Veratrum Album


Pain in the eyes, as if the eyeballs were bruised. The eyeballs are turned upwards. Painful tearing or compression in eyes. Permanent burning in eyes. Redness of eyes. Painful inflammation in eyes, especially right, and sometimes with violent headache, and nocturnal sleeplessness. Eyes dull, clouded, yellowish. Blueness of eyes. Eyes surrounded by blue or black rings. Eyes fixed, watery (sunken, with loss of lustre), and as if they were covered with albumen. Excessive dryness of eyelids. Profuse lachrymation, often with burning, incisive pains, and sensation of dryness in eyes (and lids, with redness). Agglutination of the eyelids during sleep. Trembling of upper eyelids. Neuralgia palpebralis. Paralysis of eyelids. Eyes convulsed and prominent. Pupils strongly contracted, or perceptibly dilated. Loss of sight. Diplopia. Nocturnal blindness. Sparks and black spots before eyes, especially when rising from a seat, or getting out of bed.


Shootings in ears. Pressure and constrictive sensations in ears. Alternate sensation of coldness and heat in ears, as if an alternate current of cold and warm air were coming out of the ear. Deafness, as from obstruction in ears. Sensation as if a membrane were stretched over ear. Humming, with sensitiveness to noise. Roaring in ears, especially when rising from a seat.


Nose grows more pointed, seems longer. Icy coldness of nose. Inflammation and pain, as from ulceration, in interior of nose. Contractive or depressing pain in nasal bone. Nose-bleed: at night, during sleep, from one nostril only, before menses. Smell of manure, or smoke, before nose. Distressing sensation of dryness in nose. Violent and frequent sneezing. Coryza.


Face pale, cold, hippocratic, wan, with the nose pointed, and a blue (or green) circle round eyes. Bluish color of face. Yellowish color of face. Redness of one cheek, the other is pale. Alternate redness and paleness of face. Redness of face when lying’ down, paleness when getting up. Burning heat, deep redness, and perspiration on face. Cold perspiration on face (especially on forehead). (Periodical neuralgia of face and head, with coldness of hands and tendency to faint. *R.T.C.) Drawing and tensive pains in face, on one side only and extending to ear. Jerkings and pinchings in muscles of face (when masticating). Lockjaw. Risus sardonicus. Pustules in face, with pain, as from excoriation, when touched. Acne. Military eruption on cheeks. Bloatedness of face. Lips: bluish or hanging down, dry, black, parched, wrinkled, pale or black and cracked. Froth from mouth. Eruption on the commissures of the lips. Acne round the mouth and chin. Cramp in the jaw. Pain and swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Toothache with headache, and red, bloated face. Toothache (sometimes pulsative), with swelled face, cold perspiration on forehead, nausea, and vomiting, painful weariness, and coldness of whole body, prostration strength, even to fainting, internal heat, and insatiable thirst. Aching, and sensation of extreme heaviness in teeth, with drawing pain during the mastication even of soft food. Grinding of teeth. Looseness of teeth.


Mouth dry and clammy. Burning in mouth and throat. Salivation, with nausea, or with acrid or salt taste. Much flow of saliva from the mouth like water-brash. Froth before mouth. Sensation of coldness, or burning in mouth and on tongue. Inflammation of interior of mouth. Tongue, dry, blackish, cracked, or red and swollen. Tongue loaded with a yellow coating, or cold and withered. Biting taste as from peppermint in the mouth. Stammering. Loss of speech. Sensation of torpor, and great dryness in palate (with thirst).


Sore throat, with constrictive pain of contraction (as by a pressing swelling) especially during deglutition. Contraction of gullet, as from a pressive swelling. Swelling of the gullet, with danger of suffocation. Sensation of coldness, or burning in back of mouth and gullet. Dryness in throat, which cannot be mitigated by any drink. Roughness, dryness, and scraping in throat. Exophthalmic goitre (Kirsch).


Insipidity of the saliva in the mouth. Bitter, bilious taste in mouth. Water tastes bitter. Putrid taste in mouth, like manure, also herbaceous taste. Cooling, or sharp taste in mouth and throat, as from peppermint. Insatiable thirst, with craving, principally for cold drinks. Craves ice. Appetite and craving for food, also in intervals between vomiting and evacuation. Raging and voracious hunger. Hunger and thirst with profuse flow of urine. Bulimy. Ardent and continued desire for acid or cool things (fruits). Craves: fruits, gherkins, citric acid, salted things, herrings, sardines. Aversion to hot food. After eating, however little may be taken, immediate vomiting and diarrhoea. Nausea, with hunger, and pressure at the stomach, when eating. After a meal hiccough, inclination to vomit, and regurgitation of bitter serum (of bile, of bitter substances, greenish). better From eating meat and drinking milk. worse From potatoes and green vegetables.


Risings with taste of food. Violent empty risings, also after a meal. Bitter or sour risings. Frequent and violent hiccough. Qualmishness and salivation with closure of the jaws. Violent nausea, which frequently almost induces syncope, and generally with excessive thirst (and increased flow of urine). Frequent or continued nausea, also in morning. Extreme nausea causing one to retch and strain with great violence, sometimes with vomiting,

sometimes not. Great nausea before vomiting. Water-brash. Violent vomiting, with continued nausea, great exhaustion, and want to lie down, preceded by coldness of hands, with shuddering over whole body, accompanied by general heat, and followed by ebullition of blood and heat in hands. Vomiting of food. Bitter, or sour vomiting. Vomiting of froth and of yellowish green or white mucus, with cold sweat. Green vomit. Vomiting of green mucus. Vomiting of mucus at night. Vomiting of black bile and of blood. Continued vomiting, with diarrhoea, and pressure in the scrobiculus. The least drop of liquid, land the slightest movement, excite vomiting. Painful contraction of abdomen, when vomiting. Pain in stomach, with hunger and burning thirst. Excessive sensibility in region of stomach and scrobiculus. Pyloric end of stomach affected (Bayes). Pains come some minutes after eating. (Severe gastralgia an hour or two after meals, a pain extends from middle of sternum to below ribs, must hold stomach from the violence of the pain, but the pressure does not improve, the pain then extends to above hip, is accompanied by distressing vomiting, brings up a quantity of stuff like vinegar, the pain causes thirst, and lasts eight to ten hours, she trembles with it. *R.T.C.) Excessive anguish in pit of stomach. Intermittent neuralgia in girl, 11, about 4 p.m. throws up quantity of wind, about 5 p.m. agonizing pain sets in like knives cutting the bowels every few minutes, lasting one or two minutes, so intense that it took three or four men to hold her, attacks end by sighing (Kitching). Painful distension of pit of stomach. Emptiness and uneasiness in stomach. Cramp in stomach. Pressure in scrobiculus, extending sometimes into sternum, hypochondria, and hypogastrium, especially after a meal. Acute pains in stomach and epigastrium. Burning sensation in pit of stomach. Inflammation of stomach.


Tensive pain in hypochondria as from flatulence. Shaking in spleen, while walking, after a meal. Spleen swollen. Hyperaemia of liver with cholera-like symptoms, or with asthma. Diaphragmitis with peritonitis, vomiting, and coldness. Colic in umbilical region. Excessively painful sensibility of the abdomen when touched. Nocturnal pains in abdomen, with sleeplessness. Swelling of the abdomen. While vomiting abdomen is painfully contracted. Abdomen hard and inflated Tension in the hypochondria and umbilical region. Cramps in abdomen, and colic. Colic: cutting, griping and twisting, especially about navel. better after stool, as if intestines were twisted in a knot, flatulent, cold sweat, worse after eating. Pressive, drawing pains in abdomen, when walking, in evening. Cuttings (in abdomen) as by knives, accompanied by diarrhoea, and thirst, with flow of urine. Burning sensation throughout abdomen, as from hot coals. Cold feeling in abdomen. Pain in entrails, as if they were bruised. Inflammation of intestines. Inguinal hernia. Incarcerated hernia. Protrusion of hernia during cough. Flatulent colic, with noisy, gurgling borborygmi in abdomen. The longer the flatus is retained, the greater the difficulty with which it is expelled. Violent expulsion of flatus upwards and downwards.


Constipation, sometimes obstinate, mostly from inactivity of rectum, and often accompanied by heat and headache. Faeces hard, and of too large a size. Unsuccessful urging to stool. Constipation of nursing infants. Violent and painful diarrhoea, often with tension of abdomen, preceded and followed by gripings. Watery diarrhoea, worse from motion, desire for very cold drinks. Complaints before stool, during, and after. Copious evacuations. Rice-water stools with tonic cramps. Simultaneous purging and vomiting. Cholera, cramp, cold tongue and breath, feeble, hoarse voice, wrinkled fingers, retention of urine. Sudden vomiting and purging. Diarrhoea of acrid matter, with burning sensation in anus. Nocturnal diarrhoea Loose blackish, greenish, brownish, evacuation. Flaky, green stools, like spinach. Loose, sanguineous evacuations. Sudden involuntary evacuation of liquid faeces, when expelling flatus. Diarrhoea of phthisis. During the evacuation, great lassitude, shivering, with shuddering, paleness of face, cold perspiration on forehead, and anxiety, with fear of apoplexy. Fainting during stool. Burning sensation in anus, during evacuation. Pain, as from excoriation in anus. Pressure towards anus, with blind hemorrhoids. Verminous symptoms.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica