
Several times, when breathing, a long stitch drawing from the temple into the forehead (after five and a half hours).

Violent pressure in the region of the right temple.

Tearing pain in the brain, just above the right temple.

Pressure from without inward in the left temple.

Sudden, acute, piercing and biting tearing in the temple, extending into the brain (after three hours).

Tearing pressure in the left temple.

Sharp pressure tearing in the left temple.

Shootings and tearings in the left temple.

Headache, with stitches in the left temple.

Pressive pain on the top of the head, when coughing, or taking a deep inspiration.

Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the left side of the vertex.

Confusion, first of the left, then of the right side of the head.

Jerkings in the left side of the head, frequently repeated, close down in front of the ear.

Drawing pain in the left side of the head.

Pressure in the occiput, on the right side (after three hours).

Tearing, which commences in the lower part of the occiput on the right side and reaches as far as the forehead (after thirty- five hours).

Tearing headache in the occiput, in distinct, successive attacks, which reach as far as the temple (after half an hour).

Drawing pain in the forehead, in the left vertex, and in the occiput.

Jerking shoots and tearing in the occiput and temples, mostly when bending the head backward (after two hours).

Many little boils upon the hairy scalp, of the size of a flaxseed; they feel sore when touched or scratched.

Violent itching of the hairy scalp.


Left eye swollen shut.

Painful eyes, without redness.

Violent pressure upon the eyes, especially upon the left, and in the external canthus of this eye when looking long at one object (half an hour).

Dull pressure, as with a plug, on the upper border of the right orbit, extending into the brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head.

Rheumatic tearing pain in the left eye (more in the lids), which extends as far as the temples.

Lids so swollen that he could scarcely see.

The eyelids felt swollen, but without pain.

Sensation in the eyes as if there was something between the ball and the upper lid, which causes rubbing.

Something seems to rub between the ball and the lower lid.

Twitches in the eyelids; he imagines that one must see them.

Pressure, as from a stye, in the right inner canthus, and the neighboring tarsal cartilages.

Pressure below the left external canthus (after two hours).

Pain, as if a plug were pressed in under the upper border of the orbits, and touched the balls.

Pressure upon the eyeball, from before backward, or from above downward.

Tearing in the balls and orbits, mornings when walking (after twenty-four hours).

Great dilatation of the pupils (after thirteen, fourteen, and nineteen hours; reaction).

Contraction of the pupils (after fourteen hour).

The pupil of the right eye becomes smaller for a short time (after forty-eight hours).

Dimness of the eyes, as if they were full of water, which forces one to wink often; in the evening (after sixteen hours).

Shortsightedness; he cannot distinguish anything at a distance, while he distinctly sees everything which is held near his eyes.

Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light.

Frequent flickering before the eyes.

The flame of a light appears to flicker, and to alternately darken and brighten; on looking steadily at the light he saw that it burnt calmly.

The light appears to be surrounded with a halo in the evening.


Twitches in the external ear.

Pain, as from ulceration in the ear, mostly when swallowing.

Pain in the ear, as from ulceration, when biting the teeth together.

Painful pressure upon the external ear.

Sensation behind the ears, as if the part would become sore; he is obliged to rub it.

Violent tearing along the upper border of the cartilage of the right ear.

Violent sticking-tearing in the left external ear (after twenty-four hours).

Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek.

Sensation of a cramplike contraction in the left concha (after half an hour).

Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, as from cotton; he did not hear as well with this ear as with the other (after half an hour).

Violent stitches in the left ear.

Tearing, sticking, dull pains in the tip of the antitragus of the left ear.

Drawing pain behind the left ear.

Cramplike contraction in the left meatus auditorius, with a pressure against the tympanum. Spasmodic, cramplike pain in the meatus auditorius externus.

Painful twinging in the right meatus auditorius.

Painful drawing in the left meatus auditorius internus (after three-quarters of an hour).

Twitchings in the left meatus auditorius at short intervals, and very painful, as if a nerve were put upon the stretch, or like electric shocks.

Itching in the ear, and discharge of a brownish matter.

He sometimes heard so feebly that he did not notice when some one opened the door with a noise; often his hearing was so acute that he heard people through double doors walk in the antechambers (after fifty-four hours).

Humming in the ears.

Roaring before the ear.

Tingling in the right ear.


Pimples, with red areolae, at the angle of the right wing of the nose.

Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when touched.

Obstruction of the posterior nares, as by much phlegm.


Violent coryza, lasting four weeks.

Violent fluent coryza after frequent sneezing, with lachrymation.

Severe coryza, in the evening (after forty-eight hours).

Bleeding at the nose after violent blowing.

Dry coryza.

Short pain in the nose, such as arises from too great cold, which causes his eyes to run. Contractive pain in the forepart of the nose, as from great cold, with lachrymation.

Bruised sensation in the left side of the nose; the pain seems to be in the bone.

Smell seems to have disappeared almost completely, although the nose is not obstructed (after five hours).

Illusory smell, as of burning tinder, early, when rising.

Constant smell before the nose, like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling his clothes, or his body (after two hours).


Face began to swell, beginning from the eye.

Great paleness of the face shortly after taking the medicine.

Pale, sick, wan color of the face, without, however, any other symptoms.

Paleness of the face, without coldness (immediately).

The person looks sick, hollow-eyed, with blue rings around the eyes for several days (shortly after taking the medicine).

Violent burning on the face.

Dry heat in the face, and over the whole head, with confusion of the head and pale look; at the same time he feels hot upon the skin, which he himself, however, does not perceive.

After a meal, heat in the face, and exhaustion.

After dinner, heat in the face, with accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, and violent thirst.

Left side of face exceedingly swollen, and covered with a number of small, pock-like blisters.

White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip (after four hours).

Drawing pain in the right cheek-bone.

Dull pressure upon the left cheek-bone.

Dull pressure in the face, in the middle of the cheek, as if the place were squeezed with pincers.

Dryness of the lips and their corners.

Burning dryness of the eternal borders of the lips, almost as from pepper.

Frequently a drawing pain in the lower jaw, especially in the evening.

Frequently repeated tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw.

Occasional tearing in the articulations of the jaw (after forty-two hours).

Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years before.

Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken.

Violent burning on the chin.

Externally, burning upon the chin, and dull pressure, extending upward upon the left side of the chin, as after being scraped with a dull razor.


Tearing in all the teeth, returning at intervals.

Toothache upon taking something warm in his mouth, a few jerkings, more pressive than drawing.

The teeth feel longer, at night, when in bed, accompanied by a pressive pain.

Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the lower molar teeth of the left side.

Cramplike drawing in the lower row of teeth of the right side, reaching as high as the ear (shortly after taking the medicine).

Tensive and drawing pain in a hollow molar tooth, extending to the ear, for several days, at 10 o’clock in the evening.

Violent tearing in the teeth of the left side.

Pain in one of the lower incisors, as if a toothpick had been stirred about in it, made worse by contact with the tongue and the open air (second day).

Swelling of the gums.

Bleeding of the gums upon slight rubbing.

The tongue is white and rough, like a scraping-iron (after three hours).

Heaviness of the tongue, and sensation as of swelling, so that he is unable to continue speaking.

Painful vesicles in the mouth.

A quantity of liquid comes into his mouth and throat, which causes a sensation of nausea in the chest.

Insipid, foul taste of the food, also without eating.

Insipid taste of the beer.

Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat.

Bitter taste in the mouth after smoking tobacco.

Everything tastes to him like herring brine.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.