
Peculiar gurgling in the abdomen, with sensation of emptiness (second day).

Constant urging of flatulence, without passage of any. On two occasions flatus from bowels, having the smell of burnt gunpowder, 8 A.M. (ninetieth day). Passage of flatus and urging to stool (after forty-five minutes). Profuse passage of odorless flatus, relieving the colic and the rumbling in the abdomen.

Cutting-drawing gnawing pain in the small intestines, with rumbling, commencing early in the morning, reaching its greatest severity about 9, and lasting till about 11 o’clock, relieved by rapid walking and after eating something, but returning after half an hour; the pain was relieved by repeated pressure in the mesogastric region. Colic renewed after a cup of chocolate. The colic is very much aggravated after taking coffee, continues throughout the day till 5 P.M., the disappears after drinking cold beer.

Rectum and Anus.

Wakened from sleep by great urging to stool; stool copious, solid (first night). Urging to stool in the afternoon, followed by diarrhoea (sixth day). 3 P.M., had urgings to stool, but evacuated only a slight quantity of clear watery mucus, with a few brownish small flocks swimming in it (second day). Urging to stool, followed by hard, scanty stool, with sensation as if the sphincter was paralyzed. Plagued the whole day with desire to stool, and sulfuretted hydrogen flatulency (seventh day). No desire for stool at the usual time in the morning; no evacuation the whole day, notwithstanding every effort; awoke at 11 o’clock at night, with great urging to stool, followed by an abundant, firm evacuation.



Teaspoonful mushy diarrhoea, 2 P.M. (fourth day); four stools during the early afternoon, without pain; stools different from his habitual looseness; stopped taking Coca, and had natural stools (fifth and sixth days). Large diarrhoeic stools, without pain anywhere, also frequent urination of large quantities; had to get up three times at night to pass water. Two natural stools (in the afternoon and evening), (eighth day). A motion rather more abundant and looser than usual, and having more smell, 11 A.M. (second day). A stool of moderate quantity, with urging, looser, more smell than usual, and a soreness in the anus while passing it, 2 A.M. (third day); later, more natural, indicating a quicker and more perfect digestion, almost inodorous, remaining so. Soft stool voided with difficulty; looser stool; smells more; sensation of looseness in the bowels, as if diarrhoea were about to set in, with very slight gripings, 5 P.M. (second day). Thin stool (nineteenth day). Stool thinner than usual, followed by continued urging, lasting three minutes, without further effect (after one hour). Very pressing motion, with urgings, almost as abundant as usually after breakfast, 1 P.M. (second day). Natural stool after dinner, but dark (one hundred and first day). After dinner, natural stool, perhaps somewhat less than usual (one hundred and tenth day). The faeces lose by degrees their stercoral odor, but the peculiar odor of the Coca is to be detected in them.


Constipation is of so frequent occurrence that, from its prominent character in the disease of Coca chewers, it has been called Opilacion. Stool delayed (first day). Daily evacuation delayed for three hours. Evacuations not so regular, drier than usual, partly in small lumps, and inodorous (nineteenth day).

Though the evacuation was soft enough and well formed, there was difficulty in voiding it. Expulsion, with more than usual difficulty, of small lumps of faeces (after Magnesia). After breakfast, stool rather less than usual, and dark; after dinner, somewhat scanty stool, but not dark (ninety-fifth day). Faeces darker and rather less than usual, and in small pieces (sixty- seventh day). Stool after breakfast, scanty, dry, in small lumps, like walnuts (sixty-sixth day); same after natural desire, with considerable effort (eightieth day); latter portion like walnuts (eighty-second day); scanty, difficult; at first in small pieces; with the straining slight pain, apparently in right spermatic cord or testis (one hundred and tenth day). Quantity of faeces reduced in bulk about one-third, drier, more consistent, in smaller lumps, ejected with little effort, and without any smell; the paper used is never stained (first day); (fourth day), usual morning stool does not take place; vain endeavors to effect it; later, more constipated, less regular (eighth day).

Urinary Organs.


Fine stitches in the female urethra before urinating; urine normal (third day); again in the evening (eighth day). A desire to urinate frequently, with increased flow of urine.


Rose at night in urinate, as he had to do constantly a long time ago, but not lately, and it ceased after the proving.

Rose to urinate at night often, during the fourth, fifteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-third weeks, particularly after midnight, towards morning, or early in the morning, often in the fifteenth week, and the next following.

Quantity of urine decreased 47.60 centimeters.


Urine dark-brown (first evening). Urine has an unbroken film all over its surface, iridescent in certain lights, with an appearance like fissures in it, mapping it out, and a flocculent, pale sediment floating at the bottom seen through the film (one hundred and twelfth day); 6 P.M., before dinner (one hundred and twenty-third day).

Urine acid, smelling like perspiration. Urine passed at night formed a cloud in a short time, which by morning gathered into little bits like crumbs of bread, swimming at the bottom of the vessel. Urine, with a yellowish-red sediment adhering to bottom of vessel, and a flocculent precipitate floating there, after standing all night (one hundred and sixty-eighth day). Urine of the night has a pale orange-colored, somewhat flocculent, sediment, chiefly collected in one spot (eleventh day), is dark when passed (eightieth and eighty-first days), with a dusky- reddish sediment adhering to vessel, turbid (even when passed) after standing, with an oily-looking film on surface (eightieth, eighty-fourth, and ninety-eighth days); more after standing all night, less of the day urine. Quantity of urea decreased 2.0101 grammes; of chloride of sodium 3.4167 grammes; of sulphuric acid.2948 gramme; of free acid.6945 gramme. Quantity of phosphoric acid increased.0090 gramme. Microscopically there was found in the urine an abundance of octahedral crystals of oxalate of lime, of all sizes.

Sexual Organs.


Weakness of the genital organs, commencing as an indefinite sick feeling, followed by “bilious troubles,” with their thousand tormenting complaints, especially constipation, jaundice, and numerous symptoms of disturbances of the nervous system. It is looked upon by the natives as a sure aphrodisiac; in two cases there was an observed after-effect on the genital functions.

During the night, seminal emission, with voluptuous dreams; sleep restless, broken.


Menses delayed for two days; come on about noon; got very profuse during the night, with some pain in the lower part of the abdomen; not in a steady flow as usual, but in gushes, awakening from sound sleep (tenth day); after drinking the infusion morning and evening for a whole week.

Respiratory Organs.

Larynx and Trachea.

Irritation in larynx during afternoon, exciting cough, while sitting quietly in the room; gradually ceasing after coughing from fifteen to twenty times. Tickling and irritation to cough, in the trachea and larynx, at 2 P.M. Frequent tickling in the larynx, causing a short dry cough, when smoking (fourth day).


Hoarseness of voice, first in the evening (eighty-eighth day); all day (eighty-ninth day); less 9 A.M. (ninetieth day); again in the evening (ninetieth and ninety-first days); and soon after rising, last in the morning (ninety-eighth day). Hoarseness, with tickling in the upper part of the trachea, and some cough (tenth day).

Cough and Expectoration.

A tickling cough would cause a tingling (one hundred and forty- fourth day). Much dry cough, in the evening, in bed, as from catarrh of the air-passages. Cough in the morning, with expectoration of tenacious thick whitish-yellow mucus, as in chronic catarrh; with dryness of the throat and mouth, and thirst. Occasional slight cough, indoors (forty-second day); sometimes preceded by tickling at back of throat (forty-third day); with expectoration, which was swallowed, 11 P.M. (eighty- eighth and eighty-ninth days); during morning (ninetieth day).

Evening, in open air, rather cool wind, paroxysm of coughing; afterward, frequent cough, usually preceded by tickling at back of pharynx, sometimes followed by soreness there, and loosening of mucus, fluent coryza in right nostril; indoors very slight (ninety-fifth day); when walking in hot sun 4 P.M., short paroxysm of coughing (ninety-sixth day).

Expectoration, after rising, more abundant than usual, and starch-like, and more difficult to hawk up. Expectoration of small lumps, like boiled starch, which he has had for some time, immediately after rising in the morning (second day); decreases, and is almost gone (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.