
Cramp like drawing of the sole of the right foot into a curve.

Dull, intermittent pressure at the internal border of the sole of the foot.

Tearing, while standing, transversely across the roots of the toes, passing off by moving them (after five hours).

Repeated tearing in the big toe.

Sensitive, intermittent twitching in the right great toe.

Spasmodically drawing and tearing pains from the toes into the back of the feet.


He makes all motions with greater energy and perseverance; his muscles contract more vigorously; but, on motion, the fibers seem put upon the stretch too much, or as if there were not sufficient fluid in the joints (after one hour).

Continual indolence after the siesta; he can scarcely move his limbs, and he loathes speaking.

Paralysis of some parts (Matthiolus-Dacosta); panting, languishing condition, like paralysis, as if obliged to sink down, after a short walk in the afternoon; in the evening he can walk fast and a good deal, without feeling tired; he then evening he can walk fast and a good deal, without feeling tired; he then sweats considerable (sixth day).

After a short journey on foot, which he found very difficult, he felt so worn out, tired, and exhausted that he was obliged to sit down at once, and would prefer lying down; resting the head upon something, and closing the eyes, afford him a feeling of comfort.

Excessive weakness; he can scarcely move his hands; he trembles at every motion.

Weakness in the body; he wants to lie down or sit all the time.

During a short journey on foot he becomes so worn out that he can scarcely go on, and even long afterwards, when sitting, he is not able to recruit.

Very faint on going upstairs.

Faint and exhausted; at first walking is inconvenient, and his feet feel heavy; by continuing to walk this feeling of faintness becomes less and he feels better.

She grows thin, without, however, feeling indisposed.

Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looked like a hogshead (from wearing the nut).

The swelling passes gradually down from the eyes to the thighs.

When sitting quietly, he perceives the beating of the pulse in the arms, which had been loosely crossed, and even in the whole body (after some bodily effort).

(Any part which he does not move immediately goes to sleep).

The skin of the body is insensible to itching irritants.

Most violent burning pain of the affected parts; violent fever (from wearing the nut).

He feels a heaviness and fullness of the body from playing on the piano.

General aching in the interior of the whole body.

All the tendons of the body ache so much that he cannot walk, and is forced to sink down.

Violent drawing in the abdomen and extremities, with subsequent burning, then pain in the bones on being touched, so that she cannot fall asleep.

Drawing and pressive pains in almost all parts of the body.

Sensation as if all bones were bruised, early in the morning, when lying quietly in bed, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and small of the back, and headache in the forehead and temples; all relieved on rising.

Pain, like a boil, in the affected parts; he dares not touch them; stitches externally, at several places of the body, for example, at the pectoral muscles, forehead, wrist, etc.

Severe coryza, with fever; she was unable to get warm, with heat in the head, and icy coldness of the hands and feet, in the warm room; afterwards dry heat; the tendons of the legs seem too short; cramp of the calves, and uneasiness about the heart (eight day).

The attacks cease for one or two days, and then continue again for a couple of days, so that a certain periodicity may be observed in the appearance of the symptoms.

The open air is unpleasant to him, and feels too rough.

When sitting, he feels well; but standing causes an uneasiness in the lower extremities, as if they ought to be drawn up, with anxiety.


In an hour the skin was destroyed (by applying the juice).

Destruction of the epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small, miliary pustules, with unbearable itching, and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts (from applying the juice).

During the healing of the skin, excessive desquamation.

Appearance of hypertrophy of the skin, with swollen and indurated papillae and wheals and formation of thick folds, which impede the motion of the joints (from applying the juice).

Bright scarlet eruptions of the whole body, especially of the thigh in contact with the nut, and of the abdomen.

Several blisters opened, and discharged a yellowish, transparent liquid, which hardened to a crust in the open air.

Chest, neck, axilla, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum, thighs, were not one covered with raised crusts, discharging a thick, yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into wartlike excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an erythematous redness, and the itching fearful (from wearing the nut).

The hands looked like those of a mulatto, white, with black spots (from applying the juice).

Many little boils upon the hairy scalp of the size of a flaxseed; they feel sore when touched or scratched.

Painless pimples, with red areolae, at the top of the left temple (after nine hours).

Rough, exfoliating, herpes-like skin around the mouth, with crawling-itching.

In the evening in bed, heat of the skin of the whole body, with burning-itching and irritation, such as arises from much scratching; after scratching, the burning increases.

Sensation as of burning on the skin here and there, which induces one to scratch, and which passes of by scratching.

Burning and stinging of the tetters, which had itched before, The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with stitching, like the stings of insects (fourth day).

Such a fearful itching in the swollen parts, that he could not refrain from scratching the skin sore in several places.

Extremely disagreeable itching, forcing him to scratch, even when in company (from wearing the nut).

Burning-itching at the one place, increased by scratching.

Corrosively stinging itching upon the body here and there, especially upon the back and thighs, with desire to scratch; scratching relieves for a short time.

General voluptuous itching over the whole body, which spreads still more by scratching.

Desire to scratch, without itching, in many places; after scratching it immediately disappears.

The itching showed itself especially in the evening, and when he went to bed.

The cutaneous irritation was accompanied with feverishness, loss of appetite, and constipation.

Itching of the forehead.

Violent itching of the hairy scalp.

Pimples, with red areolae, at the angle of the right wing of the nose.

Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when touched.

White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by upper lip (after four hours).

Small blister on chin, discharging liquid when broken.

Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years before.

Painful vesicles in the mouth.

Itching and tickling in both axillae, forcing him to rub (after one-quarter of an hour).

The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts.

Small blisters on the backs of the hands.

Pustules upon the index-finger, with red areolae, and a stinging sort of voluptuous itching, which spreads into the whole of the palm; the itching forces one to press and squeeze; red and white lymph, and afterwards scurf appear, beneath which is formed plug of pus; in the evening, a drawing, sore pain in the ulcer; it lasts eight days.

On the side of the left index-finger a pimple, which opens on the day following, and then passes off, is formed, after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers; violent friction relieves without removing it.

Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves.

Itching, with scratching, as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot (after six hours).

Sleep and Dreams.

After a meal, sleepy, and indisposed to work.

After dinner, irresistible desire to sleep.

Sleepiness and weariness in the afternoon, when sitting or reading, as if he had exerted himself too much by mental or bodily efforts (after three hours).

Tired and sleepy in the evening sooner than usual; early in the morning, he would like to stay in bed and sleep on; also, after dinner, he would like to take a nap.

Deep and sound sleep at night; he can scarcely arouse himself early in the morning.

Sound sleep until 9 o’clock in the forenoon (first night).

Slumber, day and night, with great heat and thirst, with a skin which feels hot, and with grumbling and anxious sighing when asleep.

Constant stupor, without dreams; after waking he is quite stupid; the skin feels frequently hot, with red cheeks and cold forehead, although he complains of heat in the head; at the same time violent thirst, and sore, painful dryness in the throat.

Light sleep, with frequent waking.

Could not sleep well at night on account of the itching.

He feels so uneasy, that he can scarcely sleep a little, every other night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.