Urinary Organs

Pain in the region of the kidneys. Urethra. The orifice of the urethra is inflamed and agglutinated. Pain in the urethra on urinating, as if the urine passed over a sore place (fourteenth day). Burning in the urethra when hot urinating. Burning in the urethra on urinating. Burning in the urethra after every urination (second day). Stitches in the urethra. Itching in the urethra when not urinating. Frequent urging to urinate, but only a little urine passed. Frequent urging to urinate; she was obliged to rise at night to urinate, and considerable passed. Very frequent urging to urinate, with a profuse discharge of urine. After urinating, soon again frequent urging thereto; she, however, passed only a few drops. Micturition. (Frequent urinating with sudden urging. Increased passage of urine in the afternoon. She passed urine four times in the afternoon and much each time (after four days). Urine frequently intermitting on urination. Urine Urine clear-yellow, with a slowly forming cloud. The urine was yellowish-green, afterwards turbid. Urine turbid, like gruel, with violent sediment, for several days in succession.

Sexual Organs

Male. Burning in the genital organs. A red, hard, painful nodule in the skin of the penis, which suppurates (fourteenth day). Emission two nights in succession, which was once associated with a voluptuous dream (in one who had never had the like before). Female. A voluptuous sensation in the genital organs. Soreness on the mons veneris during menstruation. Some leucorrhoea for eight days. Leucorrhoea after menstruation. Profuse leucorrhea, of a yellowish-green color, so acrid that it almost corrodes the pudenda and thighs. Very thick, mucous, tenacious leucorrhoea when walking. Discharge of thick leucorrhoea, like the white of an egg, when walking. ( Menstruation four days too soon and more profuse then usual, followed by some leucorrhoea). Menstruation eight days too early. Menstruation nine days too early and rather profuse (two days after taking it). Menstruation nine days too early and more profuse than usual. menstruation two days too late, coming on in the evening, on lying down; after midnight painful urging towards the genitals, with great heaviness in the small of the back, which was somewhat relieved the next day with discharge of blood. Menstruation five days too late. Menstruation was less than usual and did not continue so long. Menstruation did not last as long a usual, and flowed mostly at night. The menses flow most profusely in the morning, but scanty during the day and night. The menstrual blood was very watery, with weariness of the thighs. Traces of menstruation between the menses (ninth, tenth, thirteenth, eighteenth days.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Great scraping in the larynx as if sore, extending down into the chest, with much tough mucus in the chest, which threatens to suffocate her; this mucus is raised with difficulty and tastes salty. Tickling in the larynx provoking cough. (Frequent irritation to cough from tickling in the larynx; the mucus which she expectorates is very tough and only loosened with great effort). Voice. Hoarseness every morning. Catarrhal voice, with roughness in the throat, the whole morning (sixth day). Cough. Cough, excited by tickling in the trachea, in the evening and morning after rising for several days in succession. Cough cause by tickling in the chest, which she could not suppress in the morning on entering into the room from the cold air (seventeenth day). Spasmodic cough; difficulty of breathing; deep anxious respiration; in feeble tones she called for help; when the window was raised the fresh air revived her and was very agreeable. Dry cough in the evening and morning for an hour. Dry cough in the morning after rising for half an hour (twentieth day). Respiration. Deep, noisy breathing. Anxious breathing. Oppressed breathing. Shortness of the breath on every exertion of the hands.


Feeling of heaviness on the chest, as if something lay upon it, and she could only breathe deeply. Cutting-burning in the middle of the chest, more externally, twice in succession. Oppression and heat in the chest, which rises into the head. Oppression in the middle of the chest, with fine stitches, on breathing. Oppression of the chest; he was frequently obliged to sigh in order to get a full breath, with which he could not bear anything on the chest, and his large wristband seemed too small. A severe pressure extends from the pit of the stomach up into the chest after eating; better when walking, worse when sitting; sometimes with a drawing-tearing pain in the left side of the head. Stitches in the chest, extending from before backward, increased by deep breathing, during dinner. Stitches first in the middle of the chest, then in the right hypochondrium and afterwards in the left (tenth day). Front. Burning on the sternum and visible pulsation, especially in the pit of the stomach. Feeling of constriction below the sternum. Pressure beneath the sternum and in the stomach. Spasmodic pressure beneath the sternum, as if the stomach were overloaded, six days in succession. Painful stitches in the middle of the sternum. Painful dull stitches, or boring in the sternum, in the evening (third day). Stitches, frequently in succession, in the forepart of the lower portion of the chest, when standing stooped and without influencing the respiration; after dinner. Sides. A visible pulsation above the right mamma, near the clavicle. Stitches in the left side of the chest. Stitches in the right side of the chest, and at the same time in the right great toe. Stitches, as with an awl, in the upper part of the left mamma, extending through to the back. A burning stitch on the outer portion of the left ribs. A slow, dull stitch in the lowest ribs of the right side in the morning. Fine stitches in the forepart of the left lowest ribs, which extend up into the chest. Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest, with constant stretching, in the forenoon. Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest beneath the axilla, so violent that she cried out, in the morning, third day. Very sensitive, sharp stitches in the lower portion of the left side of the chest. Severe sharp stitches in the lower portion of the left side of the chest. Severe sharp stitches below the right ribs, alternating with stitches in the right groin.


Fullness and anxiety in the precordial region (after one hour). Pressure in the precordial region, with tension in the temples, with pressure on the sternum. Sharp pain in the precordial (after a few moments). Palpitation. Palpitation, with congestion to the head, heat and thirst, with itching in the right eye. Palpitation, with trembling of the whole body and uneasiness.

Neck and Back

Neck. Stiffness in the neck, in the morning, on rising (fourth day). Painful tension on the right side of the neck, on moving the head, with twitches in the left ear. Tension and pain on pressure, as from a blow in the neck. Stitches in the nape of the neck, during rest and motion, in the evening. Sharp stitches on the left side of the neck, extending into the left ear. Tearing in the tendons of the left side of the neck. Back. Stitching and tearing pain on the inner border of the right shoulder-blade, with a feeling as though a piece of it would be torn off, on sitting bent, disappearing on becoming erect. Several violent stitches, as with a knife, between the shoulders, in the afternoon. (An old pain in the back, with stiffness after stooping, disappeared), (after seventeen days). Stitching pains in the lumbar region, increased on turning the body.

Extremities in General

Great weariness in the hands and feet the whole day. Suddenly, great weariness in the hands and feet, in the afternoon.

Superior Extremities

Weariness in the arms, especially in the shoulder-joints. Loss of power in the left arm. The left arm felt lame and sprained, so that it was with difficulty that he could raise it above the head; the pain increased during the day so much that at last he could scarcely make any movement with the arm; after sweat in the morning, the pain was very decidedly diminished (fifteenth day). The right arm was painful and sore to the touch, with pressure in the shoulder. Shoulder. A previously morbid onion-like smell in the axillae was very much increased (after three days). She could not move the right arm freely; she had no power in the shoulder- joint. Difficult to raise the right arm; she seemed to have no power in the shoulder. Sensation in the right shoulder-joint as if it was exhausted by great exertion; she had no strength at all in the arm, and if she took hold of anything it pained. Great tension in the shoulder-joint. Tension in the shoulder-joints, as if they were too short, on bending the arms backward. Violent dull stitches and tearings on the inner border of the left shoulder blade, deep in the bone. Violent tearing in the right shoulder-joint (after twelve days). Painful piercing-tearing in the right shoulder-joint, in the afternoon (fifth day). Arm. Violent pain on the inner side of the left upper arm, as if it would break, in the forenoon. Violent tearing in the outer side of the left upper arm, especially in the bone, in the afternoon. Bruised pain in the right upper arm, in the bone, relieved by firmly pressing upon it, in the morning. Elbow. Very sensitive boring-sticking pain beneath the elbows, on the margin of the radius; it extends to the fingers, which become lame on account of it, for two minutes. Stitches in the right elbow, afterwards in the left also, in the evening. Tearing in the left elbow, in the morning (after three days). Severe tearing in the tip of the right elbow. Painful tearing in the right elbow, in the morning. Forearm. Paralytic and itching sensation in the radial arteries of the forearm. On the inner side of the forearm, near the thumb, a very sensitive pain, as if the tendons were torn; the same sensation in the other arm, but on the outer side, in the direction of the index finger. Wrist. A feeling of numbness in the left wrist. Spasmodic drawing in the tendons of the left wrist. Sprained and ulcerated pain in the left wrist, in the middle of the upper surface, on a small spot only perceptible to touch or on bending the hand upward and downward. Stitches in the right wrist three days in succession; if she took hold of anything, especially if she brought the thumb and index finger together, the stitches became more severe; after this ceased in the right hand, it appeared in the left, though only for a short time. Very sensitive sharp stitches in the right wrist. Tearing a hand’s breadth above the wrist, and extending into it, in the morning. Tearing and throbbing in the right wrist, in the evening (seventh day). Pain, as if suppurating, in a small spot on the back of the right wrist, on bending the hand and pressing upon it. Hand. Trembling in the hands, with palpitation and anxiety. Loss of power in the hands. She had no power in the hands, especially in the right, and almost allowed the slightest objects to fall, from weakness. The hand is stiff; cannot easily close it; with feeling of weakness in the fingers. The left hand is heavy; she cannot move it easily. The right hand feels as heavy as a hundred-weight, together with a severe pain, as if bruised, in the place where the pulse is felt; it does not tolerate any touch. Fingers. (One finger after another suppurates like a panaritium; as soon as one heals. another becomes sore), (after ten weeks). Stitches in the joints of the right index finger, while working. Violent tearing in the left thumb.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.