
Sensations. Dryness in the throat, on waking, sticking on swallowing, and numbness in the mouth, disappearing after rising and eating. Great dryness in the throat, in the morning, on waking, so that the tongue seemed almost like wood. Frequent pain in the throat. Burning in the throat. Sore throat in the evening; painful when swallowing the saliva, as if something were sticking in the throat; he was unable to swallow food easily. Scraping in the throat, with irritation to cough (first day). Every morning, scraping in the throat, with mucus. The sleep was frequently interrupted by scraping in the throat; she was obliged to hawk up mucus. Scraping and burning in the throat, as if he had eaten something too hot. Scraping and burning in the throat, causing a dry cough. Rawness of the throat, in the morning, after rising, and in the evening, for several days. Tickling in the throat, which obliges her to cough frequently, in the afternoon, at five (third day). Slight irritation of the pharynx. Swelling of the cervical glands. Swollen cervical glands, with tension and drawing pains, for six days.


Appetite. Constant excessive hunger; he was unable to eat enough, and was soon hungry again. (Hunger in the afternoon, contrary to custom). Hunger towards evening. She relished the food, although afterwards she had a pressure in the stomach as if she had overloaded it. Appetite without real hunger. No appetite; she was obliged to force herself to eat. No appetite for cooked food, only for bread (eleventh and twelfth days). A child loses its appetite; the whole body becomes hot, with puffy, scarlet face; it lies and vomits mucus and food; followed by excessive sweat through the night, mostly on the head, with nose-bleed twice during sleep (after twenty-seven days). Thirst. Great longing for water and wine. Thirst the whole day (after twenty one days). Thirst, especially in the evening. Thirst, during the chill. Thirst for cold water. Thirst for milk, in he morning (after four days). Much thirst, towards evening, as if she had eaten much salt food. Unquenchable thirst (after three hours). Loss of thirst. He had an unnatural thirst; previously he almost never needed to drink. Eructations and Hiccough. Empty eructations, several mornings, fasting. Frequent empty eructations, even before breakfast. Eructations, tasting of the breakfast, the whole forenoon. Eructations of gas. Inclination to hiccough; it only, however, amounts to half a hiccough, in the forenoon. Severe, long-lasting hiccough at 1 P.M. Frequent hiccough, an hour after dinner. Nausea. Qualmishness in the stomach, as if one had not eaten for a long time. Great qualmishness in the stomach, with inclination to vomit, in the morning; though only water was vomited; with nausea; this ceased after breakfast. Nausea. Nausea in the stomach, as if she would vomit, in the afternoon. Nausea and palpitation, worse on motion; with chilliness. Nausea and coldness, in the forenoon. Nausea, with chilliness the pains were relieved by cold water. Excessive nausea and shuddering, in the morning, so that she could not get warm; followed by vertigo, which relieved the headache. Stomach. Distension and fine twinges in the epigastric region; relieved by passage of offensive flatus at 8 A.M. (seventeenth day). Gurgling in the stomach, in the morning, relieved after eating (eleventh day). Gurgling on the left side, near the pit of he stomach, in the evening. A feeling in the stomach, as if one had fasted, even after eating (twentieth day). Every morning on rising, it seems as though the stomach was foul, with a nauseous taste in the mouth; after some time this disappears and he has an appetite; for fourteen days in succession. A cold feeling in the stomach, as if a lump of ice lay in it. Burning, externally, in the pit of the stomach, together with frequent fine stitches in it, after dinner.


Hypochondria. Frequent sharp stitches in the right hypochondrium, near the back. Stitches, with a peculiar indescribable pain, in the right hypochondrium (twelfth day). Some stitches in the left hypochondrium, and, at the same time, in the left elbow. Burning stitches in the left hypochondrium, on sitting bend, which disappear on becoming erect. Umbilical. Very transient burning internally about the navel, at 11 A.M. Frightful colic in the umbilical region after eating, as if knives were cutting the abdomen, for several minutes (third day). Twinges about the navel, with griping, in the morning on waking, as if he should go to stool. General Abdomen. Distended abdomen. with pain in it (eight day). Distension of the abdomen, with rumbling in it, which disappeared after passing flatus in the morning (fifth day). Great distension of the abdomen, which constantly increases till midnight, and at last disappears after the passage of flatus (eleventh day). Severe rumbling and noises in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue though a diarrhoea-like-stool occurred only after several hours. Much rumbling in the bowels, as from a purge, always relieved by passage of flatus. Very severe rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, with constipation. Frequent passage of flatus. Very frequent passage of loud flatus, followed by distension of the abdomen and colic, at 5 A.M. Much passage of flatus, after lying down in bed. Offensive flatus, especially in the morning and evening (first day). Offensive flatus, and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. Very violent pain in the abdomen, as if everything were dried up, in the evening in bed (eight day). Cold feelings creep about the abdomen. Pain almost like burning, in both sides of the abdomen, after dinner. Tension and sticking in the upper parts of the abdomen, especially on inspiration and on drawing in the abdomen (after fourteen days). Colic, night and morning, with diarrhoea. (Colic, and some chilliness, always after dinner). Frightful colic, so that he was obliged to bend quite double, and could not stand erect, with high-colored urine and much thirst (after twenty-four hours). Sensations of colic in the intestines, in the afternoon, with an inclination to an evacuation. Colic-pain in the afternoon, with an inclination to an evacuation. Colic-pains in the abdomen, with trembling and gnashing of the teeth, on account of coldness, especially after the stool; the pain is very violent, especially in the morning on waking, with distension of the left side of the abdomen and urging to stool; on turning about, or pressing on the abdomen, the side was relieved; it was more severe during rest; stool followed after one hour, was first hard, then fluid, with immediate relief of the pain(330). Twisting pain in the abdomen. Cutting pain in the forepart of the abdomen, in the morning; was relieved after eating. Cutting in the abdomen, which extends towards the stomach, and frequently intermitting in the evening; the pains are renewed the next morning and last till noon; only passage of flatus relieves them. Stitches in the abdomen, as with needles. Stitches in the abdomen on stooping. Stitches in the abdomen, with a feeling of discomfort. Violent twinges in the right side of the upper abdomen, after dinner. The abdomen is sensitive, internally and externally, so that she could not bear it touched and was obliged to walk bent (eleventh day). Pains, as from suppuration and tearing, in the abdomen, with diarrhoea and great exhaustion, on the last day of menstruation. Violent motions in the abdomen, relieved by passage of flatus; with urging to stool, in the evening (fifth day). Trembling and cutting in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue, for a quarter of an hour; relieved after the passage of flatus at 10 A.M. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Pain in the lower abdomen, extending from the left side to the right, as if the bowels were suppurating. Violent pain as from constriction in the right groin, relieved by stretching out the body. Pinching as with two fingers in the right groin. Frequent sharp stitches in the right groin (fifth day).

Rectum and Anus

Very violent pressing pain deep in the rectum, extending forwards, after the diarrhoea. Severe itching in the rectum, as from small worms, on riding. Burning in the anus, continuing a long time, after a watery stool. Transient stitches through the perineum towards the rectum and genitals. Urging to stool without effect, with passage of flatus, at 6 A.M. Urging to stool, when only a little thin stool of a yellowish color passed, followed by burning in the anus (fifth day). Painful urging to stool, followed by three attacks of diarrhoea, and afterwards tenesmus and burning in the anus, with prostration of the whole body (twenty-first day). After an ordinary stool, a feeling as though diarrhoea would still come one.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea six times during the day, with cutting pains in the abdomen (eleventh day). Diarrhoea, with pain, in the morning, with which the abdomen felt as if suppurating. Diarrhoea, with colic, in the evening. Diarrhoea, with tearing in the abdomen, and tenesmus in the rectum, at night. Diarrhoea, frequently before and during menstruation (nineteenth day). Quite watery diarrhoea, four times in succession, with tenesmus and burning in the anus (sixth day). Frequent fecal diarrhoea in the morning (fourth, fifth days). Profuse diarrhoea, morning and evening. A stool three or four times a day; he was obliged to make great exertion when the stool, at first hard, then soft, passed. A soft stool followed soon after the customary evacuation. An ordinary stool, although he had the usual stool in the morning before taking it. Two liquid stools a day until the thirty-first day, mostly in the forenoon. Stool, soft in the morning, hard in the evening (second day). Stool normal in the morning, liquid in the afternoon (eleventh day). Irregular stool; it occurs at an unusual time of the day and is too hard. Stool more copious than usual. Stool soft (sixth day), hard (seventh day). Stool softer and more regular than usual. It seems to make a hard stool soft, as a secondary action. Constipation. Constipation for three days. No stool the second day. No stool on the third day of the menstruation. Stool only every second or third day and rather hard. The evacuation follows with difficulty and great exertion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.