
NITRIC ACID.- Long lasting cutting pain in rectum after loose stool, with haemorrhoidal troubles old pendulous haemorrhoids, that cease to bleed but become painful to the touch, especially i warm weather; HAEMORRHAGE BRIGHT RED NOT CLOTTED, faint from least motion, bleed after every stool spasmodic tearing during stool from fissures in rectum HAEMATURIA, shuddering along the spine during micturition, and urging afterwards.

NUX VOMICA.- Blind or bleeding piles, irregular piles; stitching, burning or itching of the anus; stitches and shocks in the small of the back, with bruised pains so that the patient is unable to raise himself; constipation with frequent ineffectual as if the anus were closed and constricted; frequent rush of blood to the head or abdomen, with distension of the epigastrium and hypochondria; haematuria from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow or menses; ischuria, suppression of urine backache, must sit up in bed.

PETROLEUM.- piles and fissures at the anus great itching; scurf on border of anus; stool insufficient difficult hard, in lumps.

PHOSPHORUS.- Constipation small-shaped hard stool, and expelled with great difficulty; discharges of blood from the rectum also during stool; spasm in the rectum; paralysis of the lower intestines and of the sphincter ani; discharge of mucus out of the gaping anus; stinging or itching at the anus the piles bleed easily increased secretion of pale watery urine; involuntary discharge of urine. Worse in the evening and at night, also when lying on the back or left side. Better when lying on the right side from rubbing and after sleeping.

PODOPHYLLUM.- This is a remedy that I myself, have used but very little, for the very good reason that of late years a veritable podophyllomania has raged in this country and almost all patient with anything wrong between liver and rectum have taken it on their own account. This regrettable abuse of a potent remedy must not deter us from bearing it is mind in suitable cases. Hale says: “Haemorrhoidal affections are admirably under the control of podophyllum. The specific affinity which this drug has for the liver, portal system and rectum as shown in the pathogenesis enables it to cause haemorrhoids from portal congestion, chronic hepatic affections, and primary irritation, congestion and even inflammation of the veins and mucous membrane of the rectum. It will be found useful in external piles, for those which bleed and those which do not. The sensations it causes in the rectum, anus and haemorrhoidal tumours and similar to the effects of Aloes of which it is a congener.”

Morning aggravation is characteristic of podophyllum PULSATILLA NIGRICANS.- Painful protruding piles, with itching and sticking pains and soreness.

RHUS TOX.- Fissures of the anus, with periodical profuse bleeding from the anus; sore piles protruding after stool drawing above drawing in the back from above downwards pains in the small of the back as if bruised when keeping quiet frequent urging to urinate day and night increased secretion sore blind haemorrhoids, protruding after stool with pressing in the rectum, as if everything would come out. Worse at night, from cold pressure or rest.

SILICEA.- HAEMORRHOIDS IN TENSELY PAINFUL, boring cramping sensation from the anus up the rectum and towards the testicles protrude during stool; become incarcerated. and suppurate; piles protrude with the stool and discharge bloody mucus can only be returned with difficulty; fistula at anus, with chest symptoms, aching, beating throbbing in lumbo-sacral region: anus is constantly damp.

SULPHUR.- Haemorrhoids blind or bleeding, blood dark with violent bearing down from small of back towards the anus; lancinating pain from anus upwards, especially after stool; suppressed haemorrhoids, with colic palpitation congestion of lungs; back feels stiff as if bruised; anal region swollen with sore, stitching pains; considerable quantity of blood passed with soft easy stool; PAINLESS PILES bleeding burning, and frequent protrusion of the haemorrhoidal tumours; weak digestion dysuria.

VALERIANATE OF ZINC.- Dr Dradwick noticed the fact that in a considerable number of patients troubled with piles and who were taking Valerianate of Zinc for other troubles, the haemorrhoids have, with few exceptions been relieved. In case of neuralgia prosopalgia, spinal neuralgia and proctalgia, together with haemorrhoids, we may be glad to remember this happy union of valerian and zinc.

VERATRUM ALBUM.- Haemorrhoids, with disease of lungs or pleura; painless discharge of masses of blood in clots, with sinking feeling; bruised feeling in sacral region (Lilienthal.)

ZINCUM.- Constipation stool hard by hard pressing; sensation of soreness and violent itching at the anus; tingling at the anus, as if from ascarides; violent desire to urinate; retention of urine when beginning to urinate. Worse in the afternoon and in the evening also when in a warm room. Better in the open air.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.