Pain in the right tendo Achillis and in the region of the heart at the same time.

After leaving the right, the pain appears in the left tendo Achillis.

Numbness in the toes.

Pain in the toes.

Pain in the large joints of the great toe, with slight tumefaction and redness.

In the small toes of the right foot, especially in the middle joints, a kind of deep sensitive tearing; subsequently, in the right knee, the last joint of the metacarpal bone and of the left thumb, and in the radius of the right forearm, etc. (second day).

Deep, persistent tearing in the lowest joint of the great toe (second day).

Tearing and stitching, especially in the metatarsal joints of the right great toe.

Stitch passing perpendicularly upward through the right great toe, followed by a burning, which increases gradually to a stitch; appearing afterwards in the left great toe, from which it vanishes with a thrilling sensation, in the morning while lying down (eighth day).


Emaciates (the resin).


Trembling, with palpitation of the heart.

Weariness and lassitude.

Extreme weakness, sweat, and comatose condition.

(Ilisch., in Medorrhinum Zeit. Russl).

A pain passes from the right hand, and appears in the left arm, extends downwards into the elbow, and next appears in the region of the heart; later in the right thigh and ankle.

Purifies the blood, and is used in vulnerary portions, (tincture of the flowers).


Syphilitic rheumatism.


Eruption of red spots n the fingers.

Itching on various parts of the body and extremities, yielding rather an agreeable feeling on being scratched, but leaving a burning.

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness, with dulness of the head.

Sleep tolerably sound; somewhat disturbed by dreams the first day; the following day good.

Deep sleep.

Starting up from sleep.


Horripilation before stool.

Cool, pale skin, with sweat, weakness, and coma.

(Ilisch., in Medorrhinum Zeit. Russl).

Coldness of the back.

Coldness in the knees.

Feeling of coldness in the knees, as if blown upon by a cold wind (ninth day).

Cold feet.

Violent internal heat on waking.

Heat during the coryza.

Sense of heat in the oesophagus; in the stomach; in the belly.

Heat, with sweat; heat, with cold in the head; with nightly palpitation of the heart.

Coldness, with feeling of heat. coldness, then heat and sweat.

Gentle, universal exhalation from the skin (evening of the first day).

Slight sweat after the disappearance of the other symptoms.

Subsequently a very copious perspiration.


The crystals produce sweat in syphilis, with very great benefit, especially when mixed with Guaiacum.

(Schroeder). copious night-sweat, after taking 32 grains, in the evening; the first night, not the following, from repeated doses.

Sweat, with anxiety.

Sweat, with itching.

Sweat while eating; while walking.

Sweat of the feet.

Sweat, with aromatic odor.

Cold sweat on the head. cold sweat on the face.

Cold sweat on the face, with heat.

Cold sweat on the feet.

Exhalation from the skin less active than before, while a drachm was taken every day for six months.

Conditions Aggravations

(Morning), On waking, head symptoms occur; when sneezing, excitement, etc., of head; white coat on tongue; loss of appetite; nausea; directly after rising, cough; on waking, difficulty of breathing; while lying down, stitch through great toe, etc.; on waking, heat.

(Forenoon), While sitting, pressure on head, etc.; urinary symptoms.

(Afternoon), Vertigo.

(Evening), Symptoms of nose; thirst, etc.; in bed, especially on breathing deeply, stitch in chest.

(After midnight), 2 A.M., wakes, with palpitation; wakes, with heat, etc.

(Every day), Cold in head renewed.

(Open air), Eye symptoms.

(When walking in open air), Sensation of voices in ear.

(Exposure to drought of air), Head symptoms.

(When ascending a height), In pregnant women, gastric disturbances.

(Bending body to either side), Pain in left side.

(When blowing nose), Trunk-symptoms, (ON drinking coffee), Bitter taste.

(During coryza), Heat.

(After drinking), Palpitation.

(While eating), Sweat.

(After mental emotion), Head-symptoms occur.

(Inspiration), Excites cough.

(On drinking milk), Bitter taste.

(On morning after long sitting), Trunk-symptoms.

(Periodic), Head-symptoms.

(Reading by artificial light), Eye-symptoms.

(Respiration), Pain in side.

(Rest), Head-symptoms.

(While sitting), Palpitation.

(Before stool), Horripilation.

(When swallowing), Noise in ears; sensation of voices in ear; soreness of tongue.

(On turning in bed at night), Trunk-symptoms.

(Uncovering oneself), Head-symptoms.

(When walking), Stomach-symptoms; eye-symptoms; sweat.

(After drinking water), Flat taste.

(After drinking wine), Pain in knees.


(Evening), Increased appetite.

(After eating), Mouth and throat symptoms.

(Friction), Symptoms of the face.

(External heat), Symptoms of the face.

(Pressure), Symptoms of the face.

(After stool), Cutting about the navel.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.