Croton Tiglium

Epigastrium felt hot and tense. Fullness and oppression of the stomach at midnight, followed by nausea, and afterwards by easy vomiting of the food eaten at supper; then by sweat of the face and comfortable feeling; after half an hour repeated vomiting of the contents of the stomach, which were somewhat bitter, after which he slept well until morning. Feeling of fullness in the stomach. Feeling of repletion at the stomach, which impedes respiration (in three-quarters of an hour). Tension in the epigastric region. Constriction in the stomach. Some constriction in the upper part of the stomach. Cramp in the stomach and upper abdomen.

Pressure in the stomach.; (after a quarter of an hour).

Pressure in the epigastric region. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, in the forenoon. Pressure in the stomach, with anxiety.

Pressure in the epigastric region, and a feeling of fullness.

Pressure and fullness in the region of the stomach and chest.

Pressure and constriction in the epigastric region. Pressure at the stomach, which changes into nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour). Pressure in the stomach, with discomfort of the abdomen. Pressure in the stomach, with tickling sensation, qualmishness, and slight spasmodic motions, as though one would vomit.

Pressure in the pit of the stomach, transient. Some pressure in the stomach. Sense of weight and heat in the epigastrium, such as is felt after drinking strong spirits (after 15 minutes); the heat seems to radiate in every direction, from one spot; it is confined to the stomach, and is unpleasant, but not painful (after 25 minutes); it becomes a burning and extends to the cardia (after half an hour); it is relieved for a minute or two by a glass of barley-water. Cuttings in the stomach, afterwards below the stomach, and followed by tearing in the intestines of the right side near the ileum. Cutting pains beneath the stomach.

Violent colic in the stomach and abdomen.

Scraping in the stomach, followed by slight nausea. Burning scraping extending down into the stomach and along the intestinal tract.

Sensitiveness of the epigastric region to touch.



Pressive pain in the left hypochondria (after 9 hours).

Pressure in the region of the spleen. Sticking in the spleen, in the evening. Throbbing in the region of the spleen.

Umbilical. Painful movements about the umbilicus, with increased pain on touch or pressure. Dull vermicular movements, with slight gurgling about the umbilicus. Tension between the umbilicus and pit of the stomach. Tension and movement about the navel, with pressure towards the anus, while lying down. Griping about the umbilicus.

Griping and pinching pains in the abdomen, about the umbilicus, extending to the left side of the bowels. Violent, dull, spasmodic pain seated in the umbilical region, more violent while sitting with the abdomen bent over than when erect or when walking.

Pressure, with twinging, above the umbilicus. Cutting about the navel, as though two knives were cutting towards each other in the intestines, relieved by two evacuations; after which a watery stool follows, without any disturbance. Cutting pains about the umbilicus.

Sticking to the left of the navel. Tearings about the navel, after dinner. Pains about the umbilicus, as though the intestines were twisting, followed by tearing in the left side of the abdomen (after one hour). Twinging and tension in the umbilicus, on going out, with pressing upward to the epigastric region, and sudden nausea. Colic like pains about the umbilicus. Colic, so that she could scarcely get her breath; the cutting pain seemed to be about the navel, extending up to the stomach, and caused her to bend double; thence it extended to the left side of the abdomen. Very transient colic below the navel, in the evening, with distended abdomen, followed by urging to stool.

General Abdomen.

Fullness, tension, and rumbling in the abdomen.

Flatulent distension of the abdomen, with sensation of heaviness in it. Abdomen full, with tension of the parietes. Abdomen full and distended, with griping above the navel. An audible and but slightly felt disturbance of the bowels (after a few minutes), followed by liquid evacuations (after 20 minutes); during the six or eight hours that the effect continued, he had fifteen very copious stools.

Movements in the intestines become perceptible, accompanied by slight griping pains. Gurgling in the intestines, as though only water were in them, mostly on the left side. Rumbling in the abdomen; (after 5 minutes). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Rumbling in the intestines. Rumbling in the intestines, on the left side. Rumbling and loud noises in the intestines (after half an hour). Rumbling in the intestines, and emission of offensive flatus, on rising and while rising. Borborygmi (after three-quarters of an hour to one hour).

Borborygmi in the bowels, and several eructations (in an hour and a half). Flatulence. Flatulence, with slight but frequently recurring colic-like pains. Flatulence, soon followed by urgent desire for stool; evacuation sudden, with flatulence; stool thin, small (2nd day). Much flatulence. Passage of much flatus, in the evening.

Easy emission of flatulence, while walking; indication of speedy stool. Emission of offensive flatus. Frequent emission of offensive flatus. Frequent passage of offensive flatus. Constant desire to pass flatus, which, however, was emitted suddenly. Very urgent desire to pass flatus, while sitting. Movings, rumblings, and gurglings, with painfulness to touch on the navel. Slight movements and retractions, with dragging pains in the upper abdomen and umbilical region, followed by stool. Uneasiness, griping, and twinging in the abdomen.

Unpleasant sensation in the intestines, with rumbling in the abdomen, lasting half an hour (after one hour). Sensation as though diarrhoea would occur (after 4 days). An unpleasant feeling in the abdomen, as though diarrhoea would occur.

Heaviness and confusion of the whole abdomen, with retracted parietes. Feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen. Pains in the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen, relieved an hour after eating some gruel. Pains in the abdomen, with passage of much offensive flatus, in the morning, after rising. Pains in the walls of the abdomen, especially deep, so violent that slight pressure or deep inspiration made it intolerable. Pain in bowels (with the nausea), (one case). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with slight griping. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with rumbling and slight colic. Violent annoying tension and distension of the whole abdomen, with urging to stool, tenesmus, and emission of offensive flatus from the anus; these symptoms are worse while sitting than while walking or standing. She seemed to feel distinctly the medicine work downward into the coecum, and cause a contraction; as it approached the umbilicus, it caused some twinging. Griping in the transverse colon, repeated before every stool. Griping and gurgling, with feeling of fullness in the abdomen, and pressure towards the anus.

Slight griping after dinner, transient. Griping pains in the upper abdomen. Slight griping pains in the intestines, especially aggravated by touch. Violent griping pains, with rumbling and gurgling in the upper abdomen, soon followed by emission of offensive flatus.

Dragging spasmodic pains in the upper abdomen, especially while sitting, followed by tensive pain. Cutting in the bowels, followed by stool. Cutting pains, tenesmus, and alvine evacuation, at first pultaceous, then liquid, mingled with mucus and bile (after 2 hours), then three more diarrhoeic stools of a greenish-yellow. Cutting pains in the intestines and about the umbilicus. Cutting pains in the bowels, with emission of fetid flatulence (after 12 hours). Sticking in the coecum. Tearing in the abdomen, while eating. Tearing in the transverse colon.

Twinging and cutting pains, mostly in the colon.

Frequent twinging pain in the abdomen. Spasmodic twinging pains in the abdomen and about the umbilicus, while walking. Colic-like pains, with rumbling in the abdomen, and feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, lasting half an hour, and disappearing after passage of flatus (2nd day). Violent colicky pains and passage of loud offensive flatus (after 6 hours). Pressive colic-like pains in the abdomen.

Colic (after one hour). Colic, generally. Colic, after eating.

Colic and tenesmus. Slight colic. Violent colic, after eating, and while walking. Griping colic, with pressure towards the anus.

Slight gripping colic, with dragging towards the anus. Flatulent colic, in the evening. Flatulent colic, disturbing sleep; the colic lasted about half an hour, and was relieved after the passage of much noisy flatus (after 6 hours). Slight tenderness of abdomen, but none of epigastrium (one case), (after 18 hours).

Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen, especially felt on pressing upon it. Soreness in the abdomen on coughing. Whole abdomen sore and easily painful. Swashing in the intestines, as from water (2nd day). Swashing, rumbling, and griping in the intestines. Feeling as though fluid were swashing in the abdomen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.