CROTON TIGLIUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CROTON TIGLIUM…


CROT. Croton Oil. “Pract. Mtitheil.,” 1828. “Annals,” IV. “Archiv.,” XIX.


Darting, lacerating, drawing pains in different parts of the body. Itching, burning, and tingling in different places. Violent irritation through the whole body. Weakness and bruised feeling through the whole body, and frequent attacks of light nausea. Weakness and sick feeling. Trembling over the whole body, with oppression and anguish. Fainting spells.


The pains are most felt on the left side. The pains are relieved after sleep.


Scarlet erythema over the whole body. Scarlet redness of the skin, with rash-like vesicles. Vesicular, eczematous, and erysipelatous redness of the skin. Erysipelas of the face; violent burning erysipelatous swelling of the face, oedematous indented eye-lid covering the eye, large water blisters on the chin. Itching, followed by a painful burning. Redness of the skin and pustular eruption. Pustules and almost general inflammation of the abdominal integuments. Herpetic eruption of the scrotum. Escharae, which are at first dry, then black. Glands; irritation of the salivary glands. Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands and tonsils. (See “Throat,”.).


Yawning. Drowsiness without being able to sleep, with palpitation of the heart. Restless, heavy sleep, wakes with head ache, with languor of the limbs.


Sudden coldness and paleness of the hands, with shrivelled

fingers. Pricking burning heat of the body. Warmth of the hands, which are usually cold, with swelling of the veins. Frequent and feeble, frequent and full, or contracted and somewhat accelerated pulse.


Sad mood with indisposition to work. Peevish, ill-humored. Melancholy. Forgetful.


Vertigo, with dullness of the head, languor, and debility. Full, gloomy, reeling head. Dullness of the head, with pressure from the vertex. Heaviness of the head. Stupefying pressure on or under the frontal bone, most violent below the eye-brows, with heaviness in the eye-lids. Pressure in both temples, from without inwards. Tensive pain in the sinciput. Headache with dullness, early in the morning. Jerking darting about the head. Congestion of blood from the abdomen to the head, with warm skin and sweat.


Heaviness, weakness of the eyes. Itching of the eye-lids. Slight oedematous swelling of the eye-lids. Lachrymation. Stinging in the eye-ball. Burning and violent pain of the eye. Irritation and inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva. Violent ophthalmia; on the second day, ulceration of the conjunctiva over the cornea and sclerotica, irritation of the sclerotica and iris; contraction of the pupil; injected state of the vessels of the conjunctiva, sclerotica and eye-lids, profuse lachrymation, photophobia, violent pains, disturbing the night’s rest. Vanishing of sight, as in a slight fainting spell, or as if smoke, a gauze, or mist were before the eyes.


Cramp-like dragging in the interior of the ear. Darting below the ear. Momentary loss of hearing in either ear. Diminution of hearing in one ear. Humming in the ear.


Burning in the nostril. Inflammation of the nose. Coryza, with slight discharge of mucus.


Swelling of the face. Paleness and coldness of the face. Increased warmth of the face. Distracted expression of countenance, with staring, glistering eyes. Burning in the face. Erysipelatous inflammation of the face. Drawing in the lower jaw.


The gums bleed readily. Painful swelling of the upper jaw on the inner sides, or of the alveolar margin. Drawing in the lower cuspidatus.


Dry, parched lips. Burning of the lips, with slight swelling of the border of the lips. Inflammation, swelling, and burning of the mouth, lips, and pharynx. Heat in the mouth, as if burnt. Heavy, hollow and somewhat hoarse speech.


Swelling of the tonsils and painfulness of the same on pressing upon them. Angina-tonsillaris, with suppuration. Swelling on the palate. Redness and elongation of the uvula. Feeling of warmth in the fauces, pharynx, oesophagus down to the pit of the stomach. Dryness of the throat, difficulty of deglutition, and increased irritability of the pharynx during an inspiration. Hawking up of sour mucus. Scraping taste in the fauces. Burning scraping in the fauces and pharynx. Long-continued burning and contractive sensation in the fauces. Constrictive sensation in the throat..


Bitter or sour, acrid taste, ascending from the stomach. Loathing. Aversion to food and diminished appetite. Lacerating in the abdomen during a meal. Colic, lacerating around the umbilicus, vomiting of water, mucus, and a little food, with continual inclination to vomit, tenesmus, and discharge of a small quantity of loose faeces, with a copious admixture of mucus. Nausea and eructations after drinking.


Incipient, empty, or else watery or bilious eructations. Excessive nausea, with vanishing of sight. Gagging, pain in the stomach, and vomiting. Singultus. Vomiting of bile or bitter mucus. Vomiting of a sour fluid, of a very acrid smell, at night. Anguish, oppression, and pressure in the region of the stomach, with great nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth. Violent burning in the stomach. Violent colic in the stomach and abdomen, relieved after a short nap. Constriction of the stomach and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with running from the nose nd eyes. Fullness in the stomach and oppressed breathing. Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to the touch.


Full, distended abdomen, with slight colic, urging to stool, tenesmus, and large volumes of fetid flatulence. Heaviness and unpleasant sensation in the whole abdomen, with retraction of the abdomen. Nausea in the epigastric and hypogastric region. Coldness in the abdomen. Fullness, pressure, sensation of burning and warmth, feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the region of the spleen. Splenetic stitches. Pinching, aching, pressing, tensive and spasmodic pains in the epigastrium. Violent, seated, dull, spasmodic pains in the middle of the abdomen, more violent when bending the body. Pressure and dragging above the umbilicus. Colicky pain around the umbilicus, followed by stool. Spasmodic, pinching, wandering pain around the umbilicus. Pinching, pulling, tightness, and pressure towards the stomach, in the umbilicus, attended with sudden nausea. Pinching and cutting in the bowels, with emission of flatulence. Tensive pain in the lumbar region.


Numerous liquid eructations with tenesmus, without colic, or with nausea and colic. Violent purging, with a disagreeable sensation through the whole body, and a nauseous taste. Dark- green liquid discharges. Loose greenish-yellow stools, mixed with a quantity of mucus and bile, and attended with colic and tenesmus. Papescent, brownish evacuation, lined with mucus, accompanied with burning at the anus, tenesmus. Constipation, sluggishness of the intestinal canal. Discharge of ascarides, lumbrici, taenia. After stool; protrusion of the rectum; pain when pressing upon the abdomen; anguish and oppression, sweat on the forehead, nausea with vanishing of hearing and sight. Itching of the anus. Pulsations, dartings, soreness, and burning at the anus.


Violent stitches in the region of the kidneys, arresting the breathing. The urine looks dark and fiery, flocculent, with greasy particles floating on top, turbid sediment. Burning in the urethra and at the gland when urinating.


Scanty catamenia. Retention of the menses. Palpitation of the heart and difficulty of breathing.


Hoarseness and hollow voice. Increased secretion of mucus with difficulty of breathing and slight wheezing during an inspiration. Soreness in the abdomen when coughing.


Burning on the chest. The chest is painful when touched. Difficulty of breathing, with tightness of the chest, owing to colic. Anguish, oppression, fullness in the chest and region of the stomach. Aching pain in the middle of the chest. Sensation of hollowness in the chest. Loud and perceptible pulsations and throbbings of the heart, particularly a recumbent posture. Sudden throbbing in the region of the aorta.


Heaviness and weariness in both arms. Sticking or aching pains in the shoulder-joints. Lacerating in the arms. Boring pain in the elbow-joint. Tension and pressure in the fore-arm, with sensation of extreme weakness, extending towards the hand. Drawing in the fore-arm or above the wrist.


Weariness and languor of the lower extremities, particularly a painful pressure in the thighs. Tensive pain in the region of the hip-joint, in the thighs, or in the knee-joints. Itching burning in the middle of the thighs. Nervous weakness in the thighs. Lameness in the thigh. Excited arthritic tingling in the knee-joints.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.