
Headache in the occiput (nineteenth day). After waking from the midnight nap, the phantasms had disappeared, but on attempting to read, drawings commenced in the occiput, and extended to the temples (this condition lasted the whole afternoon), (fourth day). Pressure in the occiput (second day). Headache in fresh air changed to the occiput, as if it were held from ear to ear in a vice (first day).


Eyes hollow, surrounded by deep violet-brown circles. He was chewing a leaf, in the corner, with staring eyes fixed upon the ground, automatic motion of the hands, and some dull groaning.

Slight discharge of mucus from the right, and also somewhat from the left eye, during the day (second day after 10 drops). Pain in the eyes (fourth day). Pressure in the eyes (ten minutes after chewing the leaf), (ninth day). The eyes become very sensitive; reading cannot be endured long; some are troubled with slight headache, while others suffer from nausea and various disorders of the digestive apparatus, which may be compared with sea- sickness.


A boring pain over the right eye. Sensation as if something were beating over the eyes (first day).


Heaviness of eyelids (fifth day). Disposition on the part of the upper lids to fall, without being sleepy (ninth day).

Lachrymal Apparatus.

Lachrymation of the right eye, with slight redness of the conjunctiva and of the lids at the inner canthus, in the morning (after 10 drops).


Dilates the pupils; renders the eye intolerant of light (after large doses). Widens the pupils, and lessens the sensitiveness to light.


Momentary blackness before the eyes (such as he had formerly experienced in summer heat, on going from sunlight into a dark room), on ascending stairs (three hours after 40 drops, eighth day). Great photophobia, with dilated pupils. Letters swim on the paper (after ten minutes). It is impossible to continue reading because the letters run together; fiery points float before the eyes downward (seventh day). It seems as if he were writing with two pens (after ten minutes). Flickering before the eyes (after ten minutes).

Slight flickering black points before the eyes, towards 4 P.M., while reading (eighth day). Fiery points flit before the eyes (after ten minutes). Bright flash, like distant sheet-lightning, before eyes in the dark, at 11 P.M. (tenth day). Appearance of flames before the eyes, by paroxysms, similar to distant heat- lightning (after two hours). The appearance of flames before the eyes returns in the evening (second day). White spots before the eyes, so that the book from which I was reading seemed mottled white (fourth day). White spots, and glittering tortuous lines before the eyes, on going out after eating, with great weariness, lasting an hour (eighteenth day).

Vision of colors and floating of sparks from before downward (soon after chewing the leaf, ninth day). Small bits of thread, about an inch long, which he has seen habitually hovering up and down before eyes, morning, in bed, or when looking into the light of the sun, or on the white wall of the room, paper, or white curtains, have become smaller and more indistinct (third day); more perceptible again (fourteenth day). After Camphor, instead of the floating threads, only one small dark spot the size of a lentil, floating before his eyes.



Discovered accidentally, when washing, an excess of wax in right ear, easily removed by the towel, 7 A.M. (seventy-sixth and ninety-second days).


Sensation of deafness in both ears, although everything is heard as distinctly as usual; still there is a constant sensation as though there were something in the ears which caused deafness (first day). Slight earache in right internal ear for a few minutes (in church), 7.20 P.M. (thirtieth day); (indoors), 1 P.M.

(ninety-third day); an aching pain in right internal ear, and, to a less extent, in right mastoid process for a few seconds, then in ear, only for a few seconds more (sixty-fourth day). During loud reading in the room there was a sensation as though the tympana were pressed outward by the tones, or as though the tones first entered the ears through a thicker medium (second day).


Hearing painfully acute, during evening. Pulsation and dull roaring in both ears, in the forenoon (second day). Audible pulsation in both ears (first day). Cracking in both ears, on empty swallowing (second day). Singing in the left ear, for several minutes (first day). Severe ringing in the ears; did not hear though one knocks three times at the door; when one speaks it seems as though the voice came from a great distance (seventh day). Violent ringing in the ears (first day). Violent roaring in the ears (after two hours).



Sneezing several times (after three-quarters of an hour), (second day). Sneezed after rising, and in evening (twelfth day); later days occasionally indoors. Running of clear water from nose, and occasionally sneezing, without having properly a coryza as he usually has it; (weather warm and showery; the same next day), (nineteenth day). Flowing from the nose of clear water, occasional sneezing, feeling of soreness in left nostril, from 6 A.M. till 5 P.M., when in the draught, though not subject to colds (twenty-second day). Clear watery flow from nose, with small specks of blood on blowing nose (after inhalation).

Increased nasal mucus (forty-first day), indoors (forty-second day), and out of doors, in morning; scarcely any excess in afternoon or evening; at one time, in morning, heat in nose (indoors), (forty-third day).


In early morning, in bed, feeling of heat and irritation in right nostril, as from catarrh (eighty-fifth day); in whole nose, especially the left nostril, before and after rising (eighty- seventh day). In part of evening, indoors, nostrils feel rather hot internally, as after catching cold; nasal mucus less (forty- second day); later days, 6.40 A.M., heat and irritation in left nostril, as from a cold. In evening, irritation as if from taking cold; in the night, 9 o’clock, wakened by running from nose.

During day, felt a soreness in nostrils, especially left; weather warm; after Camphor.


Paleness of the face. A kind of chlorosis develops; the bilious color first noticed gives place to a leaden hue.


Burning redness of cheeks, first left, then right, with white spots in the center of latter (sixty-fifth day). Pressive pain in the right malar bone (first day).


Pale lips and gums, with green blunted teeth. About 10.45 A.M., slight burning in left upper lip, where the moustache grows (fifty-first day).

Lower Jaw.

Soreness in left lower jaw, just above-maxillary gland; worse on talking, and especially by eating solid food on that side (second day).


Greenish and stumpy teeth. Toothache in a hollow tooth (fourth day).


Tongue coated (twenty-first day). At tip of tongue, towards right side, an appearance of a vesicle that had broken, with a red circle around it; tongue there feels sore occasionally, when eating, touching it, and at other times; at first, the soreness was as if it had been scalded with hot tea; then more like a sore place (one hundred and first and one hundred and second days); well next day.

Cocaine causes a numb feeling on the tongue.

General Mouth.

A swelling inside right lower lip; a few days after, a similar swelling inside left cheek, at upper part, nearly opposite first upper molar; sometimes rather painful when eating (sixtieth day), flattened on two sides (that next the cheek, and the opposite one), with a thin border; red, with a whitish patch at tip on the side next cavity of mouth, as if from pus; not so painful (sixty- third day); feels smaller, somewhat semicircular; apex more pointed; getting smaller (after sixty-four days); nearly gone (eighty-sixth day). Dryness of mouth on waking, about 6.45 A.M., gone in half an hour (sixty-third day); 7.30 A.M., again after a short sleep (on one occasion, with mouth open), eighty-ninth day); soon after waking (ninety-third day); immediately on waking (about 7 A.M)., mouth and lips, removed by breakfast (one hundred and tenth day); with disagreeable taste (one hundred and twenty- fourth day); still dry (one hundred and fifty-fourth day). Cool feeling, verging on numbness, in the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, similar to that after taking strong Aconite into the mouth. Still burning in mouth and throat, with increased thirst, set in. Fresh leaves burn in the mouth, like Cantharides. Mouth and palate felt as if burnt with pepper, in morning. Swollen sensation in the arches of the palate, which made swallowing difficult, with at times tickling, causing cough, returned as in a former proving.


Increased flow of saliva, first of a bitterish, later of an aromatic taste (after chewing 1 drachm of the leaves).


Mouth out of taste, for two hours; 3.30 P.M. again, on rising; going off after drinking cold water (seventy-eighth day).

Taste slimy (fourth day). Salt taste at tip of tongue, 4 P.M.; about 9 P.M., transient on anterior portion of right side (twenty-ninth day); during morning, again (thirtieth day). At tip of tongue, 2.45 P.M. and at 3.50 P.M.; at 7.40 P.M., over a larger portion of extremity, then on the right side of anterior part till about 9 P.M.; eating a ginger-bread removed it awhile; again removed by supper, but again returned (forty-third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.