
Objective. Redness of the eyes. Inflammation of the left eye. The eyes are closed involuntarily, though without drowsiness (after a few moments). Lost in thought; she looked a long time at one point. Subjective. Weak eyes, without lustre, or snap. A feeling as if something was in the right eye, with lachrymation in it (first day). Burning in the eyes, and such great heat in the cheeks that she thought they would burst. Heat in the right eye, and a painful contractive feeling in it, for an hour. Pressure in the eyes, as if something were in them; with which the left eye is red (after eight days). Stitches over the left eye, as with a pointed instrument. Excessively painful tearing, deep in the right eye, which extends above it to the forehead. Smarting in the eyes, so that he had to keep them shut. Orbit, etc. Tension in the left eyebrow. Extremely painful pressure and twisting deep in the right orbit; the bone is very sensitive to pressure, during menstruation. Pressive sticking in the right orbit. A sudden turning when sitting, or a sensation of a sudden current of air above the left eye, above the root of the nose. A feeling of painful contraction, with stitches over the left eye, as if the left frontal eminence would be screwed together; the pain began at the root of the nose, and extended outward behind the left frontal eminence, with lachrymation of the left eye; afterwards the place above the eye was sensitive to pressure; after the pain ceased heat arose over the whole body, with a feeling as if sweat would break out during dinner (fifth day). Sticking in a small spot above the left eye, with redness of the cheek, without external heat, after dinner. Lids. Could not open the eyes well in the morning (sixth day). The left eye was agglutinated in the morning. The eyes were always agglutinated in the morning. Irritation of the eyelids (second day). The canthi are red (after thirty-two days). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, in the morning. Vision. It seems as though there were a veil before the feared that a person sitting near her would stick the shears into her eyes, although she sat two steps away and was cutting paper; all her visual perceptions were distorted; it seemed as though the shears were close before her eyes.


Objective. Twitching in the left external ear, for ten minutes. (A copious purulent offensive discharge from the ear, which had lasted four years, disappeared). Subjective. Heat and burning from the right ear, extending down to the angle of the lower jaw. Drawing in the ears (after three days). Stitches in the ears. Stitches in the right ear. Tearing in front of the right ear, which suddenly disappears, after dinner. Extremely painful tearing in the left ear, in the afternoon. Tearing deep in the right ear, and a tensive sensation on the border of the concha. A feeling of picking in the left ear, as though something were lying in it. Severe itching in the ears, with some difficulty of hearing. Hearing. He did not hear distinctly, understood many things wrongly, and also made mistakes in speaking. (In the ears, especially in the right, frequent noises, like rain). Roaring in the left ear, with diminished hearing for a short time.


Objective. The septum of the nose where it unites with the upper lip is red and sore. Scabby nostrils. A scab in the nostril is frequently renewed; after removal, the sore place burns. Coryza, for a few moments only. Stopped coryza. Stopped coryza, in the morning, after rising, with frequent sneezing; with which she could draw air only through the right nostril. She is frequently obliged to blow the nose, whereby only thin water is discharged. Frequent need to blow the nose, though but little nasal mucus is discharged. The nose is very much stopped; troubles her in speaking. Great stoppage of the nose; she could only get air through with great difficulty; with pressure in the temples. At night, the nose is stopped; she cannot draw air through it (eighteenth day). The left nostril is stopped, and a few drops of water run out of it (seventeenth day). Fluent coryza. Fluent coryza; thin mucus is discharged from the nose. Fluent coryza; with confusion of the head. The previously profuse, tough, yellow nasal mucus, a quantity of which was discharged, became white and more profuse (after sixteen days). Frequent sneezing. Sneezing, in the morning, after waking. A few drops of blood from the nose every time on sneezing (fifth day). Bleeding of the nose in the morning. Subjective. Constant feeling of coryza in the nose, and swelling of it (fifteenth day). Burning in both nostrils, as if they were sore. A contraction over he nose, with a feeling of heaviness and pressure as though the skin were too short.


The face is very pale, in the morning, after rising, for several days (after fourteen days). Great changes of color in the face, which is at one time red, at another pale. Tension and heat rise into the face. Locally. Boring and digging in both malar bones. Cracked a cut. Fine stitches, as with needles, or as from splinters, in the lower lip. Violent tearing in the left side of the below the lower jaw; she believes that a glands must be swollen.


Teeth. The teeth are frequently coated with mucus. The teeth, gums and lips are filled with clotted blood, in the morning, on waking. Slight gnashing of the teeth, now and then, in the evening, as in a chill (after fifteen days). A hollow tooth seems longer than the others. Toothache, as if the exposed nerves were rubbed. In the evening, in bed, toothache, while was only relieved by warmth (after fourteen days). The toothache ceased on going into the open air. Painful boring in the teeth, in the evening. Digging-boring pain in a hollow tooth, with a tearing pain in the right side of the head, and stitches in the ears, very ch increased by cold. Digging pain in a hollow tooth, morning and evening. Tearing-digging in the hollow teeth, extending thence into the temples, in the evening in bed. Drawing toothache, as if the roots would be torn out, in the evening. Dull drawing pain in the hollow teeth (after twelve hours). Painful drawing a few times in a hollow tooth of the right lower jaw, in the evening. Very painful drawing toothache awoke her before midnight, and lasted an hour, there nights in succession. Violent drawing pain in the hollow back teeth of the left lower jaw, for two evenings in succession, in bed, which lasted till morning, during menstruation. Dull toothache, which she had not had for several years, followed by long-continued, elevated, pale swelling of the upper lip and sweat, all night, till morning, which was especially profuse on the head (after three weeks). Stitches in the sound teeth, especially profuse on the head (after three weeks). Stitches in the sound teeth, especially at night, so that he could not sleep on account of it; the gum bled easily; the pain was relieved if he sucked the blood out of the teeth with the tongue. The stitches in he teeth extend into the eyes. Pain in the upper front teeth; they pain on touch, and do not bear chewing; with the upper lip beginning to swell, the toothache was somewhat relieved; the swelling increase so that the lip hung far over the lower one and was even with the nose; after the swelling of the lip had somewhat subsided, the left cheek began to swell; all the swollen parts were painful to touch (after fifteen days). Jerking toothache (fifth day). Gums. Swollen, painful gum. The gum retracts so that the teeth seem longer. An inflamed spot on the gum over a decayed root, which is painful by itself, and still more when touched, like an ulcer, with throbbing, with a feeling as if the root were too long. An ulcer on the gum, from which blood exudes on pressure. Clear blood oozes from the mouth (gum) even without sucking the gum. As often as he sucks the blood comes into the mouth, with which the whole gum becomes painful. Tongue. Yellow-coated tongue in the morning (after seven days). A red spot, painful to pressure, near the left ligament of the tongue, where it is united to the tongue, for several days (after thirty-five days). A small depressed ulcer on the left margin of the tongue, sore and painful to touch. In the morning, after waking, burning in the tip and a numbness on the posterior portion of the tongue, and over the whole mouth, for four mornings in succession (after thirteen days). Cutting pain in the tongue, repeated several days. General Mouth. Offensive smell from the mouth (sixth day). (Internally in the left cheek a swelling; this disappeared and a burning blister developed on the cheek externally, filled with yellow fluid, which became flattened and dried up the next day). Great dryness in the mouth, as if she had sand in it, with thirst. Towards evening, the mouth became very dry; in the evening he was always full and satiated, and had no appetite. Numbness of the whole mouth and tongue, in the morning, after walking; it disappears after eating. The whole mouth seemed numb and burnt, in the morning, on waking, with a bitter slimy taste and soreness of the throat. Burning and heat in the mouth, without thirst. Painful tensions in the mouth, in the right cheek. Sticking pain in the palate, which extends to the chin, for several minutes (first day). Saliva. Much collection of saliva in the mouth. Taste. Bad taste with much mucus in the mouth. Bitter taste. Taste of blood in the mouth. Speech. Stammering. He stammered at times, when reading; was not able to pronounce several words.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.