Bovista homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Warted Puff ball, Kugelschwamm.


Lycoperdon Bovista, Pers. Natural order: Fungi; Preparation: Triturations.


Emotional. Talkative. Very open-hearted; she spoke of her own failings, contrary to her custom. Averse to everything after dinner. Very much exhilarated; life seems very pleasant to her, in the morning, but, towards evening, out of humor and peevish. Very courageous and vigorous; he would like to fight with everybody. Melancholy the whole day. Dull and depressed; and towards evening she became very weary. Very much depressed (after three hours); then alternating moods and (after seven hours) great sadness, amounting to melancholy. Anguish; she felt as if enveloped in black vapor. Great sensitiveness; became easily offended at everything. Very apprehensive, and at the same time fretful; she was disinclined to do any work. Very irritable; everything affected her. Peevish mood, for an hour in the morning after rising (fifth day). Ill-humored, fretful, and apprehensive, with confusion of the head. Ill-humor, confusion of the head, gloominess, also peevishness and irritability, for fourteen days. Peevish, fretful, and ill-humored during a violent headache in the afternoon. Fretful, ill-humored, and indifferent to life. At one time life seemed very exciting to him, at another very hateful. In company she was lively; alone, sad, depressed, and hot interested in anything. Extremely indifferent to all external objects (ninth day). Intellectual. Confused thoughts. Stupid feeling. Very absent-minded, so that it was impossible for her, even on great exertion, to pay attention to what one was saying or doing (after thirteen days). She is very, absent-minded, makes mistakes in writing, leaves out whole syllables, and writes several words entirely wrong (after five days). Lost in thought; he often looked vacantly for several minutes. Weak memory. He recollected only with difficulty the transactions of a few hours previous. Feeling of stupefaction at times.


Confusion and Vertigo. The head is somewhat confused and heavy. The head was very much confused and dizzy after coition; he was unable to sleep for a long time. Head very much confused and empty, with drawing about the whole head, especially in the morning. Head very much confused; he could not think correctly, with heaviness and pressure in the forehead. The head was very much confused and painful on stooping, mostly in the left temple. Vertigo for several minutes. Vertigo; the whole room seemed to turn about with him. Frequent transient vertigo. Frequent vertigo, wherewith all his senses left him. Vertigo, even to falling forward, towards evening. Vertigo, which drew him backward. Vertigo, on rising, as if everything turned around in a circle with her, and she could not trust herself to stand upright. A kind of vertigo, with stupefaction, in the morning on rising from his chair, so that he nearly fell down (second day). Sudden attacks of vertigo and feeling of stupidity in the head, on rising; she loses consciousness for a moment, preceding and following a headache, in the morning. Vertigo and feeling of heaviness in the head, while standing, followed by sudden jerking of the head backward. Dizziness, in the morning. dizzy and stupid, and a feeling of whirling in the head, after rising from stooping (first day). Sensation. Heaviness of the head. Heaviness of the head (after a few moments). Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead. In the evening, the head is stupid and heavy, and feels as if bruised (second day). Headache, on waking, as after too much sleep. Headache, with heaviness of the head, which makes her ill- humored and unable to think continuously; the pain is increased on lying, and is most severe on waking from the midday nap, and is combined with a kind of pulsating beating in the head; its chief seat is in the forehead over the nose, which is at the same time stopped (after fifteen days). She did not dare to raise the head at night, from dread of unendurable pains, which were somewhat relieved toward morning (after twelve days). Headache as if suppurating; a raging in the whole brain, coming on in the cold air and continuing in the room at 8 A.M. The whole head seems larger than usual, with the headache. On waking, at 3 o’clock in the morning, very violent headache, with which he feels every pulsation, and which threatens to burst the head (seventeenth day). A contractive sensation and a feeling of dulness in the head, disappearing after breakfast (first day). The brain feels as if screwed together, with a heavy sensation, in the morning, disappearing in the open air (eight day). Dull headache, frequently returning. Dull headache, with weariness. After walking in the open air, violent pressive headache, with a feeling of heaviness, mostly in the occiput, in the morning; this pain disappeared at night, but immediately returned when she went into the open air in the morning, and disappeared again in the room (fifth and sixth days). Violent pressive headache on coming into the room from the open air, on both sides, with some throbbing, in the evening. Dull pressive headache, in the morning. Head feels as if compressed by a tight bandage, but without pain (after a few moments). Tearing in the whole head, with heaviness and bruised sensation continuing almost constantly. All the pains are felt deep in the brain. Forehead. Painful boring outward in the left side of the forehead, at 8 P.M. Pressure in the forehead. Heavy pressure on the forepart of the head, especially the temples. Dull headache, like a pressure, above the right eye, extending toward the temporal region. Pressive pain and a feeling of heaviness in a small spot on the left side of the forehead, deep internally and pressing upon the eye, for four minutes; the pain returns soon with redoubled severity, whereby it seems as it there were a cloud before the left eye, which disappeared by frequent wiping; in the morning on moving about. Stitches in the middle of the forehead, rather externally, in the evening (first day). First stitches, then pressure, in the forehead. Stitches and tearing in the right frontal eminence, which extend toward the right ear. Sharp stitches in the right side of the forehead, twice in succession. Sharp stitches in the right frontal eminence, in frequent succession. Extremely painful fine stitches, deep in the forehead, in the evening (fourth day). A painful twitching in the brain, in a small spot above the right frontal eminence, which frequently remits and returns, with peevish mood, at 2 P.M. Tearing pain in the forehead, extending to the left side of the occiput, and then back again to the forehead, and becomes seated in the left temple, where it remains several days (tenth day). Fine tearing in the middle of the forehead, rather externally, in the morning (first day). Violent unendurable tearing in the forehead, with heaviness in the head, on stooping, and burning in the right eye (fourth day). Pressive- tearing in the forehead, especially above the orbits, which extends into the root of the nose (sixth and seventh days). Temples. Heaviness in the temples. Compressive headache starting from both temples. Intolerable painful pressure and throbbing in the right temple, with great fretfulness; the pain extends down to the neck, and there disappears, in the morning. Sticking and jerking in the left temple. Several fine stitches in the left temporal bone. Fine tearing in the left temple, extending towards the ear (after three-quarters of an hour). A raging or digging- tearing in the left temple deep in the brain, in the afternoon. Violent tearing in the right temple and in the right half of the forehead, frequently intermitting (tenth day). Vertex. Stupefying headache of the whole vertex, with heat in the eye. Constant slight drawings in the whole top of the head. Pressure upon the vertex. Violent sharp stitches on the vertex; they extend over the whole head; in the afternoon. Frequent, fine, extremely painful stitches on the left side of the vertex, which is painful on touch; in the evening. Violent tearing on the vertex, which is painful on touch, as if bruised pain on the left side of the vertex, when touched and when not. Parietals. Painful pressive heaviness in the right side of the head. Beating and roaring in the right side of the head at 7 A.M., when coming into the room from the cold air. Pressure in both sides of the head. Pain as though the brain would be pressed together from both sides, in the afternoon (fourth day). compressive pain in both sides of the head on coming into the room after walking in the cold air (eight day). Dull pressure in the left side of the head. Sharp stitches on the right side near the vertex. Some fine stitches in the right side of the head. Sudden dull stitches, like boring, deep in the right side of the head, so that she was obliged to cry out. Violent tearing in the right side of the head. Severe bruised pain in the whole right side of the head, which even affected the eye, at 10 A.M. Painful throbbing, as in an ulcer, in the right side of the head. Headache, almost like a throbbing, on a small spot on the left side of the head, in the afternoon, at 1 o’clock. Occiput. Confusion and heaviness in the occiput, with inclination of the lids to fall down, and feeling as if the eyes would be drawn backwards, especially in a bright light, in the evening, together with anxiety and uneasiness of the body. Dull headache in the occiput, with tension in the temples. Pressive pain in the occiput, which extends over the vertex to the forehead, in the forenoon. Severe pressure on both sides of the occiput, from which place the pain extends to the forehead; a feeling in the occiput as if everything would protrude; in the afternoon till evening (fifth day). Pain in the occiput as if a wedge would be pressed in. Violent sticking and tearing in the left side of the occiput, continuing a long time. Dull, boring- pressive stitches in the occiput, extending to the forehead over the left eye; in a warm room in the afternoon. Violent fine stitches in the left side of the occiput, in the morning, at 7 o’clock. Tearing in the occiput, and at the same time in the lower jaw. External Head. The hair falls out. Small sore spots on the scalp, with itching. Small reddish blisters, with severe itching, on the scalp. Great sensitiveness of the scalp generally to touch; she could not even endure the comb. Itching on the head as if the whole head was full of lice, especially in the morning. Itching over the whole scalp, extending to the neck, especially if he became warm, so that he was obliged to scratch the forehead, which was not relieved by scratching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.