Cicuta Virosa


Burning about the nipple (after three hours). Tightness of the chest, so that she could scarcely breathe, the whole day (immediately). Pressure upon the chest, with at times deep inspiration. Jumping in the chest, about the pit of stomach (after one hour). Front. Pressure, as after a blow, and sore sensation on the lower end of the sternum, while walking. Sides. Pressive pain in the right pectoralis major, while walking slowly, afterwards in the left pectoral and intercostal muscles, without affecting respiration, then in the left knee, in the external malleolus, in the right pectoral muscles, right forearm, and radial side of the right wrist and dorsal surface at the base of the right fingers. Some needle-like stitches beneath the last false ribs of the left side, on inspiration and expiration, which disappeared while standing and walking (after three hours).

Heart and Pulse.

Praecordium. Sudden sensation, as if the heart stopped while walking. Pain in the praecordial region. Pain in the praecordium. Sticking and burning pains in the praecordial region. Pulse. Pulse 90. Pulse slow and full. Pulse small and slow. Pulse weak. Pulse soft, small and scarcely perceptible.

Neck and Back.

Neck. Swollen neck. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Tension in the cervical muscles.

Sore tension in the left cervical muscles, on bending the head backward. A kind of cramp of the cervical muscles; if he looks around, he cannot bring the head back again, the muscles do not yield, and when he attempts to force them it hurts very much.

Drawing pains in the left side of the neck (after six hours). Tearing (immediately) in the muscles of the right side of the neck. Back. The back bent backward like an arch.

Painful stiffness in the back, on stooping. Peculiar sensation, extending through the back along the posterior surface of the legs, similar to that experienced on lying down after a fatiguing walk; felt while sitting. Dorsal. Painful sensation on the inner surface of the scapulae. Painful tension across the right scapula. Stitches in the muscles on the right scapula. Sensation as if there were an ulcer on the right scapula. Transient stitches in the muscles of the back, in the region of the eleventh and twelfth dorsal vertebrae, aggravated on deep inspiration. Shock in the dorsal vertebrae.

Pain in the lumbar muscles. Pain in the lumbar and dorsal muscles. Frequent pain in the lumbar muscles. Sacral. Tearing- jerking in the coccyx.

Extremities in General.

Objective. Trembling in the upper and lower limbs. The limbs were tossed about hither and thither. He tossed his limbs now to one, now to the other side. Spasmodic distortion of the limbs, throwing himself to the distance of two feet. Great weakness in the arms and legs, after slight exertion. Limbs palsied.

Complete paralysis of the limbs; sensation was benumbed, but not completely lost; paralysis of the arms was incomplete. Subjective. Sensation of great weakness, now in the right shoulder, now in one of the other knee, or in the ankle. Alternating painful pressure in various muscles of the extremities, mostly in the lower legs, with prickling in the toes. Tearing in the extensor of the left forearm and at the base of the three last toes of the right side. Bruised sensation of the forearms and legs. Painful bruised sensation, alternately in the arms and legs, with heat streaming through them, making motion difficult.

Superior Extremities.

Objective. Frequent involuntary jerking and stitches in the arms and fingers (lower limbs and head). Jerking in the left arm, so that the whole body is jerked (after four minutes).

Loss of power of the whole arm and fingers. Subjective. Sensation as if there were no power in the left arm, with a sticking-tearing pain in it. Arms felt numbed, and their movements were weak. The arm seems very heavy on raising it, with sticking in the shoulder, so violent that she cannot raise the arm to the head without crying aloud; she cannot even move the fingers. Painful sensation beneath the right arm. Drawings in the left arm. Pressive pain in the muscles of the right upper and forearm. Tearing pain in the whole of the left arm, as far as the fingers. Shoulder. Twitching in the left shoulder (after twenty minutes). Sensation of cracking in the shoulder-joint, not audible. Tearing in the muscles of the left shoulder. Sore pain, as from a blow, in the right shoulder-joint. Arm. Painful weakness in the muscles of the lower portion of the left upper arm. Painful weakness in the muscles of the right upper arm, on writing. Tearing in the inner side of the lower portion of the right upper arm. Elbow. (Swelling on the inside of the left elbow-joint, as if an ulcer would form; on moving the arm it pains as if one pressed on an ulcer).

Painful sensation and heaviness in the left elbow. Forearm. Sticking-like tearing in the muscles of the right forearm, while writing, disappearing during complete inactivity of the body (after one hour and a quarter). A sore pain, as from a blow or bruise, in the left forearm. Wrist. Sensation of cracking in the wrist, which is not audible. Severe pressive pain in the ulnar side of the left wrist. Hand. Veins of the hands distended. Drawing on the dorsal surface of the left hand at the base of the fingers. Pulsation on the hand, on straining at stool. Fingers. Dark color of the fingers and thumb of the right hand. Nails blue. Deadness (going to sleep, numbness, coldness) of the fingers. Drawing in the tendons of the dorsal surface of the left fingers.

Inferior Extremities.

Objective. Frequent involuntary jerking of the lower limbs.

Visible trembling of one leg. Great weakness in both legs, on sitting and standing, less in the arms, relieved on walking about. His legs refused to carry him, and he staggered; objects seemed at one time to approach, at another time to recede from him. Lower extremities numbed, not insensitive, but completely paralyzed. Painful stiffness and stiff sensation of the lower limbs, so that he could not walk at all for three hours (after one hour). Pressure in various muscles of the lower extremities.

Pressure and weakness in the legs. Hip. Burning-sticking in the left hip-bone. Thigh. Sudden great weariness in the left thigh, on rising. Tension in the fascia of the anterior upper and outer part of the left thigh and in the hollow of the right knee, towards the inner margin, while walking. Pressure in the right trochanter major. Tearing in the muscles on the inner surface of the right thigh. Tearing pain in the thighs, while walking; they are heavy. Pain, like a tearing in the thighs immediately after rising from sitting, with aching, as if beaten, in the knees; the pain in the thighs is worse while walking like a deep-seated stiffness. Knee. While sitting, a feeling in the knees as after a long walk. Painful pressure in the right knee. Painful bruised sensation in the knees. Leg. Very violent trembling of the left lower leg. Great weakness in the lower legs. Painful sensation of weakness streams through both lower legs, while sitting; it attacks also the knees.

Stiffness in the right calf. Feeling of stiffness in the tendo Achillis, with painful pressure in the muscles of the posterior portion of the left thigh, while walking slowly. Pain in the left calf. Tension in the calves. Tension in the left calf; on walking, through the arm. Tensive sensation in the lower portion of the calves. Compressive sensation in all the muscles of the left leg, as if the whole leg were contracted, while walking. Jerk like drawing on the posterior and lower portion of the right leg, extending into the heel. Pressure in the calves. Pressure in the left calf and tearing in the left toes. Painful pressure in the calves. Tearing in the lower portion of the extensor of the left leg. Tearing in the right peroneal muscles. Tearing pain in the sides of the right tendo Achillis. Sudden tearing in the lower portion of the right calf, extending to the tendo Achillis. Bruised sensation and heaviness extend alternately through one and another leg, and become seated in the knee. Prickling pulsation in the right calf, momentary. Ankle. Tearing about the malleoli of the left foot. Foot. In walking she does not step exactly on the soles of the feet, they turn inward considerably. Drawing on the back of the right foot, rather towards the inner side. Drawings in the tendons on the back of the left foot. Drawing in the tendons on the back of the right foot and in the left sole. Tearing in the tendon on the back of the left foot.

Constant painful tearing in the tendons of the back of the left foot, while walking and standing. Stitches, as with needles, in the right sole. Tearing deep in the inner margin of the left sole. Painful tearings in the left sole. Sudden tearing in the right sole. Frequent needle-like stitches in the heels, while sitting. Toes. Twitches in the left toes. Slight stitches in the corns, which are usually never painful. Tearing on the inner side of the right great toe, lasting a long time. Drawing-jerking pains in the toes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.