(C. Hg). A granular kind of mucus, mixed with phosphates, in the sediment of the urine.

(Garrod) Affords no relief where there are phosphates in the sediment.

(G. Bird). After thirty-two grains of pure Benzoic acid, taken in the evening before going to sleep, the morning urine reacted uncommonly acid, even after being evaporated, and standing twelve hours, whereupon only the usual sediment of earthy salts presented itself.

The Uric acid and urea were both contained therein, apparently in normal quantity.

A scruple, taken an hour after a meal, was followed, in some hours, by five or six ounces of urine; on adding Hydrochloric acid to this an abundant precipitate of Hippuric acid appeared, but no trace of Uric acid.

(Ure). One of the few acids which manifestly increase the acidity of the urine. (Lehmann). Increases the acid of the urine and makes it slightly irritant.

(Garrod). Not the uric acid but the urea disappears.


Dark or highly colored offensive urine, quite peculiar (after suppressed syphilis and gonorrhoea. In many cases).

(*The gonorrhoea was, in most cases, suppressed by Bals. copaiv*).

In cases with an excess of uric acid in the urine, the urine becomes normal after the use of Benzoic acid. (G. Bird). Never saw anything so effectual; the irritability of the bladder was diminished, and in four days the patient could be left to himself.


Sexual Organs


Painfulness of the genitals.

Pressure at the genitals.

Raw pain of the genitals.

Smarting of the frenum praeputii.

A thrilling, almost painful sensation on the left side of the glans penis, extending into the urethra, so severe as to occasion starting, ending in a sensation of tickling and itching.

Itching on the glans.

Itching in the sulcus behind the corona glandis.


Menstruation too early.

Retarded menstruation.

Weakness after the menses.

Too long-lasting lochia.

Respiratory Apparatus

Copious secretion of mucus in the bronchi.

Slight transitory hoarseness and thrice-repeated sneezing, in the morning, with a pleasant excitement and lightness (Leichtigkeit) of the head, which, together with its more rapid disappearance, distinguished it from the more ordinary symptoms of taking cold, of the prover.

Rather increased than diminished the cough. (Pereira).

When the fumes of Benzoin alone are produced they occasion a cough.

(Schroeder, Arneischatz) Violent cough from inhaling the fumes.

(Pereira) Produced an exhausting cough in healthy persons (the flowers).

(Medorrhinum Zeit. Russlands).

Given for a tormenting, tight cough, every powder produced a violent cough, then extraordinary weakness, sweat, and a state of coma lasting an hour; at the time the skin is paler and cooler; the pulse weaker and less frequent; respiration normal (from the sublimated but not purified flowers).

(Ilisch, in Medorrhinum Zeit. Russl., 15, 1852).

Cough seems produced by something acrid or dry in the chest.

Cough after a slight cold.

Slight hacking cough, directly after rising (second day).

Cough excited by inspiration.

Troublesome, constant, dry, hacking cough, after suppressed gonorrhoea.

Cough, followed by expectoration of greenish mucus.

The respiration at times somewhat whistling (second day).

Difficulty of breathing on awaking.

Asthma, with inflammatory rheumatic complaints.


Burning in the nipples.

Sensation of swelling in the mammary glands, also in the thyroid gland.

Morbid agitation in the chest.

Sense of roughness in the chest.

Painful starting in the chest.

Sensation of swelling in the chest.

Can scarcely bear the pressure of clothing on the chest.

A cutting sensation in the chest.

Fine, slight stitches in the middle of the chest (evening of the first day).

Pain sometimes in the middle of the breast; a kind of stitching (second day).

In the evening in bed, somewhat of stitching in the chest, especially on breathing deeply (first day).

It is said to furnish the greatest relief in diseases of the chest; reduces the obstruction of the pulmonary vessels, and promotes expectoration.

(Lewis’s Mat. Med).

In the last period of simple pneumonia, where great weakness prevails.


Typhus pneumonia; asthenic affections of the chest.


Asthenic pneumonia of a young man; after the strength had sunk daily, the difficulty of breathing increased every hour till it attained a fearful degree.


Pain in the left side.


Pin about the third rib on the right side, midway between the sternum and the side; increased by respiration.

Deep penetrating pain in the posterior part of the left side about the sixth rib (second day).

Pain in the left side about the sixth rib, increased by deep inspiration, and by bending the body to either side.

Pressure on the ribs.

Stitching in the right side of the chest.

Weak feeling in the precordial region.

Heart and Pulse

Undulating beating of the heart. Intermittent beats of the heart. palpitation of the heart with trembling.

Palpitation of the heart while sitting, also after drinking.

Awakes after midnight, with palpitation of the heart; every morning at 2 o’clock, with heat and hard pulse.

Throbbing of the temporal arteries prevents his getting to sleep again.

Wakes after midnight, with violent pulsation of the heart and temporal arteries (pulsation 110 in the minute), without external heat, and cannot fall asleep again.

In the morning, the tongue covered with a white mucous coat; some nausea and total loss of appetite.

Had eaten peaches in the evening.

In the afternoon, at four o’clock, all these symptoms had vanished (fourth day).

Pain in the region of the heart.

The pains change their place incessantly and suddenly, but are the most constant in the region of the heart.

Pulse full.

He wakes every morning about 2 o’clock from strong internal heat, and a hard, bounding, but not quickened pulse, so that he must lie awake upon his back, because the pulsation of the temporal arteries sounds like puffing in his ears, and prevents him from going to sleep again (lasting eight weeks).

Accelerated pulse (first, second, and third days).

Pulse slow.

Pulse slower and weaker (from the sublimated but not purified flowers).

(Ilisch, in Medorrhinum Zeit. Russl).

Neck and Back

Stiffness of the neck, but only on one side.

Pressure in the nape of the neck.

Violent itching in the nape of the neck.

Pain in the right side of the back, between the tenth dorsal vertebra and the side.

Pressure upon the spinal column.

Hot burning pain in the left kidney, with drawing when stooping.


Dull pain in the region of the kidneys.

Sore pain in region of left kidney.


Nephritic colic.


Sense of coldness at the sacrum.

Starting in the loins.

Stiffness in the loins, with pains in the kidneys.


Extremities in General

Nodes on the joints of thee upper and lower extremities, knicking and cracking in motion.

In both wrists, between the metacarpal bones, abundant gouty deposits, and swelling of the elbow-joints.

The ankle, also, is not free (1 drachm, daily for six months).

Old, gouty concretions.


Tearing and fine stitching in various parts of the limbs.

Upper Extremities

Sensation of swelling under the axillae.

Tearing pains, apparently in the bones of the arm.

Fine or severe stitching on the outer surface of the right arm; afterwards on the left arm, inner surface (evening of first day).

Tearing below, in the right radius.

Tearing at the outer surface of both wrists, as if in the bones (third day).

Cold hands.

Cold hands with head symptoms.

A kind of itching in the palm of the right hand, with slight but deep tearing in the upper metacarpal joints of the little and ring fingers (evening of first day).

The fingers are as if swollen; a ring became too small (second day).

The fingers remain somewhat swollen; therewith tearing and fine stitching in various parts of the limbs, especially in front at the metatarsal joint of the right great toe (fourth to seventh days).

Pain in the finger joints of the right hand.

Paralytic pain of the fingers.

Tearing in the metacarpal joint of the left thumb.

Tearing deep in the upper joints of the left index finger (second day).

Lower Extremities.

Lassitude in the lower extremities.

Sensation as if the lower limbs were tightly bandaged. Pin in the right hip.

Gnawing pain in the left hip, then in the thigh, next in the knees, then in the toes.

Pain in the left hip, in the knee, and the toes at the same time; the worst in the toes; leaving the toes, it seats itself in the muscles of the calf, and then in the knee.

After leaving these parts it appears in the right thigh and ankle.

Tearing pain in the anterior surface of the thigh.

Swelling of the right knee, with pain as of ulceration of the whole leg, with pains in the kidneys.


Cracking in the knee-joint.

Sense of dryness in the knee-joint.

Pain in the right knee.

Pain in the left knee.

Pain in both knees.

Drawing pain in the knees after drinking wine.

Pain in the gastrocnemii.

Sharp pain in the left ankle during the time it supports the weight of the body while walking.

When supporting a slight part of the weight of the body upon the left foot, severe pain in the tendo Achillis, close to the os calcis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.