
(During stool), Pinching in the abdomen.

(After stool), Yawning and eructations.

(Stooping), Vertigo, etc.; tearing on left side of chest; cracking in cervical vertebrae.

(Long stooping), Severe pain in knees, etc.

(After supper), Heat over face, etc.

(Swallowing), Pain in ear.

(Talking), Attacks of cough.

(After smoking tobacco), Bitter taste in mouth.

(Treading), Stitches below right knee.

(Turning the body), Pain in stomach.

(Turning head to painful side), Stiffness of right side of neck.

(On being touched), Pain in bones.

(Walking), Anxiety; vertigo; in afternoon, giddiness; pressure in forehead; pressure, etc.; pain below pit of stomach; stitches on left side of praecordial region; heaviness in left arm and leg; weakness above knees, etc.; pressure, etc., at inside of knee; drawing, etc., in legs; painful tightness in the calf; feet become cold; panting, languishing condition, etc.; worn out, etc.

(Going upstairs), Vertigo.

(Taking something warm in mouth), Toothache.

(Writing), Pain in muscles of right forearm.


(Afternoon), More cheerful; memory better; speech firmer, etc.

(Toward evening), Pressure inward, etc., in both temples, etc.

(Evening), In bed, pain in head; can walk fast, and a good deal.

(Falling asleep), Pain in head.

(Sitting bent), Stiffness in back.

(During dinner), Temporary disappearance of almost all symptoms.

(Eating), Dryness of throat; heat in face, etc.

(Drawing leg in), Heaviness of the limb.

(Extending foot), Sense of heaviness in leg.

(Violent friction), Itching in hollow of hand.

(Drawing a meal), Grinding in forepart of head, etc.

(After a meal), Pressure, etc., in pit of stomach.

(Motion), Pain in muscles of left thumb.

(Constant motion of head), Stiffness of muscles of neck.

(Strong pressure and friction), Tearing in right thumb.

(Pressure on forehead), Pain in forehead.

(Resting head upon something and closing eyes), Affords feeling of comfort.

(Rising), Bruised feeling in all the bones.

(Rubbing), Itching, pricking below shoulders.

(Scratching), Burning of the skin; itching of the body; desire to scratch disappears.

(Sitting), Feels well.

(Stooping), Pain in stomach.

(Stretching leg), Drawing in left knee.

(Touch), Pain in muscles of left thumb.

(Walking), Restlessness in legs.

(Continuing to walk), Faint feeling.

(Weeping), Oppression of chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.