Ammonium Carbonicum

Pulse about half as strong again as usual.

Pulse 112.

Pulse 76.

Neck and Back.

Violent burning in the nape of the neck, early in the morning (tenth day).

Drawing pain at the nape of the neck (with stitches at the head, over the temples, and bloated face).

Drawing from the neck down (sixth day).

Stiff neck, when turning the head.

Pain in the back, during motion.

Burning at the back, especially in the small of the back, several times during the day.

Pressure in the back.

A jerk in the back, at night, when asleep (seventh day).

A blister forms upon the left scapula, with a sensation of stinging, as from fleas.

Pain in the small of the back, increased by motion and walking.

Pain in the small of the back when stooping; she feels as if the muscles were not strong enough to support the body, which constantly threatens to fall forwards; relieved by straightening up (second day).

Pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise (second day of the menses).

Upon walking out into the open air he had a sudden dart into the small of the back; this was most painful when rising, after being seated for a long time.

Shooting pain in the small of the back.

Drawing pain from the small of the back to the legs.

Drawing and pressive pain in the small of the back and in the loin, only when at rest (sitting, standing, or lying), in daytime; it disappears when walking.

Violently throbbing pain in the small of the back and in the loin, when at rest; upon touching the parts the pain remains the same.

Gnawing pain in the small of the back and in the hips; from these parts it extends to the abdomen, and moves again backwards, both when at rest and in motion (sixteenth day).

Stinging at the coccyx preceded by itching.

Extremities in General.

All her limbs ache in the forenoon and at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back, more when at rest than when moving about (forty-first day).

Sensation as if the limbs were bruised; also in the evening.

Bruised feeling in limbs.

All her limbs pain her at night, with a gnawing pain in the small of the back (forty-first day).

Great lassitude in limbs as after a fever.

Great lassitude in her limbs and complete disinclination to work.

Morning after taking, great lassitude in all the limbs, as if he had not slept enough.

Great fatigue and weakness of the limbs, especially in the evening hours, in the knees and legs, so that he is obliged to lie down (first and second days).

Itching in all the limbs.

Cracking in the joints, when walking.

Sticking-drawing, sometimes in the right arm, sometimes in the legs.

The hands and feet go to sleep when sitting; passes off on moving about.

Cold hands and feet, even in a warm room, and when they are well covered.

Upper Extremities.

Drawing pain in the arms and hands.

Tearing in the joints of the upper extremities.

Tearing in the shoulders.

Drawing pain in the right shoulder-joint (after fourteenth day).

Shooting and tearing in the right shoulder-joint, both when at rest and in motion (thirty-seventh day).

Small furunculus upon the left shoulder.

Pressure upon the left shoulder.

A few tearings in the left shoulder towards the chest.

Bruised pain in the left shoulder, when at rest and in motion.

Bruised pain in the left shoulder and elbow-joint (in the evening).

The glands in the axilla become painful and enlarged.

Drawing pain in the arms and hands.

Noticed on upper arm, where he had received a prick, a kind of insensibility, which only went off gradually.

Burning at a small spot of the upper and lower arm (eleventh day).

In the night, about three of four o’clock, she puts her arm out bed without knowing it; the pain which she experiences in her arm rouses her from sleep; the arm is cold, stiff, and in the elbow joint it is as heavy as lead; the arm being very stiff, she has to use the other hand, in order to put the arm back again into the bed; upon moving it, or when the arm is in the bed, a tearing pain in the shoulder, elbow and wrist-joint.

Spasm in the right arm, which drew the arm backwards, three times in succession; this was succeeded by heat of the body and turbid, white urine.

Twitches and jerkings in the right upper arm (fourth day).

Sensation of paralysis of the right arm (fourteenth day).

Heaviness and sensation of paralysis of the right arm; she has no strength in it, and is obliged to let it hang down; at the same time the hand is swollen and cold for half an hour (after two hours).

The right arm appeared to weigh a hundredweight, and to be without strength.

For some days the right arm is quite weak and cold, so that it appears to be benumbed and lifeless; this was again succeeded by a tingling sensation in it.

Paralytic drawing in the left arm, extending from the axilla as far as the wrist.

Cracking in the elbow-joint, during motion.

Creaking pain in elbow-joint, on stretching the arm out straight before him.

Stiffness of the elbow-joint.

Boring pain in the elbow-joint, in the fossa which receives the olecranon process.

Sharp stitches in the elbow.

Tearing in the elbow (in the bone) as far as the little finger (fourth and fifth days).

Violent pain in the middle of the left forearm, in the evening, when in bed, with a sensation as if the bone there would curve inward and break (second day).

Itching of the inside of the right forearm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon scratching; at the same time there are formed small red pimples, spots, and nodes, which do not cease to itch after being scratched; on the day following they become crimson (fourth and fifth days). Tension in the wrist-joint, when at rest, worse during motion; he feels as if he could not move his hand (second day).

Tearing in the wrist-joints as far as the fingers; it ceases when she is warm in bed.

Painful tearing in the left wrist, as if in the marrow towards the little finger (sixth day).

The right hand frequently goes to sleep when lying upon it during the night (fourth day).

Trembling of the hands (after seventh day).

Distended veins and blueness of the hands, after washing them with cold water.

The skin of a child’s hand becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep.

Great pain on the dorsum of the hand, which roused her from sleep at night.

The skin of the palm of the hand peels off (after fourth day).

Upon stretching the fingers apart a pinching pain.

Cramp in the posterior phalanx of a finger, so that he cannot stretch it, with painful stitches; from morning to night, when staying in the cold (second day).

Drawing pain from the tips of the fingers as far as the hand, as from continual mesmerizing (first day).

Tearing in the fingers, and in the articulation of the thumb.

Pain, as from a bruise, in the left thumb, which seems to be in the bone, accompanied by a yawning (eleventh day).

Visible twitching and jerking in the left thumb.

Swelling of the middle joint of the right middle finger, with painfulness when touched or bent.

Lower Extremities.

Sudden and great weakness in the lower extremities; she finds it difficult to move them along, after dinner (second day).

Acute pain in the hip-joint when walking.

Acute pain in the hip-joint every morning, in bed; the joint feels as if beaten asunder, so that he cannot turn himself when lying down; the pain decreases after rising; and still more when walking; in the afternoon, the pain disappears entirely (for four weeks).

In evening, sudden, violent pulsation about right hip, which, however, soon goes off.

Drawing pain descending from the left hip.

His legs seem contracted.

The tendons of the muscles of the legs feel too short.

Twitches in the legs, towards evening.

Uneasiness in the legs.

Heaviness in the legs, so that he can scarcely lift them, in the evening (eighth day).

Pain in the left leg, as from a sprain, when walking.

Sweat of the legs at night.

Great lassitude in the thighs and legs.

Jerk-like scraping upon the bones of the thighs and legs, so that she is obliged to twitch up her leg every moment, and cannot remain lying down, but has to walk about (evening).

Burning itching upon the nates.

In evening, on left nates, a painful boil.

Great lassitude, with pain in the thighs, as if they would fall off, or as if the tendons would tear off, alternating with pain in the small of the back; she has so much pain that she knows not what to do with herself (on the third day of menses).

Bruised pain in the thighs.

Stiffness in the thighs when walking.

Itching on outer surface of thighs, on the same spot, and equally severe, in both thighs.

Bruised pain in the middle of both thighs, both when at rest and in motion (during the catamenia).

Pain in the thigh, as if she had been beaten blue, which prevents her from walking (only when walking, and taking much exercise).

Boil on right thigh, the size of a child’s fist, very painful, and not relieved by poultices; the boil, cut open, discharged much pus and blood.

Acute pain in the right femur, as if the inmost marrow were shaken, increased by lying and sitting, a quarter of an hour (after some hours).

Pain, as of contusion, in the right thigh, immediately over the knee, which passes off by rubbing (eleventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.