Cicuta Virosa

Flushes of heat in the face, especially towards the upper part.

Flushes of heat over the back. Forehead hot and heavy, skin puffy, with throbbing in the temporal arteries. Ears very hot, internally and externally. Burning and redness of the face.

Constant desire to go out in order to cool himself. Sweat. Sweat on the abdomen (first night) at night. Skin warm and dry.

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning). After rising, confusion of head; on waking, headache; nausea, etc.; feeling in abdomen.

(About noon), Anxiety, etc.

(Afternoon), Thirst; from 2 to 3.30 o’clock, chilliness through back.

(Night), Urine scanty; difficult passage of urine.

(While eating), Nausea.

(After eating), Immediately, pressure in pit of stomach; immediately, pain in abdomen, etc.; immediately, griping in lower abdomen.

(Deep inspiration), Stitches in muscles of back.

(Moving the part), Pain in throat.

(On reading), Pressure in eyes.

(Rest), Headache.

(After rising from sitting), Immediately, pain in thighs.

(In room), Roaring in ears.

(Sitting), Objects seeming to move in circle; sensation in throat; pressure below larynx; sensation through back; feeling in knees; sensation through lower legs; crawling in legs.

(While standing), Tearing in tendons of foot.

(Taking hold of part), Pain in throat.

(Tobacco-smoking), General heat, etc.

(While walking), Vertigo; pressure, etc., in end of sternum; sensation as if heart stopped; tension in fascia of thigh; pain in thighs; tension through arm; sensation in leg; tearing in tendons of foot; stitches in heels.

(On writing), Weakness in muscles of arm; tearing in muscles of forearm.


(Afternoon), Headache.

(Passage of flatus), Headache.

(While sitting upright), Headache disappears.

(While standing), Stitches beneath ribs disappear.

(While walking), Stitches beneath ribs disappear; weakness in legs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.