Ammonium Carbonicum

The stomach seems full, trembling (during the catamenia).

The clothes press upon the stomach.

Sense of emptiness at the stomach.

Pinching, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.

Aching in stomach (in half hour).

Aching in gastric region, extending, in a sort of vibratory motion, towards the left nipple.

Boring and tearing pain in the region of the stomach, extending up to the first lumbar vertebrae.

Pressure at the stomach.

Pressure at the stomach, with nausea and sensitiveness at the pit of the stomach.

Pressure at the stomach, after dinner.

Pressure at the stomach, at night.

Oppression at the stomach, with a sensation of contraction (also in the chest) accompanied by loathing and nausea (fourth day).

Oppression at the stomach, already in the morning, passing into nausea and inclination to vomit.

Oppression of the stomach after eating.

Oppression at the stomach after supper (after twelve hours).

Gnawing at the right side of the stomach.

Painfulness of the stomach when pressed upon (fourth day).

Feeling of warmth in the scrobiculus cordis.

After eating, great pressure at the pit of the stomach, succeeded by nausea and vomiting of the ingesta; afterwards, sour taste in the mouth; for five days (after sixteen days).

Heaviness at the pit of the stomach.


Pressive pain under the right ribs in the region of the liver.

Sore pain in the liver.

Stitches below the left ribs in the evening.

Pressure over the umbilicus, as from a button.

Painful compression on both sides of the abdomen, only when sitting, relieved by motion and by stretching out (fifth day).

Abdomen painfully distended.

Excessively distended abdomen.

Distension of the abdomen, with retention of stool.

Rumbling in the abdomen, as from spasms, or when fasting, every time after she swallows something, for several days (after six-tenth day).

Rumbling and pain in the bowels.

Rumbling and moving, as from flatulence, in the abdomen.

In afternoon, much rumbling of bowels and discharge of flatus.

Much flatus.

Much emission of flatulence.

In evening, much flatus.

Accumulation of flatulence, with gripping.

Emission of a quantity of flatulence in the afternoon, evening, and at night, the evacuations being normal (fourth day).

The flatus very fetid.

Contractive and pinching pain in the abdomen, first in the upper, then in the lower part, early in the morning, so violent that it produced qualmishness and gathering of water in the mouth, even unto faintness, accompanied by chilliness, twelve hours before the appearance of the menses (after nine days).

Violent pinching, contraction, and rumbling in the belly, in the forenoon; it comes on when walking in the open air, and can only be relieved by lying upon the belly and applying warm cloths to it; in the evening it appears again, also in the cold on the following morning; afterwards, it becomes less when in the room (seventeenth day).

Pinching and obstruction in the abdomen.

Sudden painful contraction of the bowels, as far as the region of the stomach, relieved by compressing the belly with the hands, passing off after lying down (thirty-third day).

Heaviness in the abdomen.

Bellyache after breakfast (in one hour).

Disposition to painful flatulent colic.

At 3 O’clock in the morning, she is roused from her sleep by a violent colic, two days before the appearance of the menses (forty-first day).

Violent colic at 7 o’clock in the morning (after forty-eight hours).

Colic in the left side of the abdomen during dinner; the pain terminates with the emission of flatulence.

Violent colic, two nights in succession, which did not diminish till after the passage of some strong flatulence.

Cutting and biting in the bowels, as from worms, with contractive pain at the stomach and chilliness and sweat; the person cannot fall asleep till morning; on waking up, the pain reappears.

Stitches in the abdomen, which make walking difficult.

Burning deep in the left side of the abdomen (second day).

Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, early in the morning (after twelve hours).

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening, when stooping.

Wet and cold, for several afternoons past, have caused pain in the bowels.

The abdominal complaints recur regularly every evening.

Pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was coming on (in a quarter of an hour).

Contractive cramp deep in the hypogastrium on stooping, also in the small of the back (thirty-eighth day).

Pressure in the hypogastrium for three hours, also during dinner (after two hours).

Transverse stitches deep in the hypogastrium, when standing.

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen, during which the belly is very small (sixteenth day).

Painful pressure in the groin and the bend of the thigh.

(Pinching and) sharp stitches in the right groin, when stretching out (twentieth day).

Elastic swelling in the left groin, as large as a fist, in the evening, after lying down, with a pain, as from a bruise, at that place; on account of this pain she cannot rest upon that side; the pain is also experienced upon the parts being touched; on waking, swelling and pain had disappeared (ninth day).

A hernia protrudes in the left groin (second day).

Aching swelling of left inguinal glands, which went off towards noon, and was replaced by headache and ill-feeling, which lasted till evening, and recurred slightly next day.

Sense of fullness and distension in the region of the left groin.

Stool and Anus.

The varices of the rectum protrude a good deal during the evacuation, and are painful a long time afterwards, so that she finds it impossible to walk (seventh day).

The varices of the rectum protrude even when there is no evacuation, but they recede when lying down.

Formation of varices of the rectum, moist, and with a pain as from excoriation.

At night he cannot sleep, on account of a burning pain at the rectum; this, together with a strong desire for stool, compelled him to rise.

After the evacuation, sense of scratching, then burning, at the anus.

Itching of the anus.

The child becomes sore between the legs.

Diarrhoea, of faeces and mucus, with cutting in the abdomen, before and during the stools (eighth day).

Diarrhoea, with colic, early in the morning.

Loose stools, twice a day (third and fourth days).

Loose motion.

Loose stool, preceded and followed by cutting in abdomen.

Uncommonly early call to stool, and loose evacuation, then headache and much rigor (in one-quarter hour).

Liquid stool (8 A.M)..

Stools mixed with mucus.

At 7 A.M., evacuation surrounded by watery mucus.

In morning early, a fecal evacuation, which, contrary to custom, occurred during the day.

Evacuations, with constant tenesmus.

Violent cutting in the rectum, with good evacuations.

The evacuations are accompanied by a pinching pain in the abdomen, which moves transversely across the abdomen towards the sacrum and rectum; it is diminished by bending the body, and ceases entirely after the evacuation (twenty-eighth day).

Discharge of blood during and after the evacuation.

Hard evacuation, followed by discharge of a milk-like prostatic fluid.

Hard, painful stools, with prickings in the anus.

Hard stools, surrounded with streaks of blood (after twenty- two hours).

Retarded and hard stools, forming masses, which she finds it difficult to press out.

Retention of stools during the first days; this is succeeded by loose stools (in all the provers).

Constipation the first four days.

Urinary Organs.

Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting.

Constant tenesmus, even at night, with diminished passage of urine, accompanied by burning.

Blood comes out of the urethra.

After urinating, there is a strong traction in the forepart of the urethra; in the evening, when going to bed.

Involuntary emission of urine, of a boy, while asleep, towards morning (first and second night, and after sixteen days).

Great desire to make water.

Copious urination.

Great flow of urine.

Frequent micturition, especially the first day.

Somewhat increased urinary secretion.

Frequent call to pass water, as was also the case for several days previously.

Repeated call to pass water; urine very muddy, of a peculiar smell, and with copious sediment.

Increased and turbid urine.

Increased flow of urine, and loose evacuation in afternoon.

Great increase of urine and frequent calls to pass it, especially in the afternoon.

Frequent and copious emissions of urine, especially in the evening.

At night, she is obliged to rise for the purpose of urinating.

At night, he is roused from sleep by a desire to urinate.

At night, several successive emissions of urine, some of them pretty copious.

At noon, the urine looks pale-yellow; this is the first emission since last evening.

Urine pretty clear.

White, sandy urine, for several days (after nine days).

The urine looks reddish after dinner, like water mixed with blood.

Sexual Organs.


Stiffness of the penis, without any desire for coition (sixth day).

Involuntary continual erections, early in the morning (thirteenth day).

Itching on glans penis, which lasted several days.

Frequent relaxation of the scrotum.

Increased weight of the scrotum; he was obliged to carry it in a supporter.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.