Ammonium Carbonicum

Sleep full of dreams (second day).

He dreams while awake, at night.

Dreams at night.

Vivid dreams, by a person who never dreamed.

Sleep full of vivid dreams.

She dreams whole stories.

Romantic dreams.

Lewd dreams, three nights in succession, about having had an embrace, and, on waking up, sensation as if there had been an emission of semen, which, however, was not true.

Confused dreams.

Many confused dreams, all about things that had happened many years ago.

Anxious dreams.

Dreams every night, which, when ending, were accompanied by a sensation of anxiety; this woke him at three o’clock in the morning.

Anxious dreams about danger and want.

At night, terrifying dreams.

Anxious dreams about ghosts; he screamed when asleep.

Dreams about death and dying.

Dreams about dying and corpses.

Disgusting dreams about lice (after eighteenth day).

Dreams about quarrels (third and seventh days).

She expresses in her sleep what she thought of when awake.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), Gloomy humor; slight headache, etc.; pain in periosteum of forehead; violent pinching, etc., in belly, great lassitude in all the limbs; very tired; exhaustion; great lassitude, felt ill.

(Early in the morning), Peevishness; vertigo; vertigo, with nausea; vertigo, with flickering before the eyes; tearing in the temples; itching and biting in eyes; agglutination of eyes; itching over ears, etc.,; anterior half of tongue feels pithy; mouth feels parched; bitter taste in mouth; bad smell, etc., in mouth; swelling of tonsils, etc.; sensation as of something sticking in throat, etc.; want of appetite; feverish chilliness, etc.; nausea, etc.; oppression at stomach, etc.; contraction, etc., in abdomen, etc.; pressive pain in left side of abdomen; diarrhoea, with colic; fecal evacuation, etc.; erections; chest oppressed, etc.; bruised pain in middle of chest; burning in nape of neck; lassitude and fatigue; itching over whole body; sweat; sweat in the joints.

(Early in bed), Headache, etc.; frequent sneezing; continual cough, etc.; frequent stretching of the body.

(Early, on waking), Dryness of throat, etc.; pain in the heel.

(Morning, on waking), Burning of eyes; bitter taste in mouth.

(Morning, in bed), Pain in hip-joint.

(Early, after rising), Frequent vertigo; drawing, etc., in head; qualmishness, etc.; lassitude, etc.

(Forenoon), Sad, etc.; ill-humor, etc.; violent pinching, etc., in belly; all limbs ache; great fatigue; lassitude; heat; always warm, etc.

(Towards noon), Black before eyes, etc.

(About noon), Burning in hands and feet, etc.

(Afternoon), Weakness and anxiety, etc.; anguish; violent headache; congestion to head; great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.; dryness in throat, etc.; aching and shooting in thyroid gland, etc.; rumbling of bowels, etc.; emission of flatulence, etc.; increased flow of urine, etc.; great drowsiness.

(Towards evening), Sad mood; vertigo, etc.; frequent vertigo; rush of blood; redness of mouth, etc.; sore throat; aching and shooting in thyroid gland; indisposed; itching on the arms, etc.; frequent chilliness.

(Evening), Peevishness, etc.; slight headache; tearing in the temples; transient pinching in right ear; toothache, etc.; dryness of mouth; great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.; dryness in throat, etc.; swelling of tonsils, etc.; sensation of something sticking in throat; risings of air, etc.; stitches below left ribs; much flatus; emission of flatulence, etc.; violent pinching, etc. in belly; stitches in left side of abdomen; abdominal complaints; swelling in left groin, etc.; traction in urethra; frequent and copious emission of urine; lascivious fancies, etc.; sensation as if limbs were bruised; fatigue and weakness of limbs; bruised pain in left shoulder, etc.; pulsation about right hip; heaviness in legs; boil on nates; twitches in both patellae; chilliness of the feet; ball of foot painful; ball of left foot burns; swelling of toes; great lassitude; sensitiveness to open air; feverish chilliness; attacks of chilliness; feverish heat; violent yawning; soon sleepy.

(Evening, in bed), Coughs; cough, with asthma; pain in middle of left forearm; pain in ball of big toe; big toe becomes red.

(Evening, on lying down), Burning of eyes; tingling, etc., in sole of foot; pain in pimples on podex.

(Evening, on going to sleep), Stitches, etc., in big toes.

(Getting into bed, in evening), Violent toothache.

(Night), Low spirits, etc.; fatigue; roaring in left ear; nose obstructed; dry coryza; toothache; tearing-jerking in hollow tooth; great dryness and heat of mouth; attacks of nausea; pressure at stomach; emission of flatulence, etc.; violent colic; burning pain at rectum; urine; lascivious fancies, etc.; pollutions; menses very copious; cough; cough, etc.; dry cough; hawking of mucus; difficult breathing; stitches in left breast; heaviness, etc.; at sternum; jerk in the back; all the limbs ache; all the limbs pain her; sweat of legs; chilliness in sleep; chilliness; heat; continual sweats.

(Before midnight), Tearing in teeth, etc.

(Midnight), Violent dry cough.

(After midnight), Rushing in ear; starts from sleep, etc.

(Towards morning), Involuntary emission of urine; sweat.

(3 A.M)., Violent colic; jerking in upper part of body, etc.

(3 to 4 A.M)., Violent cough; pain in arm, etc.

(7 A.M)., Violent colic; evacuation surrounded by watery mucus.

(9 A.M)., Feeling of warmth all over body.

(7 P.M)., Sort of anxiety; strange uneasiness.

(Open Air), Shootings in molar tooth; several symptoms; much affected; tires him out; makes him feel hot; chilliness.

(Walking in open air), Violent pinching, etc., in belly; heaviness and tightness at chest; sudden dart in small of back; cramp in calf; weary and discouraged.

(Air rushing into mouth), Pain in teeth.

(In bed), Heaviness in left side of head.

(In bed, 9 to 12 P.M)., Chilliness, pain in molar teeth.

(Biting teeth together), Teeth painful; teeth very painful; shooting in molar teeth.

(Biting on tooth), Becomes very painful; drawing toothache.

(After breakfast), Bellyache.

(Breathing), Stitches in hands, etc.,; stitches in chest.

(Strong breathing through nose), Organ feels painful.

(When not busy), Becomes very sleepy.

(Drinking coffee), Congestion to head.

(Cloudy weather), Makes her very sad.

(After coition), Excited circulation, etc.

(Chewing), Stitches in left temple; almost all teeth painful.

(Cold), Violent pinching, etc., in belly; cramp in phalanx of finger, etc.

(Washing with cold water), Distended veins, etc.

(After drive in cold air), Courses five days too soon.

(Laying on cold hand), Burning, etc., in bend of knee, etc.

(Damp weather), Big toe feels hot, etc.

(During dinner), Stitches behind frontal eminence, etc.; tearing in right temple; heat in face; sense of nausea, etc.; colic, etc.; pressure in hypogastrium.

(After dinner), Headache; tearing below and behind the ears; heaviness, etc.; in forehead; stitches over left eye; bleeding at nose; heat in face; darting in tooth; frequent risings of air, etc.; sense of nausea, etc.; qualmishness, etc.; pressure at stomach; urine reddish; weakness in lower extremities.

(During eating), Toothache; drawing toothache.

(After eating), Toothache; qualmishness; finds talking difficult; oppression of stomach; great pressure at pit of stomach, etc.

(During mental exertion), Heat in face.

(During expiration), Drawing downwards in chest, etc.; shooting outside of left nipple.

(After every effort), Asthma, etc.

(After getting heated), Pressure over whole head.

(Looking at a distance, etc)., Objects seem double.

(Lying down), Pain in right femur.

(Lying on back), Painful oppression of chest.

(Lying on the part, at night), Throbbing in left ear; legs go to sleep.

(Before menses), Pain in belly, etc.; pale face; always warm, etc.

(During menses), Acrid water runs from nose; pustules upon cheeks; toothache; drawing toothache; no desire for meat, etc.; sense of nausea, etc.; qualmishness, etc.; stomach seems full, etc.; pale face; sadness; colic, etc.; violent tearing in body; pain in small of back; violent cold; great fatigue of whole body, etc.; bruised pain in thighs; pustules upon cheeks; alternate chilliness and heat, etc.; uneasy sleep, etc.

(Drinking milk), Acid taste; sour eructations.

(Motion), Pain in back; pain in small of back; cracking in elbow joint; tension in wrist-joint.

(Moving head), Pain as from ulceration; sensation as of brain falling, etc.; tearing below and behind ears.

(Moving head at night), Frequent vertigo, etc.

(Moving hand along hairs), They are intensely painful, etc.

(Pressure), Painfulness of stomach; pain over bend of knee; pain in head, as from ulceration; pain in induration over right knee; big toe feels hot, etc.; pain in pimple on cheek.

(Reading), Eyes run.

(Reflecting), Headache.

(Rest), Pain in small of back, etc.; throbbing pain in small of back.

(Rising), Cramp in leg.

(Rising, after long sitting), Sudden dart into small of back.

(Rising quickly from sitting), Whole body felt rigid.

(Warm room), Attacks of asthma.

(Entering room from open air), Hairs feel as if standing on end, etc.; chilliness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.