
Coca homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Erythroxylon coca, Lam.

Natural order: Lineae (suborder, Erythroxyleae).

Preparation: Tincture of leaves.



Brain excited., Gentle excitement, followed by wakefulness (from weak tea). Pleasant excitement, with following sleeplessness. A peculiar aberration of the intellectual faculties, characterized by hallucinations. Excited fantasies, wonderful visions, now indescribably beautiful and wonderful forms, now frightful images.

Passion for solitude. Desire to isolate one’s self. In the evening, while writing, the child groans, with irregular or difficult breathing. Lively mood, inclination for mental work (first day).

After he felt perfectly healthy again, his spirits remained excellent, in spite of depressing circumstances. Felt very much elated. Felt something like expectation. Mental depression eighth day). Depressed and weary in the evening (fifth day). Sadness.

The sadness and dejection of mind of the Indians in the Peruvian Andes ought not to be ascribed to the use of Coca; on the contrary, the Coca is the only thing to rouse them, at times, out of their stupidity. When lifting anything, fear lest I should let it fall, in the morning (sixteenth day). Great apprehension (seventh day). Great apprehension, with violent palpitation (ninth day). Very irritable (fifth day).

Woke this morning early, feeling ill-humored because the light came in strongly through the blind, which I had to darken.

Afterwards dreamed that I was relating some joke to some friends, at which we all laughed; I actually laughed in my sleep, but on being woke immediately, could only recollect part of the joke (seventeenth day).

Very morose mood. General obtuseness of feeling (chronic symptom of chewers). They turn phlegmatic while under the influence of the leaves; the most important, even dangerous, event cannot frighten them out of their state of rest. During the periods of enjoyment, the phlegm of the chewer is marvellous; no degree of urgency or entreaty will move him; under the influence of the Coca the chewer is headless of the thunderstorm which threatens to drown him where he lies, or the roar of approaching wild beasts, or of the smoking fire which creeps along the grass, and is about to suffocate or scorch him in his lair.

Mood changeable, mostly very morose; irresolute, false, and deceitful characters. The disposition is very changeable; they are mostly very wayward, but notwithstanding the sad condition, they yield on the first opportunity to an unbridled passion for brandy.

Intellectual. Can, while in a condition of mental excitement, write quite freely and correctly. From 7 to 10 A.M., felt like work; after that, a dull frontal headache, lasting the rest of the day (second day). Aversion to concentration of thought upon any one thing. Not in humor to study or read journals; lazy and sleepy (first day, 9 P.M).. Dull apathetic condition. Brain feels so muddled that he cannot read French journals understandingly; must look in dictionary for words usually familiar to him (fourth day). Slow in finding the words to express himself at times (first day). Mind much clearer; spirits much better.


Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion of the head (twelfth day).

Confusion of the head in the morning; relieved after washing and drinking coffee. Confusion of brain, vertigo in forehead, disposition to sleep, want of appetite, low-spirited, about 5 or 6 P.M. indoors (second day). Vertigo (second day). Vertigo, whirling (eighteenth day). Vertigo on rapidly ascending steep steps, followed by diarrhoea once (after two hours). Vertigo while walking, with sensation. Vertigo, lasting half an hour, relieved by rest and by a glass of wine. Vertigo and dizziness (fifth day). Slight vertigo on moving in the open air; objects seem to turn, lasting one hour.

Transient vertigo while sitting still, and once afterwards when rising from sitting (fifteen minutes after 40 drops, eighth day).

Vertiginous feeling, preventing literary labor for about an hour.

When the head was bent forwards in writing, transient feeling of giddiness, which seemed to proceed from occiput forwards, on left side; in five minutes another similar but slighter symptom, 7.30 P.M. (eighth day).

General Head.

Head very clear.

Headache. Headache is excited from sleeping near heaps of dried leaves. Headache followed tablespoonful doses in two hours from first dose, abating somewhat before second dose, present all the afternoon, left at evening (fourth day). Headache, leaving after eating, returning in three hours and a half, and leaving at sunset (third day). Headache began at 10 A.M., relieved by walking in open air, but returned upon going indoors (fifth day).

(In afternoon (indoors), headache; afterwards, soon after commencing walk in open air, headache in upper part of forehead for a short time), from heat of weather (one hundred and fifty- third day). Headache in the afternoon (as if catarrhal), with cold feet and unusual urging to stool (second day). Headache and giddiness. Headache increasing (7 P.M)., especially over right eye; burning of the eyes (seventh day). Headache, with chilliness (third day). Frequent headache. (About 1 P.M. (indoors), slight headache; afterwards, when walking in open air (it was raining), pain sometimes in right temple, sometimes in forehead; lessened or removed by standing still; after coming indoors, dull pain in forehead, sometimes in right half, sometimes left, sometimes all over forehead), (one hundred and thirty eighth day). Rather severe headache (after two hours). (In afternoon, dull headache; afterwards, when walking in open air (it was a warm day), frontal headache, worse at each step, not lasting long, from the hot weather), one hundred and fifty-second day). Very slight dull headache after rising (twenty-eighth day). Fullness of the head, like after drinking wine, 4 P.M. (first day).


Fullness in forehead, as if the brain were heavier in that region (first days). Fullness of forehead; dull feeling over the whole brain; slight shooting pains in right temple; sensation of tension over forehead, as if an india-rubber band were stretched over it (seventh day). Fullness and pressive pain in forehead, although he sits near the open window, with aggravation towards 9 P.M. (sixth day). Frontal fullness of the head; the letters swim together on reading; eyes feel heavy (fourth day). Severe pain deep in the left side of the forehead, like a pressing asunder, on coughing or on pressing at stool (fourth day). Severe headache just above the eyes (seventh day). Frontal headache, next above the eyebrows, not constant, increased by elevating the head and turning the eyes up.

Dull frontal headache, which vanished with the setting of the sun, followed by a state of mental exhilaration. Dull frontal headache, relieved somewhat upon walking a mile, returning upon going indoors, with a heavy feeling of eyelids, 9 A.M. (after one hour). Slight pressive pain in the forehead (fourth day).

Sensation as if a band was stretched over forehead, from temple to temple (ninth day).


(Pain in both temples when walking quickly in the hot sun.

Lessened by standing still; after coming indoors, a pain for a minute or so in coronal region; after this had gone, pain in right temple on shaking head from side to side; afterwards, when lying down, pain in anterior part of top of head, and also other parts not particularly noticed; these pains soon went off), 12.50 P.M. (one hundred and thirty-fifth day); from the heat of the weather. Sudden pain about region of left temple, quickly passing off; 10.45 A.M. the same; 9.30 P.M. (sixth day). Dull pain over left temple (first day).

Pressing pains in right temple as if a nail was driven in, and the old dull, pressing, frontal headache again, especially over right eye (nineteenth day). Slight pressing pains in left temple, with dulness of head, half an hour after taking a dose (fourth day).

Headache in the morning in the right temple, sharp on first rising, and all day, whenever looking up; the pain darts from the temple in a straight line to the top of the head and leaves a sore feeling behind; hurts through this same place when coughing (tenth and eleventh days).


When blowing nose, a sudden pain extending over anterior portion of right side of head, soon passing off, 9.50 P.M. (second day).

Rather painful pressure on sides of head. Pressive headache on the right side and in the occiput, and somewhat weaker on the right side of the forehead, with chilliness and vertigo (eighteenth day). Throbbings in right side of head for a minute or so at 3.15 P.M. (fifteenth day). Throbbing in right side of head for a minute or two at 9 P.M. (TENTH DAY).


Pain in lowest part of occiput when yawning; the pain sometimes prevented the completion of the yawn (one hundred and sixth day).

(About 6.10 P.M., when running in open air, pain in occiput felt at every step; afterwards, pain there when walking for a minute or so), from hot weather (one hundred and fifty-ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.