Veratrum Album

Urinary Organs

Retention of urine. Want to urinate, while bladder is empty, with pain as if urethra were constricted behind the glans. Urine diminished, yellow and turbid even during emission. Flow of urine, with raging hunger and thirst, headache, nausea, colic, hard faeces, and coryza. Involuntary emission of urine, during cough, in typhoid. Acrid urine. Deep-colored or greenish urine. Dark red urine, discharged frequently, but in small quantities. Pressive pain in the bladder, and burning sensation when urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

Excessive sensibility of the genital organs. Excoriation of prepuce. Drawings in testes.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia premature and profuse. Catamenia suppressed. Before catamenia: headache, vertigo, epistaxis, and nocturnal perspiration. At commencement of catamenia: diarrhoea, nausea, and shivering. During catamenia: headache in morning, with nausea, humming in ears, burning thirst, and pains in all limbs. Towards end of catamenia: grinding of teeth, and bluish color of face. Nymphomania: before menses: from unsatisfied passion or mental causes, from disappointed love, puerperal mania, during confinement. Metritis. Menorrhagia. Dysmenorrhoea: with prolapse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, exhaustion, cold sweat, chilliness, pain in kidneys and uterus before and during menses. Amenorrhoea. Strangulated, prolapsed vagina, with cold sweat, exhausting vomit and diarrhoea. Suppressed catamenia, lochia, and secretion of milk, with delirium. Sexual desire too strong, particularly in childbed, worse at night, nymphomania (of lying-in women), complaints during menstruation, as, *e.g., vomiting and diarrhoea, which may occur at these times. Threatened abortion, with cold sweat, nausea, and vomiting. During pregnancy wants to wander about the house, taciturn, haughty, thirsty, hard faeces, inactive rectum. Vomiting of pregnancy. Labor pains exhaust. Suppression of lochia or milk with nymphomania. Puerperal mania, wants to kiss everybody. In childbed: impudent behavior, nymphomania, exhaustion. Eclampsia. Painfulness of breasts.

Respiratory Organs

Respiration oppressed, voice hollow weak. Chest loaded with mucus, with roughness and scraping in the throat. Spasmodic contraction of glottis with dilated pupils. Suffocative constriction in larynx. Tickling very low down in trachea, provoking cough without expectoration. Cough, excited by a tickling, deeply seated in the bronchia, with easy expectoration, or else dryness. Cough, irritation referred to lowest part of sternum, pressure at stomach-pit, or over abdomen causes cough immediately (Bayes). Dry, tickling cough, after walking in sharp, cold air. Cough provoked by drinking, especially cold water. Violent cough, with continued risings, as if about to vomit. Cough in the evening, with salivation. Dry, burning cough, generally in evening and morning. Cough, with pain in side, weakness and obstructed respiration. Hollow, deep cough, always in three or four shocks, as if proceeding from abdomen, with incisive pains in abdomen. Lancinations towards inguinal ring, when coughing. Cough, like whooping-cough, with vomiting. Cough, with yellowish expectoration, on entering a warm room, followed by pain, as from a bruise in chest. Cough, with copious expectoration.


Obstructed respiration, often to the verge of suffocation, generally produced by a spasmodic constriction of throat and chest. Shortness of breath on least movement. Dyspnoea and impeded respiration, also when seated Chest very much oppressed, with pain in side, during an inspiration. Pressure at chest, especially in region of sternum, and principally after eating or drinking. Sensation of fullness in chest, which induces frequent

eructations. Squeezing in chest, especially after drinking. Cramp in chest, with painful constriction. Spasmodic contraction of muscles of chest Incisive pain in chest. Tickling in chest, as if it would provoke cough, in middle of sternum. Shootings, by paroxysms, in chest, with obstructed respiration. Slow, sharp stitches near nipples, which at last itch.


Violent palpitation of heart, which pushes out the ribs, with choking, and severe fits of anxieties precordium. Pulse slow, almost lost. Great activity of arterial system. Angina pectoris. The blood runs like cold water through the veins.

Back and neck

Rheumatic stiffness in nape, extending to sacrum, with vertigo, moving. Paralytic weakness of the muscles of neck (especially in whooping-cough) which become incapable of supporting head. Muscles of nape paralysed. Pain (back and small of back feel sore and bruised) as of a fracture in loins and back, with drawing pressure, especially when stooping and rising. Squeezing (tension like cramp) between shoulder-blades. Pain in scapulae, extending over whole back, with diuresis, thirst, and constipation.


Painful paralytic weakness in all limbs. Numbness, tingling, or falling asleep of the limbs. Stiffness of limbs, worse morning and after a walk. Trembling of limbs. Shooting in limbs as from electric sparks. Pain as from fatigue. Nails blue from coldness. Pains in limbs resembling a bruise, worse during wet, cold weather, worse in warmth of bed, better walking up and down. Icy coldness of limbs, of hands and feet.

Upper Limbs

Paralytic pain, as of a fracture in arms, from shoulder-joint to wrist. Jerking in arms. Coldness or sensation of fullness (heaviness) and of swelling in arms. Constant sensation of numbness in arms. Pain in middle of left forearm as if bones were pressed together. Trembling of arms, on grasping an object. Shocks in elbow, as from electricity. Dry tetters on hands. Tingling in hands and fingers. The hands go to sleep and feel like dead. Numbness and paleness of fingers. Icy coldness and blueness of hands. Drawings and cramps in fingers. Nails blue.

Lower Limbs

Paralysis in hip-joint (first right then left), with difficulty in walking. Paralytic pain, as of a fracture in legs. Arthritic tearing and drawing in legs and feet. Constant sensation of numbness in legs. Tension in tendons of ham, as if they were too short. Pain, as of a fracture in knees, when going downstairs (or when stepping). Shocks in knee, as from electricity. Extreme and painful heaviness in knees, legs, and feet, with difficulty in walking. Violent cramps in calves and feet Rapid swelling of feet. Icy coldness of feet. Trembling of feet, with coldness, as if cold water were circulating in the part. Shootings (stitches) in (great) toes. Stinging in toes when standing. Painful gout in feet. Lancinations, and pain as from excoriation, in the corns of the feet.


(We may think of this remedy where there is a marked debility or exhaustion from functional or physical disturbance, as e.g., in whooping-cough, patient will cough until completely exhausted, and then have a cold perspiration on the forehead, or there may be a great exhaustion obliging one to lie down after the passage of a stool, even though it be soft, with cold sweat on the forehead. Affections in general of the sexual organs, principally on right side, on crown of head, especially for sensations felt there, appearing in the rear of the navel, small of the back. Countenance is almost always changed presenting an unnatural appearance. Dry mouth. Inguinal hernia. Flatus in general, flatulent colic. Urine very dark, blackness of outer parts, staggering when walking, from debility, drowsiness, dry exanthema. Worse after drinking, before and during menstruation, before and during stool (feeling very weak and turn pale during stool), often after stool, during perspiration. H.N.G.). Paroxysms of pain, which always occasion, for a short time, delirium and dementia. Drawing pain in limbs, especially during a long walk. Pressive pain, as of a fracture, in limbs, muscles, and bones. Paralytic pain in limbs, as after great fatigue or exhaustion. Tearing in extensors, when seated. Pains (rheumatic) in limbs, muscles, which are rendered insupportable by the heat of bed, better on getting up, and which disappear completely when walking, generally manifesting themselves towards 4 or 5 a.m. Pains in limbs, worse in spring and autumn by bad weather, when it is cold and damp. Pain worse by hearing another speak. Relaxation of muscles. Continuous weakness and trembling. Fits of cramp, and convulsive movements of limbs. Tetanic stiffness of the body. Attack of spasm, with clenching of jaws, loss of sense and movement, and convulsive jerking of eyes and eyelids, before the attack, anguish, discouragement, and despair. (Epileptic fits.) Tonic spasm, sometimes with contraction of palms of hands, and soles of feet, which are spasmodically drawn inward. Several of the symptoms are renewed by rising up, and better by lying down. Sudden, general, and paralytic prostration of strength. Excessive chronic weakness, which does not permit to be seated, nor to remain lying down, or else excited by the least movement. Tottering gait. Syncope, sometimes also on the least movement (characteristic). General emaciation. Tingling in whole body, as far as ends of fingers and toes. The patient is affected by the open air. Inflammation of inner organs, especially those of digestion. Sporadic and Asiatic cholera.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica