
Respiratory Organs

Dryness of the mucous membranes of air passages, feel hot and congested. Breath short, hurried, and anxious. Choking sensation (worms). Emphysema. Cough as if a foreign body had entered larynx, spasmodic inspiration. Dry, hacking cough. Voice gone. Expectoration streaked with blood. Respiration impeded by congestion of lungs. (Pulmonary hydatids with gangrene. W.Begbie.).


Burning in the chest, along the sternum. After spasmodic cough, soreness of lower chest. Pressing behind sternum. Spastic contraction of muscles of chest and neck. Rales and crepitation through both lungs. After warm drinks burning in chest along sternum, gradually spreading through whole chest, disappearing with stitches at both nipples.


Frightful oppression in praecordial region. Warmth in heart while sitting in evening, obliged to yawn a great deal, with collection of water in mouth. Palpitation. Pulse: quick, small, thready, almost imperceptible, intermitting, irregular.

Back and neck

Drawing in nape, extending to occiput. Drawing pain in the back and loins, especially in evening, when seated. Pain and increased warmth in lumbar region. Backache and soreness in kidney affections. Pressive pain in back extended up between shoulders and there became a throbbing.


Numbness of limbs. Heaviness. Nerves sensitive. Intense of pains along larger nerves. Dropsy. Coldness. Sudden twitching of limbs as from electric shocks. Drawings in limbs. Heaviness of limbs. Sensation of stiffness in all muscles, with difficult, slow, stooping gait, as in old age.

Upper Limbs

Sprained pain in muscles of left upper arm. Drawing in bones of upper arms. No control over hand when attempting to write. Trembling of hands. Fingers insensible. Neuralgia brachialis or subscapularis.

Lower Limbs

Insensibility. Staggering gait. Infantile paralysis greatly ameliorated (***J. Simon). Drawing and tearing in hips and thighs. Pain from hip to forehead, or from kidneys. Drawing along thigh. Pains in groins extending to thighs. Erythema in thighs and body resembling scarlet rash. Contracting spasms of thigh muscles during remission of neuralgia. Swelling and stiffness of right knee with pain in calf and swelling of vastus externus.

Profuse sweat on legs, evenings, in bed. Intense neuralgia, especially in damp weather. Tearing in feet, now here now there, chiefly in soles and heels. Dropsy.


Haemorrhage from the urethra. Worms, particularly lumbrical. Some forms of gonorrhoea. Great prostration. Occasional subsultus. Spasms every time she saw water, or heard it poured, or saw a bright object, or attempted to urinate (from applying turpentine to feet, *Cantharis relieved). Violent convulsive paroxysms producing the most frightful opisthotonos. (Chorea. ***R.T.C.) Shooting, lightning-like pains. Neuralgia with sensation of coldness in nerve, occasionally like hot water running through a tube. Has no power of balancing body, stands with feet apart. Dropsy. Natural heat increased.


Eruption like scarlatina. (Scarlatina eruption slow in appearing.) Purpura haemorrhagica. Skin warm and moist. Pale-red elevated blotches becoming vesicles. Erythema. Erysipelas bullosa. Violently itching vesicles. Chronic jaundice. Excessive itching, stinging burning of skin. General increased sensibility.


Lethargy. Retarded sleep. Agitated sleep at night, with tossing, and frequent waking. Many dreams. Nightmare. (Wakes frightened at night, looks ghastly and shrieks, is nervous. ***R.T.C.).


Cold, clammy perspiration all over the body. Fever, with violent thirst. (The child is cross and irritable, temper changeable, has a dry, short cough and aching in limbs and head with feverishness. The little girl is feverish and fretful, and bursts out crying and is very restless in sleep. ***R.T.C.) Profuse perspiration on the legs in bed in the evening.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica