
Drawing in the left side of the forehead. Pressive pain in the right frontal eminence. Pressive pain from the forehead to the eyes. Painful pressive cutting in the upper part of the frontal bone immediately on moving the arms violently, while stopping. Constrictive pressure in the forehead, in the open air, which constantly became more violent the faster he walked, and suddenly disappeared when stooping low down. Sharp pressure in the left side of the forehead. A painful drawing pressure in the forepart of the forehead. Rather sharp frontal headache (after the large flow of the urine. A tensive stitching from the lower portion of the forehead to the upper part of the head (10th day). Shifting slow stitches in the left side of the forehead above the eye. Twitching headache in the right side of the forehead and head. Tearing pain in the middle of the forehead and in the cervical vertebrae, during the day in the heated room and in tobacco-smoking; and especially at night, when he was unable to sleep on account of it. Severe throbbing in the forehead for three days, several afternoons, with tension in the neck (after 12 days). A painful pressive throbbing in the forehead, as with a dull point. Dull painful throbbing of the arteries of the head above the orbits. Temples. Burning in the right temple and side of the forehead. Tension in the right temple and in the eye, as if it were paralyzed. Violent drawing pain in the temple, gradually increasing to its highest, and when suddenly disappearing (after 24 hours). Pressive headache on the upper margin of the temporal bone. Pressive headache in the right temple. Pressing-out headache in the temples days and night, with nausea amounting to vomiting (9th day). Stitches in the temples. Dull stitches in the left temporal bone, which always spreads in a circle, when the pain is relieved or disappears (9th day). Painful tearing in the right temple.

Painful tearing in the left temple at 4 P.M. Throbbing headache in the right temple, on motion; when quiet it is only a pressive pain. Vertex. Burning in the vertex (after 10 hours).

Frequently repeated cold burning in front of the vertex (after 14 hours). Frequent drawing in the left side of the top of the head. A sudden pressure, as from a sharp stone falling upon it, in the vertex, in the region of the coronal suture. Pain in the top of the head, as if the brain were torn or shattered, especially in the morning on waking (after 3 hours). A sticking-tearing, extending into the left side of the vertex (6th day). Throbbing in the vertex, mingled with stitches, by paroxysms. Beating and throbbing in the whole vertex, as if everything would be forced out, in the morning after rising, lasting 2 hours (2nd day). Pain in a small spot on the vertex, as if bruised or beaten, only on touch. Pain on the top of the head, on pressure or touch. Parietals. Tension in the left side of the head. Pressive pain in the right side of the head, extending into the eyes. Pressive pain in the right parietal bone and both temples. Stitches in the right side of the head, for half an hour. Stitches in the left side of the head, several evenings. Tearing in the left side of the head, especially in the forehead and temple, which began in the evening and constantly increased, with swelling of the painful side (after 16 days). Violent tearing in the left side of the head. Occiput. Sensation in the occipital bone as if the part were numb, pithy, or dead (after a quarter of an hour). Sudden pain in the occipital bone while sitting, as if something in the muscles had been displaced. Drawing pain in the occiput. Tensive headache arising from the nape of the neck (after 24 hours). Drawing pressure in the right side of the occiput and muscles of the neck, which was increased on rapid walking, arising in the open air. Several stitches in the occiput, for half an hour. Throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput; on rubbing, it extends further upward towards the vertex, where it continues to pain for a long time, as if beaten (after 1 hour). External Head. Falling out of the hair.

Movement of the scalp towards the forehead (13th day).

Painfulness of the scalp when rubbed. Tearing-burning in the scalp in front of the vertex, in the evening (13th day).

Itching in the scalp. The skin of the head is tense. Sensation of trembling or shaking in the skin of the right temple, which lasts till lying down; a peculiar sensation, but not painful. Creeping sensation on the vertex. Itching on the forehead. Stinging-itching on various parts of the head, in the right and left parietal bones, on the forehead, the right check, behind the left zygoma, extending towards the ear and upward to the temporal bone.


Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and pressing pain (4th day). Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure in them during the day, and agglutination in the morning. Weakness of the eyes.

Dry sensation in the eyes, with pressure in them. At first, dryness of the eyes in the morning, and stiffness, followed by lachrymation. Heat in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, without redness. Burning and dryness of the eyes, from 4 P.M., till evening. Burning and stinging, as with needless, in the eyes.

With dryness and photophobia, from 6 to 8 P.M. Pressure in the eyes, as if sand were in them. Pressure in the eyes as if they were pressed inwards and tried to come out. Pressure in the right eye, as from a swelling of the lids, which are really red, with watery eyes. Pressure in the left eye, as if it would be pressed out. A very painful pressure in the eyes, in the morning, before he can open them; if he closes them again, the pain is relieved.

Internal pressure of the eye, as if it would be distended.

Pressive pain in the eye, increased by touch. Pressive pain over the right eye, as if the upper lid would be pressed down (after three-quarters of an hour). A rubbing, as of sand in the eyes. Tearing and pressure in the eyes. Biting in the eyes, as from salt. Biting and pressure in the eyes, which seem heavy, with redness of the lids. Itching of the eyes, especially in the lids. Itching in the right eye, which disappears on rubbing, and is followed by lachrymation.

Itching in the left eye, which disappears on rubbing (half an hour after dinner). Orbit and Brow. Twitching in the left eyebrow ( (2nd day). Drawing in the arch of the right eyebrow.

Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. Slow pressure above the right orbit. Frequent drawing and pressure between the eyes. Lids. Inflamed lids from time to time, with accumulation of hard matter between the lashes. Visible twitching of the lids, and of the left brow. Stye on left lower lid at outer end, for three or four days (1st day). Stye on inner end of left lower lid, with watering of left eye, for a day or two (8th day). Agglutination of the eyes in the morning. Inclination to close the eyes; they close involuntarily. Sensation as if the eyes would close from weakness. Sensation of heaviness in the upper lid, as if he could not raise it easily, or as if it were agglutinated to the lower lid, and could not be easily loosened. Opening the eyes is difficult, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. Burning in the left lid.

Burning pain on the margins of the lids, as from burning with gunpowder. Sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. Pressure in the upper lid, as if a stye would appear. Pressure in the upper lid, as from a swelling, as if a stye would form. Biting in the lids. Smarting pain in the left lid (after 4 days). Itching on the lower lid and on its inner surface, with burning as soon as he touches the eye or moves it. Dry matter in the canthi. Burning in both inner canthi (after 3 and 4 days). An itching sore pain in the right inner canthus, in the morning, after waking, as if salt had got into the eye, which obliges him to rub it vigorously, which, however, increases the sensation so that lachrymation is produced, without redness of the eye. Itching in the inner canthus of the right eye, with lachrymation (after 3 quarters of an hour).

Itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, which disappears on rubbing. Itching like fleabites, in the left inner canthus, with desire to rub it. Voluptuous itching of the right canthus, which obliges him to rub it, lasting an hour (after 8 hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the eyes, even in the room, but mostly in the open air. Unusual lachrymation of the eyes, in the room, without redness of them.

Watering of the eyes, especially in the open air (2nd and 3rd days). The previously watery eyes become better (curative action). Ball. Distending pain in the right eyeball. Itching in the right eye-ball, in the morning (2nd day). Pupil.

Dilated pupils. The pupils at first seem contracted, but after ten or 12 hours are dilated. Vision. Photophobia the whole day; he was constantly obliged to wink. Photophobia; the eyes are painful on motion, more on looking at the bright daylight. Small round objects pass before his vision while lying down, even with open eyes. Flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes, like a veil before them.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.