
Eruptions, Dry. Skin pale. Goose-flesh during the chill. Yellow spot the size of a two-shilling piece on the abdomen near the umbilicus, and another on the inside of the left thigh (after three weeks). An itching swelling on the last phalanx of the finger. On the first phalanx of the left thumb two small red spots, without sensation, as if a pimple would form, at 2 P.M. Psoriasis. Eruption in the corners of the mouth. Eruption on the breast-bone, which pains on touch like an ulcer. A burning eruption on the left buttock. An eruption on the knee, which pains, especially on touch, and impedes free motion. A papulous eruption on the side of the neck; burning pain in it. Eruption of pimples on the forehead and cheeks, burning only on touch (sixth day). A pimple on the right upper lid (after seven days). Two pimples on the right mastoid process burning on touch (after one hour). In the left nostril a small pimple, burning on touch (third day). A pimple seated deep in the cheek, which itched when touched. A pimple upon the cheek near the corner of the mouth, which felt tense, but when touched caused burning pain. Pimples on the margin of the upper lip (second evening). Pellucid pimples between the chin and lip, from one angle of the mouth to the other, without sensation; in the afternoon. A large pimple on the nates, painful to touch (burning). The inner surface of the arms and the middle of the chest are full of itching pimples, which burn after scratching (eighth and ninth days). Pimples on the back of the hands (sixth day). Pimples on the back of the right hand between the fourth and fifth fingers (second day). A small pimple on the right hand between the thumb and index finger (preceded by tickling in this place), burning on touch; one hour after dinner. A pimple, with red areola, between the right thumb and index finger, after dinner, disappearing after twenty-four hours. A pimple on the right little finger, on the external surface, sticking on pressure. Eruptions, Moist. Vesication. Redness, inflammation on the skin, and collection of serous fluids below the epidermis, which is raised in blisters therefrom (from external use). Several itching-burning vesicles upon nose (after three weeks). Small blisters on the right cheek, itching, burning after scratching, in the evening. Blisters between the chin and lips, and on the forehead, lasting twenty-four hours, burning on touch (fourth day). A blister on the palm of the right hand (sixth day). Eruptions, Pustular. Eczema. A pustule on the chin, which burned on touch. Ulcers on the leg. Increased discharge from an ulcer on the foot, from the nose, in an old catarrh, and of the mucus of an old gonorrhoea. Sensations. Dryness of the skin. Burning and some itching-tearing here and there in the skin. Violent burning pain of the integuments. If he bruises himself anywhere, the spot burns for some time. Itching. Itching of the skin. Itching in the skin. Itching, now here, now there, as if from lice (tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days). Violent itching and sticking in the skin. Stitches in the skin of the abdomen. A few fine needle stitches on the skin below the right breast (after three-quarters of an hour). Fine stitching in the skin of the neck. Twitching in the skin of the left knee, inner surface (after two hours). Itching and tearing in an ulcer. Itching in the forehead, obliging him to rub. Itching at the perineum, with a sort of tenesmus at the anus (some provers). Itching about the genitals. Itching on the genitals. Violent itching on the right side of the chest under the right arm, in the afternoon. Itching on the coccyx above the anus. A painless itching and twitching at night, now in the hands, now in the feet (after four hours). Tickling and biting in the skin, on the outer side of the left upper arm, disappearing on rubbing (after two hours). Crawling itching in the bends of both elbows.


Sleepiness. Stretching and yawning (after two hours). Much stretching and yawning (soon after). Yawning, without sleepiness (after one hour and a half). Repeated yawning (after one hour and three-quarters). Constant yawning, after dinner. Great sleepiness, with lassitude; she could hardly help falling asleep; without yawning, in the afternoon. Almost unconquerable sleepiness, for three days. She can scarcely keep up on account of sleepiness, two hours after dinner. Sleepy the whole day, especially after meals. Sleepy after dinner. Very sleepy and depressed in the morning. She fell asleep while spinning; her eyes closed involuntarily, followed by smarting in the eyes (after three hours). Very good, sound sleep (first night). Sleeplessness. Sleep bad. Half sleep (seventeenth night). Before midnight, only light sleep (third night). Little sleep. Little sleep at night. Restlessness (first day). Passed a restless night. At night very restless, frequent walking (first night). Extremely restless nights (fifth, sixth and seventh days). Starting up in sleep (ninth day, A.M). Frequent waking, at night. Slumbering sleep, from which she constantly woke (ninth day). Waking after midnight, and remaining awake till morning. Cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening. Loss of sleep. Sleeplessness. Sleeplessness in the evening on account of excitement, followed by remarkably vivid, confused dreams (fifth night). Total sleeplessness for several nights. Sleepless (seven nights). Night restless, sleepless (first day). No sleep after midnight; constant tossing about, without real pain (third night). Dreams. Dreams during the night, active, confused, not anxious (second night). Vivid dreams of deer, walks in the woods (second night). Many confused dreams (fourth night). Frequent, confused dreams (ninth day, A.M). Voluptuous dreams. Anxious dreams (third night). Very anxious dreams during the whole night. Unremembered dreams (first night). Dreams of business. Dreams of quarrels (twelfth night).


Chilliness. Great coldness of the surface. Skin cold and clammy. Skin cold and covered with sweat. Great coldness of the surface, with imperceptible pulse (after seven hours). Cool, moist skin. Temperature averaging two degrees less than normal. General coldness of the body. Coldness of the whole body, especially of the limbs (second day). Coldness and chill from 5 to 7 P.M.; she could not even get warm in bed for a long time (seventeenth day). As soon as the icy coldness had ceased, there always appeared coldness on rising from bed, which was always followed by transient heat. After she has gradually become warm in bed, the coldness immediately attacks her again as soon as she puts but one limb out or rises. Fever, consisting only of coldness, three days in succession, at 1 P.M., somewhat later each day. Constantly cold; cannot sleep at night on account of the cold, although quite sleepy (after three weeks). Shivering and shaking chill, beginning in the back, the whole afternoon, from 2 till 8 P.M., followed by heat, after which shivering again follows. Universal shivering and chill down the spine. At first shivering and great weakness. Chilliness. The chilliness awakes him at two in the morning, and he cannot sleep any more (after three weeks). Chilliness, irregularly alternating with heat and sweat (second day). Great chilliness. Slight chilliness till toward 1/2 P.M., when a violent shaking chill appeared, with creeping in the hands and feet, for half an hour, disappearing by a very warm stove, without subsequent heat, at 11 A.M. (fourth day). Frequent chills (first day). Chill in bed at 10 o’clock for half an hour, followed by natural warmth (sixteenth day). Chill immediately on getting out of bed (eight day). Chill and shivering from 11 till 1 o’clock, without subsequent heat (fifteenth day). Chill and shivering, at 3 P.M., for an hour; relieved by warming with cloths (after seven hours). Chill and shivering, for half an hour, at 4 P.M. (second day). Shaking chill from 3 P.M. till 3 A.M., followed by warmth, without thirst (fourteenth day). Short shaking chill and tossing, as if from electricity; immediately after sticking in the shoulder-blade, without perceptible coldness, about 6 1/2 P.M. Severe chill at night in spite of increased covering (one prover). Violent chill after rising at 3 A.M., disappearing on lying down (seventh day). Violent chill after stool, with sensation as if she were dashed with icy-cold water, with internal warmth; toward evening. Violent chill from 11 till 3 P.M., when she took Camphor, with the most violent pains in the knees and calves, which continued till lying down (seventh day). The chill can be relieved neither by the warmth of the stove nor by covering during the severest paroxysm, lasting three hours in the evening. Cold face. Shivering runs up her back, in the afternoon. Feeling of coldness in the vertebral column. A sensation of coldness on the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, in a spot as large as the hand, together with a feeling of formication, which was often very violent and unpleasant; especially worse in the evening while sitting. Cold extremities (second day). Coldness of the limbs. Limbs cold and covered with cold sweat. Very cold hands, which look yellowish. Icy coldness of the hands and feet, with fearful pains in the urethra. Heat. Temperature increased. After the coldness a transient warmth. Warmth and slight sweat over the whole body (after seven hours). External heat from 10 to 3 P.M., three days in succession (eleventh day). Skin hot (second day). Heat of the skin, which she herself does not feel, with some thirst (tenth night). Heat, with some thirst (eleventh day). Heat in the whole body. Heat in the whole body, with accelerated pulse. Heat in the whole body at night, especially in the anus and genitals (after a few hours). After every somewhat violent or continued motion the whole body is very much heated, also at other times very hot, especially in the afternoon. The whole afternoon heated, as after much walking on a hot day, together with red face and increased perspiration (after eight hours). Suddenly rising heat, with redness;in the face and thirst (third evening). Transient heat. Great heat, with thirst and redness all over the body. Burning heat at night, which she does not feel; three nights. Very unpleasant heat. Fever. (Fever, a mixture of heat and chill; heaviness of the feet; a paralytic immobility of the limbs; loss of appetite; pain in the eyes; must lie in bed) (after five days). Fever, at first scanty and very painful; emission of blackish urine; then secretion of urine increased to fourfold the amount of liquids taken, with great thirst and much desire for meat; after a few hours the urine lost its blackish color, and tasted like rather salt water(1610). General fever (with the usual urinary symptoms). Burning fever. Violent fever. Extremely violent fever. Feverish condition (from small doses). Feverish condition, with dryness in the mouth and thirst, anxiety, restlessness, and pains in the limbs (from external use). More or less marked febrile condition. Feverish and beside herself. Head burning hot (third day). Rising of heat into the head; sweaty hands, with burning in them (one hour after dinner). Anxious rising of heat into the head. Warm forehead, with sensation of coldness in the body, in the evening. During the coldness very warm forehead, without internal sensation of warmth (ninth day). Glowing of the ears and chin for one hour (after eight hours). Heat in the face. Burning in the face, with normal warmth to touch (fourth afternoon). Abdomen hot. Sensation of heat on and in the abdomen (fourth morning). The palms of the hands burn like fire. Burning in the soles of the feet, in bed (the whole fourth day). Burning on the soles of the feet, while the hands are icy cold. Sweat. Sweat. Some sweat on waking before midnight. In the beginning, when lying, violent motion caused sweat, but especially warmth relieved the fearful pains. Slight sweat at night. Much sweat for two nights in succession, followed by weariness in the morning. Copious sweat. Profuse sweat. Profuse sweat on waking at night. Profuse sweat when walking (after three days). Cold sweat. Cold sweat (second day). Surface covered with cold and viscid sweat (second day). Surface covered with cold clammy sweat (third day). Very profuse perspiration, on a cool day. Profuse perspiration towards morning. Forehead covered with cold sweat. Profuse sweat on the external pelvic region and in the groins, in the morning (second day). Sweat on the genitals. Sweat on the chest, on waking at night (tenth and eleventh days). Cold sweat of the hands and feet.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.