BENZOIC ACID symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BENZOIC ACID…


BENZ. AC. Flowers of Benzoin. See “Transactions of the Amer. Institute of Homoeopathy,” 1846.


Itching on various parts of the body and extremities.


Wakes after midnight with violent pulsation of the heart and temporal arteries (110 in the minute), without external heat, and cannot fall asleep again; in the morning, the tongue is covered with a white mucous coat; nausea and total loss of appetite; in the afternoon, at four o’clock, all these symptoms had vanished. He wakes every morning about two o’clock, from strong internal heat and a hard, bounding, but not quickened pulse, so that he must lie awake upon his back, because the pulsation of the temporal arteries sounds like puffing in the ears, and prevents him from going to sleep again.


Feeling of coldness of the knees, as if they were blown upon by a cold wind. Frequent pulse.


Confusion of the head with drowsiness. Pain in the temples. Pressure on the whole of the upper parts of the head and spinal column, as if they were pressed together by an elastic body. Itching of the scalp.


Itching in the angles of the eyes.


Itching in the left ear. Shooting pain in the right ear; intermitting.


Slight cutting pain in the teeth. Darting pain in carious molars in both jaws.


Soreness of the back part of the tongue, felt most whilst swallowing., Sensation of soreness and rawness at the root of the tongue, and on the palate. Extensive ulcerations of the tongue, with deeply chapped or fungoid surface. An ulcerated tumor in the left side of the mouth, upon the soft commissure of the jaws behind the last molar teeth.


Heat in the oesophagus as from acid eructation.


Singultus. Sensation of heat throughout the abdomen. Pain in the left side to the abdomen immediately below the short ribs.


Bowels freely open, with extraordinary pressure to stool. Fetid, watery, white stools, very copious and exhausting in infants, the urine being of a very deep-red color.


Irritability of bladder, too frequent desire to evacuate the bladder, the urine normal in appearance. Urine at first only increased in quantity and not in frequency. In a few days urination became exceedingly frequent, with strong pressing. Urine of an aromatic odor, and saline taste; the odor long retained, most in the forenoon. Urine highly-colored, sometimes of the color of brandy, the urinous odor exceedingly strong. Urine of the above character, of a specific gravity greater than that of healthy urine passed into the same vessel, retaining its place below the healthy urine without admixture, and though of a very deep-red color, depositing no sediment. Hot, scalding urine of a deep-red color and strong odor, causing no much suffering in its passage that this was performed but once a day.


A thrilling almost painful sensation on the left side of the glans-penis, extending into the urethra, so severe as to occasion starting, ending in a sensation of tickling and itching.


Sneezing, with slight hoarseness, without accompanying catarrhal symptoms. Troublesome, almost constant dry hacking cough.


Dull pain in the back, in the region of the kidneys.


Giving way and cracking of the joints, both of the superior and inferior extremities, in motion. Pain in the joints of the fingers of the right hand. Pain in the right tendo-achillis, and in the region of the heart at the same time. The pain is incessantly and suddenly changing its location, but its most constant seat is in the region of the heart. Pain in the large joints of the great toes, with slight tumefaction and redness.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.