

Face flushed (after three hours). Redness of face and eyes.

Very severe pain in face, more in under jaw, lower teeth, and articulation of lower jaw. Cheeks. Pain in right superior maxillary bone and teeth. At 10 A.M. feeling of lateral expansion and pressure outward in both malar bones and forehead. Lips. Dry lips (second day). Dry sore lips. Dryness and soreness of the lips. Jaws. Severe pain in left jaw.


Teeth. Thick mucus on teeth. Accumulation of thick mucus upon the teeth (second day). During afternoon, peculiar uneasiness in teeth; wants to chew or pick at them. Tongue. Swelling of back part of tongue. Roots of tongue and fauces swollen. Mouth in General. Mouth dry in morning. Dryness of lips and mouth. Palate and uvula red and inflamed. Saliva. Increased flow of saliva immediately. Spitting of thick saliva, which seemed to stick to the mouth and throat, and to be detached with difficulty. Taste. Unpleasant taste. Unpleasant taste in mouth (15-drop doses) (second day).


Throat dry. Dryness and soreness of throat on swallowing and on pressure, worse on left side. Fullness of throat and vertex, and stiffness of neck. Sensation as if the throat was partly filled, as low as the top of the sternum. Throat sore. Sore throat, when swallowing. Soreness of throat when swallowing; sensation of fullness high up in throat, with fullness in vertex and stiffness of neck, in evening. Sensation of rawness in throat. Sensation of rawness in throat; slight difficulty in swallowing; hoarseness which increased towards night; constant unpleasant fullness in pharynx. Irritation of throat with expectoration of mucus for half an hour, resulting in the cure of an existing cold.

Roughness and dryness of the throat, with thirst. Uvula. Inflammation of the uvula and palate, more severe than the day before (fifth day). Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. Increased secretion of thick viscid mucus in the fauces. Dry pharynx. Dryness of the pharynx, and inclination to swallow, during the night (fourth day). Dryness of the pharynx at 4 P.M.

(fourth day). Fullness of pharynx and inclination to swallow.

Fullness of the pharynx, and constant inclination to swallow (fourth day). Constriction of the pharynx, with increased secretion of mucus in the throat. During forenoon, sense of empty aching all along oesophagus (second day).


Appetite. Loss of appetite (second day); experienced during the last few days of the proving, and continued for two weeks after. No appetite for supper; repugnance to food (second day).

Desire for tobacco decidedly weakened (second day). Thirst. Thirst, but no desire to drink. Eructations. Eructations tasting of the medicine (immediately). Eructations and slight nausea (immediately). Eructations, nausea, and loss of appetite. Violent eructations, but no relief. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Nausea for fifteen minutes, (after half an hour). Nausea with loathing (soon after). Nausea and vomiting (during the first twelve hours). Nausea and vomiting. Nausea, vomiting, and much gastric irritation in females, while in males it was hardly noticed as affecting the stomach in the least. Nausea all through the abdomen, followed by a loose stool, accompanied by sharp pain in abdomen and considerable downward pressure in rectum (after two hours). Some nausea, followed by greater freedom of expectoration and more or less relaxation of the surface, with slight nervous tremors and vertiginous affections. Slight nausea and burning of the stomach. Slight nausea, with weak, trembling, exhausted feeling. Slight nausea, which increased with a sickening pain in the duodenum; half an hour afterwards, flatulence, eructations, and more nausea; a second dose increased the symptoms, with general feeling of illness; supper abated the bad feeling, but nausea returned soon after. Awful nausea, with tremors all over. Violent retching. Stomach. Distension of stomach and upper part of abdomen. Faintness of the stomach. Faintness of the stomach, two or three times, of short duration. Faintness and emptiness of stomach. Faintness in the epigastrium, with repugnance to food, which, however, did not prevent his partaking of a moderate breakfast (second day). Faintness in the epigastrium, generally in the morning, before eating (particularly if the medicine had been taken over night), not preventing eating, which was followed by a sensation of repletion, as if too much food had been taken. Slight faintness in the epigastrium during the forenoon (second day). Great uneasiness at the stomach (after three hours). Pain and heat in the stomach followed by eructation, which afforded relief. Pain and heat in stomach, followed by eructations, which afforded relief; the sense of heat in stomach continued, with a feeling of warmth and dryness in the whole alimentary canal. Before breakfast, slight pain in the epigastrium, extending to the left hypochondrium, with faintness and sensation of emptiness (second day). Feeling as if too much food had been taken. During afternoon, sensation as if too much food had been taken into the stomach. Acute darting pain in the epigastrium, after a light supper. Tremor in the stomach. Sense of internal tremor in the stomach, after breakfast (second day).


Hypochondria. Pain in left hypochondriac region, worse on motion and on taking a deep inspiration. Dull pain in region of liver. Umbilical. Rumbling of flatus below the umbilicus at 10 P.M. (fourth day). Dull griping-twisting at the umbilical region, more towards the left. Acute cutting pain at the umbilicus. Acute cutting pain in the umbilical region, which, although acute, was not so severe as to prevent attending to his usual business; uninfluenced by eating, and continuing through the afternoon (after three hours). General Abdomen. Flatus. Flatulence. Flatulence, causing a sensation of fullness in the abdomen, at 10 P.M. (fourth day).

Pain in the abdomen. Wandering pains in bowels. Dull, heavy pains in the abdomen. Fullness, pressure in abdomen. Gripping pains in bowels, from the umbilicus down. Periodic colic, with inclination to bend forward, relieved after stool. Soreness of abdominal muscles on taking a full inspiration. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Flatus; rumbling in lower part of abdomen at 10 A.M. (fourth day). Rumbling in lower abdomen. Fullness and pressure in lower part of abdomen; increased pressure next day, with some pain. Soreness in lower abdomen (second day). Slight pain in left iliac region; afterwards, severe pains in bowels, mostly below the umbilicus, with weight and pain in lumbar and sacral regions.

Rectum and Anus.

Disposition to diarrhoea. Disposition to diarrhoea, in the evening. Slight disposition to diarrhoea. Slight disposition to diarrhoea, after rising (second day). Urging to stool; inclined to diarrhoea.


Diarrhoea. Scanty diarrhoea, with tenesmus (fourth dose). Two copious papescent stools in morning. Copious papescent stool in morning. Large papescent stool, with general indisposition (after second dose). Constipation. Faeces hard and dry.

Constipation. Evacuations natural during provings, but alternate constipation and tendency to diarrhoea for a month after. Evacuation regular and natural during the proving, but for a month afterwards, alternate constipation and tendency to diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs.

Urethra. Violent stitches in urethra in morning. Disposition to frequent urination (second day). Disposition to frequent urination, with increased secretion. Micturition. Increased secretion of pale urine. Increased flow of urine (second day). Profuse flow of clear watery urine. Passes a great quantity of clear urine, which makes her feel very weak. During the first of the proving it was necessary to void urine about once an hour. Urine scanty and high-colored (fourth day).

Retention of urine for eighteen hours, followed by frequent micturition. Urine. The second specimen showed that from a normal standard the urine in sp. gr. had gone down to 1.005.

The following specimen showed that a change was taking place, and the next that it had gone up to 1.019. It soon reached 1.020, at which point it remained. It was collected in a vessel, and allowed to repose till the expiration of twenty- four hours, at which time it was strongly acid to litmus, and to the eye presented a dull cloudy appearance. A closer examination showed that there were thousands of little fibres, about the eighth of an inch in length, which the microscope exhibited as fibrinous casts of uriniferous tubes, (!) with minute lozenge-shaped crystals of uric acid adhering to their sides. On the addition of a few drops of hydrochloric acid quite an abundant deposit was thrown down, which presented the beautiful variety of colors peculiar to these crystals. In the vessel could be seen a copious deposit of uric acid in the form of yellow sand, while above it floated a cloud of mucus and the urate of ammonia. The urine above the cloud was filled with floating particles of yellowish sand, which seemed to be gradually settling to the bottom, presenting the appearance of a free admixture of ginger and water. Specimens of the sand were examined by heat, acids, and the microscope, carefully enough to determine that it was uric acid of the nucleated form of crystals, with the obtuse angles rounded so as to make an elliptical figure. Urine yielded abundant crystals on the addition of nitric acid; these crystals had the fine satin like lustre peculiar to the nitrate of urea, and were deposited without previous evaporation of the urine, which indicates that urea was largely in excess.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.