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CAPSICUM.-Piles having swollen; itching, throbbing, with sore feeling in anus; the tumours are very large, with discharge of blood or bloody mucus from the rectum; blind piles with mucous discharge; suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, causing melancholy; lack of reactive force, especially with fat people who are easily exhausted.

CARBO VEG.-Discharge of an acrid, corrosive, viscid humor from the anus, causing much itching and some smarting; oozing of moisture from the perinaeum, with soreness and much itching; protruding large bluish varices, suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in the anus, stitching pains in the small of the back, burning and tearing in the limbs; constipation, with burning stools and discharge of blood; frequent determination of blood to the head, flatulence, slow action of the bowels; epistaxis; dysuria; especially called for in debauched, used-up subjects and in profound adynamia.

CHAMOMILLA.-Bleeding piles, with compressive pain in the abdomen, frequent urging to stool; occasional burning and corrosive diarrhoeic stools; tearing pain in the small of the back, especially at night; painful and ulcerated rhagades of the anus.

COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.-Dr Hale believes that this remedy has the power of contracting the branches of the portal vein- indeed, he inclines to believe that it has this action on all the blood vessels and even on the heart. It is common use in America as a vulnerary. It claims a careful study and comes into very frequent use in general varicosis, and any of its varieties, such as haemorrhoids, varices, or varicocele. And if Hale’s view of its action is right those cases of dilated right heart, passive portal congestion with haemorrhoids, would be its triune sphere, and here by there is always constipation and the cases are chronic and obstinate.

DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.- Dr Burt got haemorrhoids and yellow thin, bilious stools with prolapse of the rectum when he was proving the colic root. In another a haemorrhoidal tumour of nearly four years standing disappeared while proving it. Its reputation in enteralgia is now well established. Acute painful varicocele from excess in venery, or long-lasting unsatisfied desire will make us think of Dioscorea or Dioscorein. Dioscorea is a powerful cardiac, and has cured a case of angina pectoris in the hands of Dr Skinner.

FERRUM.- Piles copious bleeding or ichorous oozing tearing pains with itching and gnawing costiveness, stool hard and difficult, followed by backache. We heartily, endorse Schussler’s recommendation of the phosphate, and that in the sixth centesimal trituration, but very irritable subjects must not take it at night, as it is very apt to keep such awake. It comes in specially after their work to consolidate the cure by reason of its profound action on the whole systemic circulatory apparatus.

GRAPHITES.- Piles with pain on sitting down or on taking a wide step, as if split with knife also violent itching and very sore to the touch burning rhagades at the anus; large haemorrhoidal tumour, protrusion of the rectum, without urging to stool as if the anus was lame; fissure of the anus, sharp cutting pain during, followed by constriction and aching aching for several hours, worse at night chronic constipation with hardness in hepatic region moist humid eruption on scalp and behind ears; watery leucorrhoea at the times of menstruation piles, accompanied by dizziness.

HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA.- The use of this remedy is somewhat empirical, but its power over haemorrhoids and other venous sticlis such that it stands facile princeps at the head of them all. The stasis its introduction into our practice is thus given: Mr. Pond brought out his Extract of Hamamelis as a remedy for piles. Dr Constantine Hering was Mr. Pond’s family physician and was induced by the latter to try its efficacy in some diseases, particularly in painful bleeding piles. But its virtues as a pile medicine were well known to the aborigines of North America and the earlier settlers got their knowledge of it from them. Speaking of it in a letter to Hering in 1853, Dr Okie says: “I next made use of Hamamelis in a number of cases of painful and bleeding piles. Those cases in which it has proved most beneficial in my hands are characterized by running soreness, fullness, and at times rawness of th anus; in the back a weakness or weariness, or or as the patients graphically express it “Doctor, my back feels as if it would break off.'”

It is our best topic in all forms of dilated veins. Almost all Americans en voyage seem to carry Extract of Hamamelis with them.

HYDRASTIS.- This plants has a reputation for many things. Undoubtedly it is a great polychrest. I should think of it for haemorrhoids with jaundice and constipation some other Hydrastis symptoms being present. I have known it cause balanitis and yellow balanorrhoea, with such a strong-smelling discharge that the unintentional prover had to keep away from society for several days, and so profuse that he fastened a piece of linen of his shirt to help to absorb the discharge and nevertheless his trousers were spoiled by the flux. The discharge was very yellow and after it has lasted three days there was phimosis, and on my forcing the prepuce back it cracked in three places and bled. There had previously been nothing whatever wrong with the parts, and from my knowledge of the gentleman and a very careful ocular examination of the parts, I can say that there was no urethritis or urethral flux, and no chance or chancroid, and there had been no coition of any kind at this time. At the eight of the affection one of the inguinal glands became painful and swelled; it all passed off in a week with no treatment but cleanliness. He had taken it about a week, some six or eight very yellow pilules a day, evidently or 1, and ” for a stitch in the liver and dirty tongue” To the best of my know ledge and belief the whole series of phenomena were pathogenetic

IGNATIA AMARA.- SUDDEN SHARP STITCHES IN RECTUM SHOOTING UPWARD INTO THE BODY; evacuation of faeces difficult because of seeming inactivity of rectum every violent effort to expel them may produce prolapsus ani; after stool frequent spasmodic constriction of the anus; recurring pains in the anus, compounded of soreness, spasmodic constriction, and pressure moderate effort at stool causes prolapsus ani; bleeding during and after stool; fissures of anus; haemorrhage and pain are worse when the stools are loose.

KALI CARBONICUM.- Passage of faeces difficult owing to their bulk; sensation as if the anus would be fissured; stinging, burning tearing, itching stinging, burning tearing, itching screwing pain, followed even a natural stool, setting the patient nearly crazy and depriving him of sleep; the tumours swell and bleed much; riding on horseback ameliorates the pain for the time being haemorrhoids complicating fistula in ano, especially in the poitrinaires.

KALI SULPHURICUM.- Haemorrhoids with catarrh of stomach, and tongue coated with yellow mucus; sensation of faintness in the stomach, and dull feeling in the head fearing to lose her senses.

LACHESIS.- Piles PROTRUDING AND STRANGULATED, or with stitches upward at each cough or sneeze; sensation as of a plug in the anus; rectum prolapsed or tumefied hammering, beating in the rectum; worse at the climaxis, or with drunkards.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.- Varices protrude, painful when sitting; discharge of blood even with soft stool itching eruption at the anus painful to touch; itching and tension at the anus in bed continued or stitching pain in the rectum; constipation; ineffectual urging from the contraction of the sphincter ani; flatulence haematuria; pain in the sacral region, extending to the thighs worse rising from a seat. Lycopodium has undoubtedly cured aneurisms of small calibre; it lessened one in my hands while I was House-Surgeon at the Hardman St. Homoeopathic Dispensary, in Liverpool. Hence its power over blood vessels must be admitted.

MERCURIUS.- LARGE BLEEDING VARICES WHICH SUPPURATE; haemorrhage after micturition; haematuria; with violent frequent urging to urinate; prolapsus recti after stool; rectum black and bleeding; pain in sacrum as after lying on a hard cough great weakness, with ebullition and trembling from the least exertion.

CYANURET OF MERCURY.- I have used this remedy in diphtheria with very satisfactory results, and hence it constitutes a part of my usual drug choice. The enormous activity of all the combinations of the metals with hydrocyanic acid leads us naturally to expect great things from the Cyanide of Mercury. It causes phlebitis and varicosis it has a grand future. The sixth centesimal dilution is the lowest I ever use of this deadly drug in this strength it may be given to the tenderest babies.

German homoeopathic practitioners speak highly of Acidum hydrocyanicum in varicose ulcers.

MURIATIC ACID.- piles suddenly, IN CHILDREN; the haemorrhoidal tumours are inflamed, swollen bluish with swelling of anal region sore pains violent stitches and great sensitiveness to contact even of the sheets; prolapsus recti while urinating.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.