
Homeopathy treatment for Haemorrhoids from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Haemorrhoids…

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Malignant disease of rectum; profuse haemorrhoidal bleeding; haemorrhage from bowels after checked metrorrhagia, obstinate constipation.

Aconitum [Acon]

Bleeding piles, inflamed, stinging and pressure in anus; feeling of repletion in abdomen, with tension, pressure and colicky pains. Pains in the small of back as if the back of the os sacrum were broken, constipation, vertigo, fulness and heaviness in the head; scanty urination with violent tenesmus; thirst small appetite, troubled sleep.

Aesculus-hip [Aesc]

Abdominal plethora, throbbing deep in abdomen, particularly in hypogastric region haemorrhoids, bleeding or not, with feeling of dryness in rectum, as though little sticks or splinters were pricking the folds of the mucous membrane; weak feeling at sacro iliac symphysis, as though the legs were about to give out. (<) stooping forward and when walking, aching between shoulders, desire to strain at stool for a long time, pains shoot up the rectum (Ign) from the tumors, with lameness and aching in back, purple haemorrhoids, depressed and irritable. Angina granulosa, a dark-red congestion of fauces, with dryness and soreness, from abdominal plethora.

Aloe [Aloe]

Catarrh of Rectum, which constantly secrets mucus and escapes from anus at every attempt at defaecation; haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes with constant bearing down in rectum, GREATLY RELIEVED BY BATHING WITH COLD WATER, being sore, tender and hot, or copious bleeding but no haemorrhoidal knobs, constant bearing down sensation in rectum, with profuse EMISSION OF FLATUS BEFORE STOOL, followed by urgent diarrhoea, especially in the early morning hours, hot and watery, with jelly like mucus tinged with blood and followed by faintness (<) after eating, in damp weather, want of confidence in the sphincter ani, rectum feels full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out; stools leave him with a feeling of extreme weakness and prostration; constipation of old people of sedentary habits and given to high living. Uterine congestion and prolapsus with heaviness in abdomen and back; headache over eyes with sensation as if weight were pressing the eyelids down (>) from partially closing the eyelids dull pressing, followed by difficulty of thinking, Haemorrhoids from a suppressed cutaneous eruption.

Alumen [Alum]

Sharp pains in side of rectum; violent itching around anus especially evening and night, severe pain in anus during and for some minutes after, (>) by bending forward and by pressure, (<) lying on side ulcers of rectum with ichorous, foetid or bloody, discharge; dyspnoea during efforts to stool, Asthmatic troubles with piles; weakness of neck of bladder with incontinence of urine.

Alumina [Alum]

Haemorrhoids worse in the evening, better after night’s rest clots of blood pass from the anus; inactivity of the rectum; stools hard and knotty, like sheep’s dung, with cutting in anus, followed by blood, pain in back and small of back as if beaten. During a stool blood spurts out of the rectum, followed by soreness all along the rectum, sweat on perineum with tenderness to the touch, moist varices sting and burn, itching of anus with great sensitiveness.

Ambra-grisea [Ambr]

Itching smarting and itching at the anus, increased urination much more than the fluid taken; frequent ineffectual desire for stool, at this time the presence of other persons becomes unbearable large flow of blood with the stool, followed by pressure deep in hypogastrium (<) evening lying down in warm place on waking (>) from slow motion in open air and when lying or pressing upon painful part.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Homeopathy for Hemorrhoids that protrude, independent of stool protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool with long lasting pains; cannot walk or the haemorrhoids protrude during a stool, and recede when lying down they are usually moist and pain as if excoriated, bloody discharge during and after stool, costiveness on account of hardness of faeces; itching at anus and burning, preventing sleep must rise from bed on that account haemorrhoids (<) during menses Suits children, old people, pale subjects with bloated face leading a sedentary life who readily catch cold in winter.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Haemorrhoids sore and smarting after suppressed leucorrhoea; hard crumbling stools, requiring great effort to expel them bleeding from rectum, with lancinating pain in perineum, especially evenings, stinging and itching in rectum before and during a stool, the haemorrhoids surrounded by inflamed pustules.

Anacardium [Anac]

Internal piles, especially if fissured, painful haemorrhoidal tumors; frequent profuse haemorrhage when at stool great and urgent desire for stool, but the rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up, with the attempt to move the bowels the desire for stool passes away; great hypochondriasis.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Copious haemorrhoidal haemorrhage accompanying a stool of solid faecal matter. Mucous Piles pricking, continuous mucous discharge, staining yellow; sometimes ichor oozes; feeling of soreness in rectum, as if an ulcer had been torn open, and alternate diarrhoea and constipation, increased and frequent discharge of urine at night with discharge of mucus burning in urethra and pain in small of back (<) at night, from bathing, from heat of sun; (>) during rest and in open air.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Small protruding varices which irritating, burn and smart intolerably; prolapsus ani with haemorrhage from the bowels, burning pain excoriation of anus and constant tenesmus, constipation, feeling in rectum as if it were stuffed full, with heat and throbbing, scanty urine (>) from cold and cold water (<) at night.

Apocynum [Apoc]

Haemorrhoids with a feeling as if a wedge were being Hammered into the anus; bowels sluggish or diarrhoea, with sphincter ani so weak that faeces escape unbidden or while passing flatus; all gone feeling in abdomen.

Arnica [Arn]

Prolapsus ani from overstraining and violent riding (<) from standing and from cold things, blind piles with painful pressure in rectum easily protruded from weakness of the parts, pain in anus as if it were bruised.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Haemorrhoids bluish, swollen inflammed protruding and bunched bleeding from least touch with stitching, burning pains when walking or standing, but not at stool, burning and soreness in rectum and anus (<) at night, rectum is spasmodically pushed out with great pain and remains protruded after haemorrhage from rectum, irreducible, strangulated Haemorrhoid, rhagades at different points with ichorous discharge fissures with burning pains in epigastrium; restlessness and debility (<) at night, from cold from ice-cream and ice-water in hot weather; (>) from warmth Haemorrhoids of drunkards.

Aurum-met [Aur-m]

Piles with rectal catarrh, external piles bleed during stool, constipation or hard knotty stools (<) during menses with prolapsus uteri looseness and costiveness in alternation pain in small of back, as from fatigue; great nervous weakness Syphilitic subject (<) from mercury aged people pining youths.

Badiaga [Bad]

Strumous and Haemorrhoidal persons with pulmonic and cardiac symptoms.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Haemorrhoids protrude, not only with the stools, but also with urination, frequent passage of blood with distended abdomen burning in anus and rectum moisture exuding from piles, scanty hard and lumpy stool, expelled with difficulty; frequent small stools, with great relief.

Belladonna [Bell]

Bleeding piles spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani violent pains in the small of back, as if it would break, piles so sensitive that the patient has to lie with the nates seperated, or with a sensation as if the back would break, scanty red urine, congestion of blood to head, red, hot face, thirst and restlessness.

Berberis [Berb]

Haemorrhoids with itching and burning, particularly after stool, which often is hard and covered with blood; soreness in the anus with burning pain when touched and great sensitiveness when sitting hard stool, like sheep’s dung passed only after much straining; constant pulsating stitches in sacrum, fretful and weary of life; Fistula Ani with chest troubles.

Bromium [Brom]

Haemorrhoids (<) from cold or warm water (>) from wetting with saliva, blind intensely painful piles with black, diarrhoeic stools dribbling of urine, with burning after micturition; asthma.

Bryonia [Bry]

Hard touch stool with protrusion of rectum long lasting burning in rectum after hard stool, or sharp burning pain in rectum with soft stool, white and turbid urine, sensation of constipation in urethra when urinating (<) mornings from motion and from heat (>) while lying down or getting warm in bed sensation of plug in anus.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

Constipation as from haemorrhoidal congestion, swollen varices outside the anus causing great pain; itching of anus pricking in the anus as from sharp pins ceasing from slight friction; copious haemorrhage from anus which soon ceases.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.