
Stitches in the teeth, on biting on them (after 12 hours). Dull stitches in the upper back teeth, extending upward. Dull stitches in the lower back teeth, extending downward.

Painful shootings into the teeth on opening the mouth. Tearing pain in all the teeth, as if they would fall out, in the forenoon (2nd day). Tearing in both right rows of the teeth, extending into the zygoma; both jaws of this side are painful to pressure, and on chewing, as if bruised. Tearing in the diseased root of the left lower jaw (3rd day). Tearings in the roots of the lower teeth, in the morning, returning every minute. Tearing in the last back tooth of the left upper row, worse in the open air, at 2 P.M. In the morning, the teeth and gums are very sensitive. Painful sensitiveness of the teeth to touch. Severe pain in the teeth, as if sore, in the morning, followed by throbbing in them; the pain was relieved when the gum bled. Pain in the teeth, as if ulcerating, at night and also during the day, if she moves the mouth.

Toothache in the right upper and lower back teeth. Toothache, with much spitting of saliva (after 24 hours).

Drawing toothache in the second right back tooth, as if more in the external surface, and extending up into the temples. Violent drawing toothache, with itching between the teeth. Pressive toothache. Sticking toothache (16th day). Tearing toothache, extending into the head and left eye. Toothache, consisting of pressing-tearing and sticking combined, day and night, with red (erysipelatous) swelling of the cheek, and a swollen pimple on the gum, which suppurates, lasting 7 days.

Throbbing toothache in a diseased back tooth. Throbbing toothache, with painful gum, so that he could not chew. Gums. Swelling of the gum. Swelling of the gum, with excoriation of the pudenda on urinating (16th day). Swelling of the gum of the left side, with great sensitiveness while eating, and with spasmodic pain in it, in the evening. Swelling and painfulness of the gum, in front and behind. Profuse bleeding of the gum (10th day). Dull drawing pain in the gum of the lower jaw. The gum is painfully sensitive, without pain in the teeth. Tongue. A painful vesicle on the tongue. A painful vesicle on the tip of the tongue. Vesicles on the margin of the tongue. Dry tongue and thirst (after 10 hours). Pain in the tongue on the left side, as if he head bitten himself. Burning on the tip of the tongue. Pain, as if burnt, on the tip and margin of the tongue. Burning-scraping sensation on the tip of the tongue, as if burnt with something glowing hot, with much accumulation of saliva and insipid taste, the whole day, not relieved by eating. Sore pain upon and beneath the tongue, and on the palate. General Mouth. Swelling of the inside of the cheek; in chewing he bites it. At night, open mouth and dryness on account of it. Dryness in the mouth, with thirst, the whole day. Dryness in the mouth and on the lips, without thirst. Dryness of the mouth, at night (after 12 days).

Great dryness in the mouth, without thirst, the whole forenoon. Burning dryness in the mouth. The most violent pains in the mouth, oesophagus, and epigastric region (immediately). Burning-scraping sensation in the mouth (after smelling). Roughness of the mouth, as if it were covered with a skin, after a scraping sensation on the tongue. Sensation of burning and soreness on the palate, lasting a quarter of an hour. Stitches in the left side of the palate. Crawling and burning-pricking on the posterior portion of the palate (after half an hour). A sore painful spot on the hard palate. A place on the anterior portion of the palate which pains, as if suppurating, when touched with the tongue. Saliva.

Accumulation of water in the mouth (after one hour).

Accumulation in the mouth of water of a rancid taste.

Accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth, in the forenoon, with qualmishness (2nd day). Much accumulation of saliva. An acrid fluid rises into the mouth. After the stool (the 3rd that day) salty and slimy water flows from the mouth (water brash). The mouth waters and more moisture collects in the nose, when walking after eating. Taste. Viscid glutinous taste (after 4th day). Offensive taste. Offensive taste, as from a disordered stomach, in the afternoon, for several days in succession. Fatty taste. Bitter taste in the mouth, though only transient. After eating, the taste of the food remains a long time in the mouth. Diminished taste for good.


Objective. Audible cracking deep in the throat. Distension of the left side of the throat, with sensation as if he would suffocate; he was obliged to loosen his neck-band. Mucus in the throat after a meal.

Mucus collects in the throat which he cannot loosen by hawking, but is obliged to swallow it, half an hour after dinner.

Frequent clots of mucus in the throat. Hawking of mucus. Hawking of mucus, in the morning. Hawking of mucus, with pain in the pit of the throat.

Hawking and expectoration of much mucus, with sore sensation and burning in the throat, from 5 P.M. till night. Frequent hawking of mucus, which immediately accumulates again, every half hour.

Subjective. Dryness of the back of the throat, for three days.

Dryness of the throat, in the morning. Dryness in the throat, noticed when swallowing, followed by scraping along down the throat.

Dryness of the throat, which dry hacking cough. Dryness of the throat, without thirst. The throat is now dry, now moist.

Nauseous sensation in the throat. Cold sensation in the throat, which rapidly presses upward over the palate, with profuse accumulation of saliva. The throat feels swollen and raw (after two days). Constrictive sensation in the throat, frequently. The throat feels too narrow and swollen. Sensation of the tightness and suffocation in the throat, on which account he was obliged to loosen the band around the neck. Pressure in the throat, behind the palate, and on the epiglottis. Pressure in the pit of the throat, on deep breathing. Choking pressure in the throat, in the morning on waking, as from swallowing a large crust of bread. The throat feels torn internally, not when swallowing, but on making an exertion with the head, as also on lifting or carrying anything. Sore sensation in the throat behind the palate. Sore pain the throat.

Burning-sticking sore pain in the throat, and in the uvula, increased on swallowing. Sore throat, as if the attachments of the tongue had grown fast. Sore throat, as from the lump in it, with sticking pain in it. Excessively sore throat, so that he could scarcely swallow on account of stitches in it like needles, an intolerable sensation, lasting from morning till afternoon, but much relieved after dinner.

Raw, hoarse throat, with sore pain, both when speaking or swallowing, and when not. Throat raw, chest oppressed, with febrile coldness.

Rawness in the throat, and when breathing a sensation as if he had inspired too little air (after half an hour). Rawness in the throat, with sensation like heart-burn (lasting half an hour), (after half an hour). Rawness and tickling in the throat, with dry cough, and some expectoration only after long coughing. Scraping and clawing in the throat, with heartburn.

Scraping-clawing pain the throat, with sensation on empty swallowing as if he was obliged to swallow over a lump.

Fauces and Pharynx. Scraping in the fauces, especially noticed in the evening and on swallowing. A dull pressure in the pharynx, as if under the sternum; it seems as though too large a morsel had been swallowed.

Swallowing. Constant inclination to swallow. She was obliged to swallow constantly; the throat seemed as though not wide enough, and it felt dry. After eating, it seems as though the food remained stuck in the throat.

Stomach.– Appetite.

Hunger unusually early. A kind of ravenous hunger. Excessive hunger, which causes headache, relieved by eating. He eats with too much haste. He had appetite, but when eating the food immediately caused nausea. She had appetite, but without having nausea it seemed as though she did not dare to ear. Little appetite, but the food is relished. Little appetite, but much thirst, especially after eating. Appetite is wanting; hunger, but food is not relished; for three days. Constant sensation of satiety and loss of appetite, followed after an hour by hunger, with natural taste of food. If she attempted to eat without being hungry she soon became satiated and full, as though the stomach refused everything, and she would have felt better had she not eaten. If he made preparations to eat, having appetite, and began to eat, the appetite immediately disappeared. He was able to eat only smoked meats; fresh meats nauseated him, even to vomiting.

Aversion to sweets. Thirst. Much thirst, several morning.

Great thirst for several days (after 2 days). Great thirst for something cold, from forenoon till 3 P.M. (after 3 hours).

Great thirst for beer. Eructations and Hiccough. It seems as though she would constantly eructate, which, however, does not happen, but all manner of trouble is caused thereby. Eructations of air (after half an hour). Eructations, as when undigested food remains in the stomach. Eructations of the food, five hours after eating. Eructations having an odor of the food. Eructations with an odor of musk (after 14 hours). Eructations tasting of the soup taken at breakfast (after 1 hour). Eructations having a pleasant taste, almost like almonds, soon after taking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.