea, twenty-four times in succession.

Severe vomiting (after 5 minutes). Severe vomiting (after 5 minutes) of matter containing numerous streaks of a white, shiny, emulsion-like substance, mixed with clear, glairy fluid (after three-quarters of an hour). Violent and very copious vomiting, for three-quarters of an hour (soon). Sudden violent vomiting, frequently repeated, of whitish-yellow, frothy liquid; with most violent contractions of the stomach.

Vomiting of light and glairy matter (one case), (after 18 hours).

Vomiting of a very large quantity of sour, strongly smelling fluid. Vomiting of some water, mucus, and food, with constant nausea, after eating. Vomiting of mucus with a bitter taste.

Vomiting of bile.

Stomach. Gastro-enteritis (excessive doses). Rumbling in the stomach, with heaviness on the chest. Anxiety, oppression, and pressure in the epigastric region, with great nausea. Feeling of warmth and burning in the pit of the stomach.

Sensation of emptiness in the stomach (after one hour).

An unpleasant sensation of emptiness and hunger, and rumbling in the abdomen (after half an hour). Empty, hungry sensation. Very empty feeling in the stomach before eating.

Sinking in the stomach, with sensation of weakness (after two hours). Stomach feels relaxed and is painful to pressure.

Epigastric pain for several days. Severe pain in the epigastrium (two cases). After vomiting has continued for a quarter of an hour, she began to complain of severe pain in stomach, not aggravated, however, by pressure. Burning in the stomach. Burning as from coals in the stomach. Burning and feeling of repletion at the stomach (after 10 minutes). Burning pain at the stomach.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.