Heart and Pulse

Anxiety in the praecordium. Extreme praecordial anxiety. Anxiety about the heart in the afternoon. Pain in the heart. Drawing pain in the region of the heart. Stitch in the heart, followed by a crawling sensation. Heart’s Action. Violent jerking of the heart, that runs quite to the head (after three weeks). Palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation, toward evening. Violent palpitation of the heart, for several minutes (soon after taking). Habitual palpitation of the heart entirely ceased (one prover). Pulse. Uneasy beating of the pulse in the whole body, so that the limbs tremble, several days. Hard full pulse, as in inflammatory fevers. Pulse contracted. Pulse thready (second day). Weak pulse. Pulse feeble, and scarcely perceptible (after two days). Pulse scarcely perceptible. Scarcely perceptible pulse (second day). Pulse imperceptible. Pulse scarcely changed during the chill. Rapid pulse. Hard, rapid pulse. Pulse full, hard and rapid, as in inflammatory fever. Pulse rapid, full, tense (second day). Pulse weak, trembling, rapid. Pulse quick and hard. Small, quick pulse (after one hour). Pulse quickened by two beats (two provers). Pulse quickened by two beats, but evidently softer (two provers). Pulse increased, fuller, after disappearance of the pains, in the morning (fourth day). Pulse accelerated, full (third day). Pulse accelerated twenty beats per minute (third day). Frequent and small pulse. Frequent, small, and weak pulse. Small, frequent pulse. Pulse weak, compressible, frequent (110). Pulse full, 80. Pulse 98, full and soft (third day). Pulse 100 (two cases), 80 (one case), (second day). Pulse more than 100 to the minute. Pulse 104, full and regular (third day). Pulse 130, weak and tremulous. Pulse slightly diminished (in some), (after two hours). Progressive diminution of the pulse; the maximum of this diminution was twenty-two beats. Pulse remarkably diminished (after three hours). Remarkable diminution of pulse (five to sixteen beats), (after two hours). Pulse slow and full (after two hours). Pulse slower, by from two to forty beats (eight provers), (after two hours). Pulse fell five beats. The pulse, after violent action, lost seven beats in a minute. Pulse fell to about fifty per minute. Pulse 45 (after vomiting). Pulse 35, small and intermittent. Pulse 20 and small (second day). Pulse irregular and intermittent. Small, hard, intermitting pulse. Pulse 130, weak and paroxysmal. Pulse accelerated, 92; skin hot (after nine days).

Neck and Back

Neck. Thick neck. Twitching in the left cervical muscles. Stiffness in the neck, with tensive pain on stooping. Fine but sharply drawing pain in a narrow line extending downward, deep in the right cervical muscles (after two hours). Several dull stitches in the left cervical muscles, in the afternoon. Tearing in the left cervical muscles, with headache, like a heaviness, on walking (second day). Tearing in the nape of the neck, extending upward toward the vertex (sixth day, A.M). Tearing in the nape of the neck and stitching in the right cervical muscles, on moving the head, whence it extends into the upper part of the head (after six hours). Swollen cervical glands painful to touch. Back. Pain in the back, in the vertebral column. Pains in the back and limbs. Violent pain in the back. Dragging in the back, as if about to be “unwell,” which period she had passed about ten days before; slight show, but the pains the same. Sticking- cutting pain through the back and abdomen, which speedily passes off (after nine hours). Tearing pain in the back. Tearing pain in the back, especially in the morning. Dorsal. A stitch inward, below the right shoulder-blade (after four hours). Several violent dull stitches in the upper part of the right shoulder- blade, with burning on the skin in the same place, in the afternoon. Extremely violent acute stitches in the right shoulder- blade, in the evening. Tearing in the shoulder-blade (after one hour). Tearing and stitching in the right shoulder- blade, in the upper part (after three hours). Pain between shoulders (after half an hour). Continued stitching between the shoulders on every motion, as if the parts were sprained. Tearing between the shoulder-blades (after two hours and on the third day). A throbbing sensation on the right side of the spine, near the eleventh and twelfth dorsal vertebrae, disappearing for a few moments, and returning again, increased by every motion, extending by single jerks downward to the right thigh, at 11 P.M. (sixth day). Lumbar. Pain in lumbar region. Dull pain in the lumbar region and hypochondria, increased by pressure. Dull, heavy pain in the lumbar region, increased by pressure. Large pointed stitches in the left lumbar region, with the cutting in the abdomen. A stitch extending into the right lumbar region (after four hours and a half). In the right lumbar region painful stitching, then tearing in the left hypochondriac region internally, unchanged on rubbing (after a quarter of an hour). Pains in the region of the loins and the lower abdomen. Pain in the loins, kidneys, and in the whole abdomen, with such pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without moaning and screaming (from a fly-blister on the knee-joint). Pain in the loins, with incessant desire to urinate; he passes only a small quantity. Intolerable pains in the loins, kidneys, and the whole abdomen. Boring pains in the loins (after one hour). Cutting pain in both loins, which extends to beneath the shoulders, where it becomes stitching (third afternoon). Great weariness in the small of the back, with a peculiar pressing pain in the region of the last rib, in the back, while sitting (second day). Pain across the small of the back, on motion, as if he had injured himself (first days). Pressing pain in the small of the back for two days. Almost constant cutting pain in the small of the back, especially, on sitting (first day). Stitching in the small of the back, after rising from sitting or on walking. Pain like biting in the small of the back (the whole second day). Biting and gnawing in the small of the back (third day). Tearing, with stitching in the small of the back (after one hour). Sacral. Gnawing in the sacrum, in the evening (second day). Stitching and gnawing on the right side of the sacrum, as if in the bone (after two hours and a half). A stitch and a tearing in the coccyx, so that she was frightened; frequently repeated.

Extremities in General

Objectives. Great weakness of limbs (second day). In the morning, laxness and lassitude in all the limbs, so that he remains in bed much longer than usual (second day). Weariness in the hands and feet (fourth day). Collapse of limbs. Trembling of the limbs. Trembling of the limbs. Trembling and weakness of the limbs, lasting a long time. Trembling of the hands and feet, during the chill, in the evening. Unconscious tossing about of the limbs. Convulsions in all the limbs. Numbness of arms and legs (after three weeks). Subjective. A feeling of dryness in the joints of the arms and limbs, for twelve days. Pain and stiffness of limbs (after three weeks). Contracting, almost paralytic, pain in the limbs. Drawings in the extremities. Drawing, almost paralytic, pain in the limbs. The forearms and lower legs feel bruised (third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days).

Superior Extremities

Shoulder. Drawing pain in the left shoulder-joint. Stitching below the right chest, extending into the right shoulder, on inspiration. Stitching-tingling in the axillae. Tearing in the axilla. Arm. Boring pain in the middle of the upper arm. Drawing and stitching in the upper right arm, as if in the bone, after dinner. Gnawing in the right humerus in the middle, and at the same time stitching farther above. Gnawing in the middle of the upper arm, on the external surface (after four hours). In the middle of the right upper arm, a painful gnawing (after one hour and three-quarters), then stitching in the left knee, on the inner surface. Tearing on the inner surface of the right humerus, disappearing on pressure, during breakfast (one hour). Tearing in the middle of the right upper arm, in the afternoon. Tearing from the bend of the right elbow into the shoulder. Pain, as if bruised, in the right upper arm (after two hours and a half). Elbow. Sensation in the right elbow as if something were holding her fast there. A drawing pain in the right elbow. Tearing in the bend of the elbow; on rubbing, it passes into the outer side of the upper arm, after dinner. Tearing in the bend of the right elbow. Forearm. Tearing from the middle of the left forearm to the middle of the upper arm. Painful tearing from the middle of the right upper arm to the middle of the forearm, relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half). Violent tearing in the middle of the right forearm, and at the same time in both calves (in the evening and also the second day, frequently repeated). Wrist. Stitching from the right wrist up toward the elbow, and with each stitch a throb, in the afternoon. Hand. Drawing pain in the bones of the hands and forearm (after eighteen hours). Tearing in the left hand (second day). Tearing on the inner margin of the right hand, toward the little finger, disappearing on rubbing (after two hours). Tearing on the back of the right hand, together with stitching extending into the left upper arm. Fingers. Pain and tension in the little finger for several days. Burning in the tips of the fingers. Painful drawing and tension from the right hand into the fingers (after three hours and a half). Stitch in the bones of the right shoulder, through and through, repeatedly during the first afternoon, then not again. Tearing in the left little finger, in the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.