Veratrum Album


*Antidoted by: (Poisonous doses) Strong Coffee, *Antidote to: Camph. (pressive pain in head with coldness of body and unconsciousness after. Hahnemann.), Aconite (anxious, distracted state with coldness of body or burning in brain. Hahn.), Chi. (other chronic affections from abuse of *Verbascum e.g., daily forenoon fever. Hahn.), Staphysagria (most cases. Teste). Antidote to: Arsenicum, Chi., Cuprum (colic), Opium, Tabacum, removes the bad effects of Opium and Tobacco. Follows well: Arsenicum, Arnica, Chi., Cuprum, Ip., Camph. (cholera), Am.

c., Carb. v., Bovista (in dysmenorrhoea with vomiting and purging). Lycopodium and Nux in painful constipation of infants. Followed well by: Pulsatilla, Aco., Belladonna, Chamomilla, Rhus, Sepia, Sul. Compare: Electric sensations, tickling, prickly sensations, Veratrine. Cold sweat on forehead (Tabacum Over entire body). Mania with desire to cut clothes, Trn. Lascivious talk, amorous or religious, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium Fainting from least exertion, Carb. v., Sul. Sinking during hemorrhages (Trill., fainting). Sensation of lumps of ice on vertex with chilliness, Sepia Facies hippocratica, Aco. Craves acids or refreshing things, Ph. ac. Cold feeling in abdomen, Colchicum, Tab, Vomiting worse by drinking. Arsenicum Vomiting worse by least motion, Tabacum Cholera after fright, Aco. Prostration after vomiting, Arsenicum, Tabacum Large hard stools, Sul., Bryonia Round black balls, Chelidonium, Opium, Plb. Frequent desire for stool felt in epigastrium, Ignatia (Nux vomica, in rectum). Weakness at menses, Alm., Carb. an., Coccul. Collapse, cholera, coldness, worse by heat, Camph. (Camph. has scanty, Verbascum copious stools). Rheumatism worse in wet weather, which drives patient out of bed, Chamomilla Delirium, Belladonna, Stramonium (these have not the cold surface and cold sweat of Verbascum). Fright causes Diarrhoea, Gelsemium Cholera, Jat. c. (vomits ropy, albuminous matter with purging), Podophyllum (painless), Ir. v. (better for summer complaints, excoriated, raw feeling at anus), Croton tiglium (single gush, every attempt to eat or drink causes stool), Elat. (olive-green stools). Suppressed scarlatina, Zn. (Verbascum has succeeded when Zn. has failed to causes reaction). Emaciation about neck, Natrum mur. (Verbascum especially in whooping-cough). Weak from talking, Stannum, Coccul., Sul, Calcarea Collapse, diarrhoea, vomiting, Antim tart. (Antim tart., more drowsiness, Verbascum, morning cold sweat). Neck muscles too weak to hold head up, Antim tart. Craves cold drinks, Arsenicum (Verbascum is between Arsenicum and Nux. Teste.) Purging and collapse, Helleborus (Helleborus, apathetic). Pressure in vertex with pain in stomach better pressure worse motion, Pulsatilla Abdominal pains, Coloc. (Verbascum must walk about). Pain causes fainting, Chamomilla, Hepar, Val. Convulsion after sudden emotions, Ignatia Convulsions with spasm of glottis, Nux (Verbascum secondary to exhausting diseases). Intermittent fever, Lachesis Cough followed by belching, Amb., Acid sulphuricum Alarmed about soul’s salvation, Sul. Windy colic and spasms of women, Castor. (with yawning), Diosc.(better moving about). Desire to ramble hither and thither, Belladonna As if in a dream, Amb., Anacardium, Calcarea, Cannabis indica, Conium, Cuprum, Medorrhinum, Rhe., Val., Ziz. Umbilical hernia with absence of urging, Bryonia, Natrum mur., (with urging, Nux vomica, Coccul.). Faintness connected with evacuations, Ap., Nux moschata, Pul., Spi. (with scanty stools, Croton tiglium, Dulcamara, Acid oxalicum, Pet., Sarsaparilla, Sul). >Uncovering, Aco., Calcarea, Camph., Ferrum, Iodium, Lycopodium, Pul., Secale, Sul. Griping, cutting, tearing, and spasmodic pains in body, Col, Dulcamara Laughing and weeping by turns, Aurum, Pul., Lycopodium, Stramonium, Alm., Pho., Sepia, Sul. Loquacity, Cuprum, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Opium, Stramonium Gossiping, babbling, Hyoscyamus (Verbascum on religious subjects). Kisses everybody, Agaricus Averse to hot food, Pho. Cold drink worse cough(better Causticum). Night-blindness, Nux vomica, Belladonna Smell of manure or smoke before nose, Anacardium “Evacuant” action, Lobel.


Fright. Shock of injury. Disappointed love. Injured pride or honor. Suppressed exanthema. Opium. Tobacco. Alcohol.



Affections of the mind in general, tired of life, but fear to die, amativeness, haughtiness, delirium, madness, sensitiveness, memory weak, or entirely lost (***H.N.G.). Melancholy dejection, sadness, and inclination to weep. Inconsolable affliction, with howlings and cries on account of imaginary misfortunes. Melancholy, head hangs down, sits brooding in silence. Excessive anguish and inquietude, with apprehension and troubled conscience, especially at night, or in morning, often also when getting out of bed, or rising from a seat. Strong tendency to be frightened, and timidity. Deadly anguish. Discouragement and despair (hopelessness of life). Busy restlessness, constant motion, with great inclination for labor. Disposition to be angry at the least thing, often followed by anxiety, and palpitation of the heart. Woman, 66, after paralytic seizure became maniacal, extremely angry, constantly accusing the nurses, pupils contracted, continued excitement often incoherent: a dose of *Verbascum a. increased these symptoms, and then a single dose of *Verbascum v. calmed all down (*R.T.C.). Loquaciousness, he talks rapidly. Swearing, inclination to run away, tearing things. Is conscious only as in a dream. Cannot bear to be left alone, yet persistently refuses to talk. Strong disposition to silence, with abusive language on the slightest provocation, if he talks he scolds, and the voice is weak and scarcely audible. Disposition to converse about the faults of others. (He hunts up other people’s weak sides and reproaches them.) She is continually accusing and scolding her husband when dying of phthisis. Never speaks the truth, does not know herself what she is saying. Erroneous and haughty notions. Thinks himself distinguished, squanders his money, proud of his position. Imagines he is a hunter. Immoderate gaiety and loquacity. Fury, with impulse to bite, to tear everything, and to run away. Loss of memory. Absence of ideas. Loss of sense.Insanity, with singing, whistling, laughing, inclination to run from place to place, extravagant and haughty ideas and actions, or else a disposition to ascribe to one’s self diseases which are altogether imaginary (thinks herself pregnant, or that she will be delivered soon). Persistent raging with great heat of body. Swallowing his own excrement. Paroxysms of amorous or religious alienation. Mental disorders, with lechery and obscene talk. Kisses everybody, before menses. Puerperal mania and convulsions. Nymphomania with violence and destructiveness. Violent delirium (religious or exalted). Suicidal tendency from religious despair.


Confusion in head, as if all within it were in motion, especially in morning. Dullness of all the senses. Whirling vertigo. Intoxication and dizziness. Vertigo, especially when walking. Vertigo: with cold sweats on forehead, with loss of vision, sudden fainting, from opium eating, from abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Fainting from least exertion, turning in bed, straining at stool, retching, slight wounds, pains, loss of fluids, anxiety, nausea, convulsive, twitchings. Fainting with lockjaw, convulsion of eyes. Fits of headache, with paleness of face, nausea, and vomiting (of green mucus). Headache with painful stiffness of nape of neck. Headache with (profuse) flow of urine. Sick-headache in which diuresis forms a crisis. Headache, by paroxysms, as if the brain were bruised or torn (with pressure). Heaviness of the whole head. Pressive headache, often in vertex, or else semilateral, with pain in stomach. Violent headache, which disappears on appearance of menses. During menses (which had not occurred for six weeks) headache, especially in morning, with qualmishness, better evening. Headache, with nausea and vomiting. Neuralgia of head with indigestion, features sunken. Constrictive pain in head (and gullet). Incisive pain in vertex. Shaking in head, with jerking in arms and paleness of the fingers. Blood rushes violently to head when stooping. Hyperaemia of brain from whooping-cough. Pulsative headache. Burning pain in brain. Sensation of a cold wind blowing through head. Headache as if brain were broken. Sensation of coldness and heat in the exterior of head, with painful sensibility of the hair. Crawling, bristling sensation ( right side of head) as if the hair were electrified, with slight shivering of skin under hair. Plica polonica. Coldness at vertex as if there were ice upon it (with icy-cold feet and nausea, worse when rising from the bed, better from external pressure, and when bending head backward). Sensation of warmth and coldness on head at same time. Head burning hot, limbs alternately hot and cold. Head hot and covered with sweat, children rub head, cannot bear to be left alone, put hands to head (typhoid). Scalp very sensitive, with headache. Cold sweat on forehead. Sensation of soreness of the head, with nausea. Neck too weak to hold head up.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica