
Sexual Organs.

Male. Pain and tenderness in testicles. Pain and retraction in right spermatic cord. Drawing pain along right spermatic cord. Female. Leucorrhoea and chronic inflammation and congestion of uterus cured during the proving, while no other symptoms were observed on the provers until disappearance of the uterine disease. (Leucorrhoea of long standing cured during a week’s proving). Bruised, sore feeling in vagina (second day). During menses very severe bearing-down, forcing pains. Labor-pains ceased entirely for thirty-six hours (after two hours). Taken unwell in the morning; wandering pain in back and around through hips, inside, lasting all morning, quite severe at 10, when she was obliged to lie down; has never had so much pain during menses; flow more profuse since 5 P.M. (second day). Menorrhagia. Suppression of menses.

Respiratory Organs.

Larynx and Bronchi.

Constant inclination to cough, from tickling in the larynx, increased by speaking. Constant inclination to cough for half an hour, caused by a tickling sensation in the larynx, which almost prevents speaking, at 7.30 P.M.; an attempt to speak is followed by an inclination to cough (fourth day). Sensation of slight contraction in the bronchial tubes, which rendered expiration somewhat difficult, after a full inspiration (after six hours). Voice. Hoarseness (fourth day) (after nine hours and a half). Hoarseness after rising (second day). Hoarseness, more towards night. Hoarseness and roughness of throat. Hoarseness, roughness and scraping in the throat. Hoarseness, with roughness and scraping of the throat. Hoarseness; unpleasant fullness in pharynx (third day). Slight hoarseness (fifty day). Cough. Dry cough of long standing cured after short irritation of throat and expectoration. Dry, short, hacking cough, night and day, for two weeks. Slight dry cough four or five times, produced by tickling in larynx (after nine hours and a half). Short dry cough. Short dry cough several times during the evening, caused by tickling in the larynx (third day). Respiration. Offensive breath. Offensive breath. Decidedly quickened respiration on waking. Difficult respiration after slight exertion, with general feeling of illness.


Slight pain in chest. Soreness of the chest (second day). Lancinating pain along cartilages of false ribs, increased by inspiration. Lancinating pain along the cartilages of the false ribs, increased by taking a long inspiration, soon after waking, at 3 A.M. The same pain, very severe and piercing, so as almost to prevent inspiration for a short time, immediately after retiring, between 10 and 11 P.M., and continuing for half an hour. Prickling sensations during the day in the (female) mammae, with cold chills. Sides. Pain in the left side of the chest. A catching pain in the left side, just where the heart is, which comes on when she bends her body forward, sometimes when sitting still at dinner and after dinner. Acute pain in right lung, from apex to base, to the right of the sternum, aggravated by inspiration. Acute pain in right lung, extending from apex to base, about two inches to the right of the sternum, aggravated by every inspiration, continuing for two hours, and gradually diminishing in intensity until after retiring; similar pain next morning, for half an hour, but much less severe (second day).

Heart and Pulse.


Pain in region of heart, followed by slight palpitation; at the sixth hour the pain was felt all the time, and accompanied by frequent paroxysms of palpitation. Stitches in the region of the heart or in the heart. Heart’s Action. Palpitation and faintness. Pulse. Pulse quick and weak. Pulse feeble and accelerated. Pulse increased twelve beats (after three hours. Pulse 70 or 80, irregular (after one hour). Pulse ranged at about 80 (15- drop doses). Pulse 86, full, hard, and irregular (after twenty minutes). Pulse too slow, every third or fourth pulsation intermitting (second day). Pulse too slow, every third or fourth beat intermitting. Pulse fallen from 78 to 72 (after one hour). Pulse went down to 69 (after six hours). Depression of the pulse, which remains for a considerable time. The pulse is considerably lowered, and is apt to remain so for some time. Pulse very weak, with general feeling of lassitude and weakness, with heat and smarting of the face (after third dose). Pulse weaker and very irregular; 80 to the minute (after three-quarters of an hour). Feeble pulse (during the first twelve hours). In the morning, pulse feeble, with weakness and trembling. Pulse small.

Neck and Back.


Stiffness of neck. Stiffness of neck in evening. Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the neck and back; a feeling of stiffness and contraction. Cramping in the muscles of the neck on moving the head, first in the left, afterwards in the right side. Back. Trembling and weakness in the back. Pain as of boils in the back, small of back, and extremities. Terrible backache (second day) Symptoms of the back, etc. felt for several days. Backache better for pressure (second day). Dorsal. Pain below left scapula. Occasional slight pain in either scapula and right shoulder. Occasional slight pains in either scapulae and left shoulder. Dull pain behind right scapula. Dull pain in region of lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae. In the morning, on bending the neck forward, a severe drawing tensive pain at the points of the spinous processes of the three upper dorsal vertebrae, which continued for several hours. Drawing pain in a single muscle between the right scapula and spine, for some hours. Stitches in back, a little below the right scapula and spine. Lumbar. Lame, tired feeling in the back, extending from the region of the kidneys to the sacrum, relieved by rest and increased by motion. Weight and pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, sometimes extending all around the body, somewhat below the crest of the ilium. Feeling of weight in the small of the back. Weak trembling pain in the small of the back. In early morning, dull pain in small of back, both sides of spine. A dull heavy pain in the back, in the region of the right kidney; this pain (after twenty minutes) was continuous and increased by motion. Dull heavy aching in small of back, extending towards the sacrum.

Extremities in General.

Objective. Trembling in the limbs; scarcely able to walk.

Twitching of the fingers and toes (second day). Subjective. An “uneasy feeling” amounting to “almost an ache” through all the extremities every time she took it, which would continue from one to three or four hours. Pains in the extremities. Pain in the extremities, as of boils, with fullness of the head on left side. Restless, drawing sensation in the extremities.

Pain in all the limbs (second day). Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the arms and legs, of a drawing character. Pain in right arm, elbow, wrist, and in the knee, extending down to the ankle. In morning, his joints felt, on motion, as if he had labored exceedingly hard the previous day; joints felt stiff for a day after.

Superior Extremities.

Severe pains in the arms, with a numbing sensation, as if a nerve had been compressed. These pains were first felt in the shoulder, and passed down the arm, and then the forearm, producing a very peculiar lame, numb, and sometimes cramping sensation. Similar pains in the legs, but more severe and constant in the upper part of the thigh, about the hip-joint and inguinal region. Slight rheumatic pains all next day. Dull pain in the right arm, in the muscles, from the shoulders to the wrist. Dull pain in right arm, deep in the muscles, extending from the shoulder to the wrist, continuing during the next day. Elbow. Laming, aching pain in left elbow-joint, anteriorly. Wrist. Lameness of left wrist. Pains in wrist and right elbow, which had continued all day, were relieved. Hand. Hands and forearms weak and trembling; cannot grasp anything firmly; later, hands and feet cold as death, with general chilliness. Fingers. Trembling of the fingers when writing. Lameness and inability to flex the second finger of left hand.

Inferior Extremities.

Rheumatic pain in left leg. Thigh. Constriction of left sartorius muscle. Knee. Rheumatic pain in knee-joint. Leg. Lameness in right leg, worse when bending forward; soreness and stiffness, moved forward to inside of ankle (second day). While walking out of doors, sense of aching and shortening in the tendo Achillis (left leg), (second day). Towards evening, soreness, aching and stiffness in region of tendo Achillis, aggravated by walking (second day). Ankle. Sharp wandering pains in left ankle and scapula (after twenty minutes).

Excruciating pain in left external malleolus and left forearm. Foot. Feeling in foot as if it had been compressed. Toes. Pain in right great toe (second day). Dull aching-burning pain in second joint of right great toe. Dull burning-aching pain in second joint of right great toe, extending up the limb, continuing an hour, from 8 to 9 P.M. The same pain at the same time the next evening, but not extending up the limb. The same pain, less severe, on the third evening. Stinging of left great toe for a few moments on the lower surface, and afterward on the upper, in the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.