
Hypochondria. Incarceration of flatus under the short ribs (as of offensive flatus), (after two hours). (Inflammation of the liver and erosion of the intestines). Sensation as if something held her together below the right false ribs (after two hours). Umbilical and Sides. Burning pain above the navel on coughing, sneezing, and blowing the nose, whereby the abdomen seems very hot; in the region of this pain externally are several yellow spots, which when touched are more stinging than burning. Pinching about the navel (one hour after dinner). Before and during the stool, griping in the abdomen, below the navel. Pinching in the left side of the abdomen (after four hours). Pressing pain in both sides below the ribs (after two hours). On both sides of the lower abdomen, sensation as if something were compressing them there, but in the left side farther downward (four hours). Cutting in the right side of the abdomen (three hours). Stitching in the left side of the upper abdomen, and in the centre of the sternum. General Abdomen. Inflammation of whole alimentary canal, ureters, kidneys, and internal organs of generation. Violent intestinal inflammation. The pains in the intestinal canal change to inflammation and gangrene. Erosion of the intestines. The abdomen was prominent. Abdomen swollen and tympanitic. Abdomen swollen to the size at full period of utero- gestation, tense and tympanitic. Diffusive swelling, extending over the whole abdomen. Abdomen distended. Abdomen much distended (second day). The abdomen is very much distended, with much moving about in it, as if flatulence would pass. Distension and constant pain in the abdominal region. Distension of the whole abdomen, with the pains. Great distension and tenderness of the belly (second day). Movings in the abdomen and yawning. The flatulence moves about the whole abdomen, with violent pinching; the pain extends into the chest (first evening). Flatulence moves about in the abdomen, and gives rise to lumps, as if a child were there (fourteenth day). Rolling in the abdomen, with sensation as if diarrhoea would appear. Rumbling and rattling in the abdomen (after one hour and a quarter). Audible rumbling in the abdomen while sitting (after half an hour). Growling, audible rumbling, and gurgling in the bowels (third day). Very loud growling, more on the right side of the lower abdomen, passing backward (after three-quarters of an hour). Much flatulence. A very large amount of flatulence (first day). Discharge of much flatulence. Profuse discharge of flatulence (eighth day, evening), with noise. Passage of very much flatulence. After frequent urging, some flatulence, with relief. Sensation in the abdomen as if the menses would appear, after midnight. Pain in the upper part of the abdomen (second day). Pain in the abdomen. Severe pain in the abdomen, increased by pressure. Violent pain in the abdomen. Renewal of the violent abdominal pains after coffee (fourteenth day). Excruciating pain over abdomen, worse over hypogastric region and scrobiculus cordis; increased by pressure. Excessive abdominal pain until death (from 4 grains). Pains in the bowels (some provers). Pain in the bowels. Excruciating pain in bowels (second day). Pain in the intestinal canal and in the anus, especially with the stool, which is increased thereby. Severe pains in the intestines. In the intestines, a sensation of warmth, as if he had drank strong wine. Great heat along the whole course of the alimentary canal. Burning sensation along the alimentary canal. Burning and twisting in the abdomen, until he had been to stool a few times, especially in the morning. In the abdomen, sensation of fulness and flatulence. Griping in the abdomen, which extended upward, and became stitching; then stitching backwards on both sides, so that it hindered her respiration (eighth day). Griping in the abdomen, followed by liquid stool, without pain. Violent griping pain in abdomen. Violent griping in the abdomen, at 3 A.M. (eighth day). With the stool, pinching in the abdomen; after the stool, shivering, in the afternoon. Sensation in the abdomen as after a drastic purge. Cutting in the abdomen. Cutting in the abdomen, the whole day. With the stool, cutting in the abdomen; towards evening, and after the stool, shivering. Slight cutting in the upper abdomen (fourth day). Violent cutting in the abdomen. Violent cutting pain in the abdomen and boring pains in the knees, so that she cried aloud; Camphor brought no relief; after coffee she vomited bitter stuff, after which it remained bitter in her mouth; after repeated doses of Camphor, there at last came relief of the intolerable pains(640). Fearful cutting pains from 5 P.M. till morning; she had to roll about (third night). Colic; some sudden gripings in the sides of the abdomen, rather external, when standing. Violent colic, nausea, and abundant vomiting of ingesta. Colic, followed by ten diarrhoeic stools. Since taking the medicine, daily colic, followed by diarrhoea. Tearing and pinching in the abdomen. Tearing in the abdomen, with diarrhoea and pain in the anus. Most extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch (tenth day).

Hypogastrium. Fermenting in the intestines of the lower abdomen (after a quarter of an hour). Pain in the hypogastrium. Slight pains in the hypogastrium and in the lumbar region. Excessive pains in the hypogastrium. Excessive pains in the hypogastrium, followed by mental confusion and death. Pain in hypogastric and lumbar regions. Severe pain in the hypogastric region. Violent pain in the lower belly (after one hour). Gnawing pain in the lower abdomen. Griping in the lower abdomen, with pressing towards the genitals (fourth day, in the morning, till 1 P.M). Excessive cutting pains in the lower abdomen, which constantly wander about and intermit but a short time. Slight pains above the symphysis pubis, and downward along the ureters, which constantly become worse (after five hours). Drawing and tearing in the pubic region. Bearing-down pains (second day). Painful tension along the inguinal canal and the testicles, around the pelvic region (after three weeks). Cutting pains in the groin all day, less when sitting and standing, but more when walking. Cutting-sticking and burning in the groin; on urinating, violent cutting. Stitching in the left groin, extending downward (fifteenth day). Acute stitching in the right groin (third day).

Rectum and Anus

Tenesmus (some provers). Very great tenesmus. A violent cutting pain attacked her in the rectum, such as she had never experienced in her life before; on standing and walking, discharge of flatulence with relief, but immediately afterwards the same pain, with urging to stool, followed by soft stool, with cessation of the pain, at 8 P.M.(670). Crawling in the rectum. Burning, like fire, in the anus, after the diarrhoea (tenth day). After the stool, burning and stitching, as with needles, in the anus (first day). Pain in the perineum, seemingly arising from the neck of the bladder rather than from the root of the penis. Pressure in perineum. Frequent desire for stool. Urging to stool. Urging, without stool (fourth day). Urging to stool, and the copious discharge of soft faeces. Increased painful urging to stool. Frequent urging to stool, with scanty discharge of faeces. Constant as well as ineffectual urging to stool. Ineffectual urging to stool (after two hours). Ineffectual urging to stool, soon after the first stool. When he passed water, was obliged at the same time to go to stool, though nothing passed; this desire for stool ceased after the bladder became empty.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, without colic. Diarrhoea, by which the colic was somewhat relieved (after thirteen hours). Diarrhoea, with burning in the anus. Diarrhoea three times a day, with very violent colic. Diarrhoea, without any pain, several times during the day. Diarrhoea of frothy faeces (twenty-second day). Watery diarrhoea. Mucous diarrhoea. Diarrhoea of green mucus (tenth day), after constipation for three days. Diarrhoea, consisting of blood and mucus. Violent diarrhoea, with intolerable burning in the anus. Diarrhoea-like stool of brown liquid faeces, twice (nineteenth day). In the morning, usual stool, and at 6 P.M. two diarrhoeic stools (third day); also one diarrhoeic stool (fourth day). Two morning stools, with some tenesmus. In the forenoon, two natural stools. Two natural stools in quick succession (after four hours), in the afternoon. A natural stool four times in the day. Two liquid yellow stools during the day, with cutting in the abdomen after every stool, biting pain in the anus, without tenesmus. Copious stools (some provers). Stool thin, pasty (third day). Thin stool, with much irritability in the rectum. Slight, somewhat hard stool, passing with difficulty, with cutting pains in the rectum (first day). Stool hard, and only passed by pressing, so that she could have screamed (first day). Discharge of hard faeces, with protrusion of the rectum. In the morning, hard stool, but afterward soft, with colic. Urging to stool, which consisted of hardened faeces; soon afterward, liquid stool, preceded by colic, in the afternoon. After constipation for five days, two very hard stools, with pressing; after the second, twinging in the anus (eighteenth day). Difficult evacuation of stool; he must press much more violently than usual, and still does not pass a sufficient stool (third day). Stool, with vomiting of herby-tasting food (first day). Faeces red, slimy. Evacuation of red, mucous, fecal masses. Passage of white tough mucus with the stool, like scrapings from the intestines, with streaks of blood, seven times in one night. Slimy and bloody stool (after six days). Passage of pure blood from the anus and urethra. After violent efforts, he succeeded in passing by the anus and urethra only a few drops of blood. Looseness of the bowels, like dysentery. Fatal dysentery. Constipation. The primary action of Cantharides is to retard and harden the stool. No stool, but passage of flatulence (second day). The whole first forenoon, neither stool nor urine.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.