Ammonium Carbonicum

Pressure and cutting in the eyes (fourth day).

Pressure and fine stitches in the eyes (second day).

Prickings and pressure in the eyes.

Biting in the eyes, and itching of the borders of the lids.

Itching and biting in the eyes, which pass off by rubbing (early in the morning), (first, fourth, and twelfth days).

A stye on the right upper lid becomes inflamed, with a sensation of tension (second day).

Very great twitching in external canthus of right eye, like live blood, and visible in mirror; the eye was for two hours as if covered by a veil.

Inflammation of the inner canthus of the right eye, with pain (twenty-sixth day).

Pressure upon the eyelids on waking up, and when he is about falling asleep; he cannot open them, although he is internally awake.

The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning.

The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning, after sound sleep; it takes her a long time to open them.

The eyes are agglutinated in the morning; they run in daytime.

When reading, his eyes run.

Watery eyes; the white of the eye is full of red veins, as in an incipient inflammation of the eye.

The right eye waters, and the vessels of the cornea are distinctly visible.

Copious lachrymation, especially of the right eye, as well in the open air in the room.

Pupils alternately dilated and contracted.

Indistinct vision.

Flickering before eyes.

When sneezing, white sparks sparkle before his eyes.

Sparks before her eyes upon waking at night.

A large black spot hovers before the eye after she has been sewing.

On looking at a distance, and also on accommodating for near vision, objects seem doubled.


Hard swelling of the parotid glands.

Twitches and tension around the left ear, in the cheek-bone and in the temples, with swelling of the cervical glands.

Tearing below and behind the ears (made worse by moving the head), sometimes extending as far as the vertex, the occiput, and the nape of the neck, also the shoulder (after dinner).

Tension behind the right ear.

Twitches and pinching in the internal ear.

Frequent and painful stitches in the right ear.

In evening, transient pinching in right ear, as has happened several times before these last days.

Stitches in the left ear (second day).

Throbbing in the left ear, at night, when lying upon it; on turning to the other side, the symptom disappears (sixth day).

Early in the morning, itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body (third day).

Crawling and burrowing in the left ear, which afterwards extends to the lower jaw (tenth day).

Painful sensitiveness of the deaf ear in consequence of a loud sound; this caused her to tremble over the whole body.

Diminished hearing.

A report in the ears as of a distant shot, five or six times in the course of an hour.

Roaring before the left ear.

At night, roaring in the left ear (second day).

Illusion of hearing; he imagines he hears the ringing of bells.

Every day, after midnight, rushing in the (right) ear, when resting upon it in bed.

Buzzing before the ears, as if the hearing were dull, and as if something were lying before the ears (after seventeen days).


Pimple upon the tip of the nose.

Furunculus on the tip of the nose.

Pustule on the side of the nose.

On the septum of the nose a vesicle, in forepart.

An acrid fluid runs from the nose.

Water drops out of the nose, without a cold.

When stooping, water runs from the nose.

During the catamenia, acrid water, which excites a burning sensation upon upper lip, is constantly running out of her nose (forty-third day).

On blowing the nose, early in the morning, pus drops out at one of the nostrils (fifth day).

Blowing bloody mucus out of the nose, frequently.

On blowing the nose, blood comes out at the left nostril (second day).

Bleeding at the nose (eighth day).

Bleeding at the nose, after dinner (second day).

Frequent sneezing, early in the morning, when in bed.

Frequent violent sneezing (fifth day).

Obstruction of the nose.

The nose is very much obstructed, without any cold.

At night, the nose was so obstructed that she was not able to breathe, except through her mouth (after four days).

After having had a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at 1 o’clock with a sense of anxiety, as if she were choking; this was on account of the nose being quite obstructed, and her not being able to take breath, except with an open mouth, so that the chest was painful in consequence of the difficult breathing (after twelve days).

Cold with rattling in the nose, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, and roughness of voice.

Stuffed cold in the head for a week, causing confusion of the head.

Cold, with obstruction of the left nostril.

Dry coryza, especially at night, without the slightest air passing through the nose.

Dry coryza and obstruction of the nose, when lying in bed, in the evening and at night.

Fluent coryza (fourth day).

Violent fluent coryza, with tearing in the left cheek.

Violent fluent coryza, with cough.


Great coryza.

Usually severe coryza.

Uncommonly violent coryza, which lasts with an unusual obstinacy.

Tearing in the left nostril, and simultaneously in the bone of the left elbow, extending towards the hand.

Slight twitching in the left side of the nose, which seems to draw up the wing of the nose.

When stooping, sensation in the tip of the nose as if the blood were accumulating there.

Upon strongly breathing through the nose, this organ feels painful.

Swelling, sensation of soreness and itching in the right nostril, with a crawling in the nose, as if from constant catarrh; the nose runs (after three days).

Left ala nasi internally swollen and tender.

Dryness of nose and lips.

Smell like a profuse sour perspiration.


Wretched look.

Place, wretched appearance.

Paleness of the face, with nausea, and moral and physical weariness.

Pale, bloated face, for a long time (after thirty days).

Pale face, accompanied by headache, pain at the stomach and ill-humor (fourth day).

Increased number of pimples on face.

Heat in the face, during mental exertions.

Heat in the face, during and after dinner.

Heat in the hand and face, with red cheeks.

Sense as of stretching in the face; she has to rub her eyes and her face, as if she were sleepy.

Tension of the skin of the face (the nose and both lips), as if the face were swollen, early in the morning on waking.

Contraction of the skin of the forehead and face.

Violent pain in the face on the right side.

Painful tension and tearing in the right side of the face (second day).

Hard swelling of the cheek, as well as the glands of the ear and neck.

White, herpes-like spots of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate (upon the cheek).

Boils upon the cheek and around the ear.

Small boils and indurations, discharging water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin.

Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek and chin.

Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses.

Drawing pain in the cheek bones.

Pimples on left cheek, near ear, not painful unless pressed.

Redness of left cheek.

Pressive pain in the zygoma.

Burning vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips. Lips are constantly dry, and stick together (fifteenth day).

Itching of the mouth; both lips were itching.

Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip.

Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain.

Eruption at the mouth.

Herpes-like scaly eruption around the mouth.

Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation.


The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly.

His teeth fall out, even sound ones.

On sucking, blood comes out of a molar tooth.

Violent toothache, with heat of the same side of the head (after twelve days).

Pain in two molar teeth, as when sweets set into a hollow tooth.

Toothache at night, and swollen cheek on the day following; afterwards enlarged nose and red spots in the face and upon the neck.

Toothache during the catamenia, day and night, especially during and after eating, relieved by warm cloths and pressing upon the teeth.

Violent toothache, as soon as she gets into bed in the evening, during the whole night; it cannot be relieved in any position.

In chewing, almost all the teeth are painful; the person was unable to speak on account of pain; upon air rushing into the mouth the pain became intolerable.

The teeth are painful on biting together.

An anterior inferior incisor tooth becomes very painful when biting upon it, on third day of the catamenia.

Drawing in teeth.

Drawing toothache during the catamenia.

Drawing toothache during the catamenia; it passes off by eating (after six hours).

Drawing toothache, which seems to be in the jaws, and extends as far as the ear and the cheek; only during eating and when biting upon the tooth.

Drawing in the teeth, at night, and on waking.

Darting in a decayed molar tooth, after dinner; the pain ceases upon picking the tooth.

Tearing pain in the upper row of teeth.

Drawing and tearing in a molar tooth, after a journey in damp weather (after twenty-three days).

Tearing-jerking in the teeth, extending into the ears; also at night, in a hollow back tooth; relieved by smelling of Hepar sulphur.

Tearing in the teeth and jaw, as far as the ears, before midnight; she is obliged to shift constantly from one side to another; the teeth are very painful when biting upon them (third day of catamenia).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.