Sexual Organs

Male. Genitals inflamed. Feeling of weakness in the genital (first hours). Burning heat and itching of the genitals. Pressing pain from the lower abdomen toward the genitals, in the afternoon. Fatal gangrene of the penis. The penis is swollen. Swelling and heat of the penis, without erection, and without sexual desire. Swelling of the glans, which is very painful, even to external pressure. About the corona glandis, a brown, cheesy mass accumulates, without any special sensation, in the morning. A tumefaction of the prepuce, of a red, not, and diaphanous nature, with phimosis; there issues from beneath it a purulent secretion (after three weeks). Swelling of the frenum of the prepuce. Total absence of the usual smegma preputii. Blood passes out of the rigid penis and from the anus. Instead of semen, blood flows. Erections. Erection and involuntary emission (from smelling the powder). A strong and persistent erection of the penis, painless, and without voluptuous sensation. Very persistent erection every morning, immediately on rising. Continued erection of the penis, with some painful sensation, for three hours. Difficult erection of the penis. Severe erections at night, during which there is contraction and sore pain in the whole of the urethra. Painful erections. Painful erection, lasting fifteen minutes (one case). Very painful erections. Nightly erections. Priapism, etc. Priapism occasionally. Traces of priapism at times. Priapism, with pain about bladder, and wild delirium (third day). Severe priapism, with swollen genitals. Painful priapism. Painful, obstinate priapism. Most violent priapism, with fearful pains. Penis lax (second day). Penis lax and drooping, with total absence of erections. Constant pain in the penis. Severe burning pain in the penis, especially at the tip of the glans, with frequent urging to urinate. A drawing pain in the penis, and in the back and thighs, relieved by passing flatus upward and downward (after seventy-two hours). Pruritus of glans penis. Pruritus of the glans penis, with desire to urinate and ardor urinae (three hours after a meal); the desire for micturition continued two to four hours, and then gradually ceased, leaving some irritation in the urethra. Burning in the excretory ducts of the vesiculae seminales in the urethra, during and after coition (after twenty-four hours). A drawing pain in the spermatic cord while urinating (after three to six hours). Painful swelling of the right testicle (after nine hours). Excitement of the genital organs. Sexual desire disturbed sleep at night. Satyriasis, and desire for coition, so that he forgot all modesty and reason. Violent satyriasis, with overpowering, insatiable desire for coition, making him furious. (*Followed by death*). Sexual desire entirely absent (second day). Emission of semen; in the morning while lying in bed awake, discharged from the relaxed penis, and almost without sensation, a considerable quantity of semen of natural character (in a strong young man); this attack was repeated, after twenty-four hours, exactly in the same manner. A slight emission in the night (third night). Nightly emissions. Emission very profuse, without dreams and without waking (fourth night). A copious emission seemed to have taken place during the second night, although one had happened but two nights previously; the next morning an uncommon weariness, so that I lay down again immediately after rising, and fell into a restless, unrefreshing slumber. Female. Swelling of the neck of the uterus; burning in the bladder; abdominal pains; continued vomiting, and hot fever (in a woman from a fly- blister). Great swelling of the neck of the womb, with much tenesmus. A woman, who had not conceived in fourteen years, became pregnant within four months after the use of an essence, which consisted mainly of Cantharides. Miscarriage, after symptoms of irritation in bowels and urinary organs. Abortion. Swelling and irritation of vulva (second day). Burning in the female genitals. Bloody, mucous discharge from the vagina, for three days after the menses. Burning in the vagina, with a thick, white discharge. Intolerable itching in the vagina. Menstruation appears four days too soon, with great nausea and colic (she usually had colic). The menses appear three days later than usual (eighth day). Menstruation, which had ceased one day, reappeared, with pain (in the forenoon), and lasted till noon (fourth day). Menstruations somewhat increased and painful (ninth day). More profuse flow of the menses. Menstruation, which appeared the night before taking Cantharis, is more profuse than usual, but without pain (after one hour and a half). Menstruation appears too early, but scanty (third day). Black blood with the menses (this was often the case). Menstruation ceased almost altogether on the second day (it usually lasted three to four days). Menstruation ceased on the third day. Menstruation entirely ceased during the illness, although it had occurred on three previously. It was not re-established till seven months.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Hawking of tenacious mucus from the larynx (after half an hour). In tense pain in larynx (one case), (third day). Burning in the larynx and stomach. Trickling, provoking cough. Contraction of the trachea. Voice. Rough voice (second day). Hoarse voice. Hoarseness in the chest. Voice feeble. Speech very low, with sensation of weakness of the vocal organs (twelfth day). On deep respiration, and on speaking, she feels as if she dare not exert herself, on account of extraordinary weakness of the respiratory organs; she therefore speaks only in a weak and frightened tone. Inability to speak (sexton). Cough and Expectoration. Cough, with pain in the abdomen. Hacking cough, frequently (second day). Frequent dry hacking cough (fifteenth day). Several short paroxysms of dry cough, caused by irritation in the larynx, with more rapid respiration and a sort of tightness in the chest (immediately after taking). Cough in the morning on rising, with difficult expectoration. Sputa frothy and bloody. Bloody expectoration, after short cough (eighth day). Respiration. Hurried breathing (soon after). Respiration hurried. Hurried respiration (after one hour). Hurried and difficult respiration. Difficult respiration. Respiration becomes difficult. Difficult and oppressed respiration, partly, as it appears, on account of contraction of the larynx and the trachea, partly also on account of dryness of the nose (soon after). Respiration labored. Breathing laborious. Gasps for breath. On ascending a mountain he gets out of breath; it catches him in the chest; he becomes nauseated (third day). Oppression of breathing (second day). Threatening suffocation (sexton).


Pneumonia. (Is drawn together at times when coughing; the lungs themselves are contracted). The side of the diaphragm is inflamed. Feeling of dryness in the chest, for several days. Burning in the chest. Burning on the chest like fire; and again a small clot of blood in the mouth, in the morning (seventeenth day). Hot burning on the chest, and pinching in the abdomen, with constipation (fifteenth afternoon). Violent burning, with stitches over the whole chest, externally and internally, as if in the bones. Sensation of fulness in the chest, stomach, and abdomen, after coffee (fourteenth day). Pressure on the chest for a long time. Sticking in the chest, from one side to the other. Slight stitches in the chest, which do not affect respiration (after three hours). A fine stitch extending from the right axilla into the chest (after one hour). Several fine needle like stitches, deep in the left lower ribs, in the afternoon. Tearing in the thorax, especially in the region of the heart (after half an hour). Extreme sensitiveness of the chest to touch (tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days). Relief of habitual oppression of chest (one prover). Front. Burning on the sternum (after eight hours). Squeezing and contraction in the forepart of the chest, with impeded respiration, and stitching in the whole chest, from 11 A.M. till 8 P.M. relieved on lying, but returning again (third day). Pressure on the sternum. Pressure from the heart toward the sternum, toward evening, increased by speaking and deep respiration. On the right side of the sternum, deep internally, a pressing, with stitching from within outward (after four hours). Stitching in the centre of the sternum (third evening). Frequent stitching in the forepart of the chest, especially on inspiration. Several acute stitches in succession in the sternum, so that she screamed with pain, in the afternoon. Many fine needle like stitches in succession, in the lower part of the sternum (after three-quarters of an hour). Pain in the chest, like a shooting, from the front toward the back, which impedes respiration. sides. In the morning in bed, a violent pressure in the side of the chest, which disappears on rising. Stitching pain in the forepart of the right chest; it then passes downward into the right lower ribs (after one hour and a half). Stitching in the right side of the thorax. Stitching in the right side of the chest (after two hours and a half). Stitching in the lower part of the right chest, extending toward the middle of the sternum (after eight hours). Stitching in the right side of the chest, on each inspiration, after midnight, and also on the following day. Stitching in the right costal region, after dinner. Stitching in the right false ribs (after seven hours). Very fine stitching in the right chest, more in the upper part; immediately afterward in the left side; three-quarters of an hour after dinner. Stitching in the left chest (after two hours and a half. Stitching in the left side of the chest, more externally on the ribs (after ten hours). Stitching in the left chest, after dinner. Stitching, inward, below the left breast, extending up under the axilla (after half an hour). Stitching in the lowest left ribs, extending toward the back. She cannot lie on the left side, on account of stitching on inspiration (midnight), (third night). Acute stitching in the left side of the chest under the arm, extending to the middle of the sternum. Acute stitching in the left lower ribs, followed by a tearing near the right wrist, and then acute stitching in the left upper arm. Very painful stitching in the left chest, and immediately afterward below the right breast. During slight, somewhat sudden, turning of the body, violent stitching in the left side, below the arm, on inspiration, extending through the whole body, just as if some one violently pierced him with a fine spear, with a jerk, so that it arrested the breathing for a moment; it occurred but once on the other side with the same violence, and less violently during rest, but not at all on respiration or motion (second day). (Stitches in the sides, during motion and rest). A violent, stitch like pain in the left side of the chest in the region of the heart, or in the heart itself (after five hours). After the stitching in the sternum, several similar stitches in the last right false rib. Fine stitches in the left side of the chest, below the axilla (after four hours). A few fine stitches in the middle of the right clavicle (after four hours). Several fine stitches in the right lower ribs, in the afternoon. Many fine stitches in the region of the left axilla on the side of the chest (second morning). Painful, acute stitches in the right costal region below the arm, frequently repeated, in the afternoon. A stitch under the right arm extending into the chest. In the right lower false ribs a painful stitch, while yawning (after four hours). A pointed stitch in the right side of the chest; then tearing between the shoulder-blades; then acute stitching in the right shoulder; then stitching in the right hypochondriac region; then in the right shoulder-blade, whence it then passes into the right hypochondriac region, in the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.