
Eructations, with choking in the oesophagus, so that it impedes breathing; this disappears after repeated eructations (after one hour). Empty, tasteless eructations of air. Frequent eructations of tasteless water, or rising of it into the mouth, with nausea, which disappears after the eructations. Frequent, loud, explosive eructations, which continue a long time. Very frequent mostly empty eructations (9th day). Suppressed eructations; they rise only to the middle of the throat, where they seem to remain. Violent eructations, with a sour taste (after 14 days). Burning hot eructations, in the afternoon and evening, without bad taste. It seems as though lime were being dissolved in the stomach, which constantly causes a bubbling-up, with a continual rolling eructation of much air (after 1 hour). Gulping of water several times, with soreness in the anus. Water brash, several times in the forenoon, with salty taste of the rising water (after 17 days). A kind of water brash; it seems to her, in the evening on lying down, as though cool water rose from the stomach, which she was constantly obliged to spit out. Hiccough (after a quarter of an hour). Heartburn. Heartburn in the mouth, which lasted a long time (after a quarter of an hour).

Heartburn, after supper. Frequent burning rises from the stomach, as though he had eaten pepper. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, immediately. Nausea, even while eating. Nausea, every morning. Nausea, in the evening when beginning to eat. Nausea after supper, which had been eaten with a good appetite. Nausea, followed after half an hour by hunger, in the afternoon. Nausea, with empty sensations in the stomach, and acid taste in the mouth. Nausea in the stomach, as if qualmish, without vomiting (after half an hour). Nausea in the stomach, like an inclination to vomit, with frequent gulping up of water into the mouth, which causes constant spitting. Nausea and inclination to vomit, the whole afternoon till evening.

Nausea, with anxiety. Great nausea, on waking from the evening sleep. Frequent nausea after the stool. Sensation of nausea before eating, with hunger.Qualmishness in the stomach (after a few hours). Qualmishness and weakness in the stomach, with alternations of chill and heat Vomiting of clotted blood at night. Sour vomiting, followed by frequent sour eructations. Stomach. “Weakness of the stomach, “for a long time after the poisoning. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach although he had eaten sufficiently at dinner, at 4P.M. Sensation of fasting in the stomach. Sensation as of a disordered stomach, with distension of the abdomen (15th day). Constant sensation of leasant warmth in the stomach and abdomen. Pains in the stomach which were relieved after lying down. Pain in the stomach and uprising, which disappeared after dinner. Violent pain in the stomach, in the morning soon after rising, increased by every sudden motion, with heat in the right side of the head; she was obliged to lie down, and the pain seemed now in the stomach, and now in the chest (after twenty seven days). Tensive pain in the pit of the stomach. Any, even slight tightness of the clothes about the stomach and hips is very oppressive and unendurable. A contractive, not very painful, sensation in the epigastric region (after one hour). Cramp in the stomach. Cramp in the stomach, like a pressure and contraction, in the morning on walking from a frightful dream, with nausea and collection of water in the mouth (21st day). Clawing in the pit of the stomach. Pinching-clawing in the pit of the stomach, on deep breathing. Pressure in the stomach, after break fast (after five days) Pressure in the stomach, in the morning after rising from bed, and even when sitting. Pressure on the stomach, in the morning fasting, soon followed by Contractive sensation in the abdomen (after two days). Pressure in the stomach and abdomen above and below the navel, with diarrhoea three times at night, with periodic stitches from the back forward to the right side of the abdomen, arresting breathing (2nd day). Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Severe pressure in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the orifice of the stomach, increased by leaning against the edge of the table and also by reading aloud, by talking much, by lying upon the back, and when the cold air strikes the abdomen. Continued stitch like pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a piece of ice. Stitches in the stomach, for ten minutes. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, which seem to contract the heart. Bruised pain in the stomach, also noticed when pressing upon it (after an hour and a half). Crawling in the epigastric region.

Abdomen. Hypochondria.

Distension of the left hypochondriac region. Sharp burning pain in the left hypochondrium. Sharp stitches in the left hypochondrium. Tension in the right side of the abdomen. Violent stitches beneath the last right true ribs. Stitching pain below the right ribs, in the evening. Stitches in the hepatic region when riding, in a place of the size of a hen’s egg; touch also caused stinging pain, with great inclination to sleep, and general weariness. Stitches in the hepatic region, in the afternoon, lasting four hours (after twelve days). A tensive pressive pain in the liver when lying on the back. Tearing in the liver, in the evening (17th day). Umbilical. Swelling of the umbilicus, with painfulness about it, when touched. Griping about the umbilicus, in the morning, in bed, disappearing after rising (2nd day). Crawling in the umbilicus, with sensation as if diarrhoea would come on (after half an hour). General Abdomen, Objective. Distension of the abdomen, with internal pressure, especially on deep breathing. Distension in the left side of the abdomen, extending into the groin (after six hours). Great distension of the abdomen, especially in the evening (after twenty days). Great distension of the abdomen after eating. Great distension of the abdomen, so that she was obliged to loosen the clothes, with frequent passage of loud flatus, which only relieved for a short time; the whole afternoon. Painful distension of the abdomen, so that she was obliged to loosed the clothes, with pains in the bowels like cramps. Abdomen distended, in the evening (after ten hours). Abdomen full, hard, in the evening. The abdomen is full immediately after eating and drinking, with uneasiness and drawing in it. Moving about and slight cutting in the abdomen which disappear after a soft stool.

Rumbling in the abdomen after eating, when the stomach is over distended. Rumbling in the abdomen, followed by frequent passage of flatus (after one hour). Audible rumbling and croaking in the abdomen, as from frogs. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, when sitting, as from emptiness (after one hour). Much accumulation of flatus in the abdomen after a slight meal, on account of which the hemorrhoids protrude, are very painful, and moist (5th day). He passes flatulence both upward and downward. Frequent passage of flatus without disturbance in the abdomen. Frequent passage of flatus after breakfast. Frequent passage of offensive flatus, without any disturbances. Frequent loud passage of flatus, the whole afternoon. Excessive passage of flatus (4th day) Subjective. Uneasiness and jerking in the abdomen at night, which did not allow her to sleep before 12 o’clock. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, relieved by pressure. Cold sensation in the abdomen, with cracking and crackling in it. The abdomen becomes cold easily, if the air touches it he has a pressure in the stomach and diarrhoea.

Pain in the abdomen in the morning. Burning pain in the abdomen about the epigastric region, which wakes him from sleep, though transient. Sticking-burning in the right side of the abdomen, with sensation as if some thing would become loosened (9th day). Tension and distension of the abdomen, so that he could only breathe with difficulty, with frequent passage of flatus, at 7P.M. Tension and pressure in the upper abdomen. Contractive tension in the abdomen and stomach. Pain in the abdomen as if it were constricted by a string, when breathing. Contractive sensation about the upper portion of the abdomen (2nd day). Twitching contraction in the bowels, at noon (9th day) Griping in a small spot in the right side of the abdomen, frequently returning. Griping in a small spot in the right side of the abdomen below the navel, as with two fingers after eating. Pinching pain in the bowels, with paleness of the face. Severe pinching in the abdomen, even while eating, soon disappearing after passing flatus (after six hours). A pain drawing back and forth in the abdomen, just before menstruation and on the 1st day of it. Pressure in the abdomen several afternoons in succession, so severe that she was not able to do her work. Pressure in the abdomen, extending up into the throat, in the evening (10th day). Pressive pain in the abdomen, with short breathing in the morning after rising.

Twisting pain in the abdomen before a stool. Cutting in the abdomen and passage of flatus on inspiration. Cutting extending from the pit of the stomach to the abdomen, after eating, with taste of food in the mouth and eructations tasting of food, with confusion of the head, diarrhoea, and chilliness; he was obliged to lie down. Cutting in a small streak in the upper abdomen, with a soft stool at 11 A.M. disappearing after dinner. Cutting and pinching in the right side of the abdomen, as in diarrhoea. It seems as though one were sticking the whole, abdomen with needles, at 4 P.M. Dull sticking pain in the right side of the abdomen, when lying. Stitches in the abdomen for a long time, a sensation so that he was unable to remain sitting. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, in the evening. A stitch in the right side of the abdomen extending through and through the bowels, and out at the sacrum (after a quarter of an hour). A severe stitch in the left side of the abdomen. A transient stitch in the left side of the abdomen. Dull stitches below the last false ribs above the ilium. Dull stitches in the right side of the abdomen followed by bruised pain in the left lower ribs; it is also noticed when pressing upon it (after three quarters of an hour). At night, severe colic in the groins:it extended through the lower legs up into the groins. Cutting colic in the morning, followed by three soft stools, and the whole day a sensation in the abdomen as of diarrhoea (after 8 days). Cutting and diarrhoea during menstruation. Cutting colic on the appearance of menses without diarrhoea, with tearing in the back and small of the back, especially on motion. Pain in the abdomen during menstruation, as if everything was torn apart, with pain in the sacrum, as if bruised, with discharge of large clots of blood. Bruised pain in the right side of the abdomen which is not affected by tough (after one hour). Bruised pain and pinching in the right side of the abdomen followed by sticking through the pudenda, from within outward, frequently (after one hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.